Municipality of Gómez Farías

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Gómez Farías through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Loma Alta (Loma Alta de Gómez Farías), Gómez Farías, or Poblado Seiscientos Uno.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Tamaulipas by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Gómez Farías?

Gómez Farías is a Municipality of 8786 inhabitants, placed in the State of Tamaulipas, with a fertility rate of 2.85 children per woman. 13.34% of the population migrated from outside the State of Tamaulipas. 0.75% of the population is indigenous, 0.28% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

81.60% of the inhabitants of Gómez Farías are Catholic, 42.44% are economically active and, within this active population, 95.97% are employed. Additionally, 90.55% of the dwellings have piped water and 3.93% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Gómez Farías do most people live?

According to our statistics of Gómez Farías, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Gómez Farías? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Gómez Farías through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Gómez Farías. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Gómez Farías. As an example, you can find towns and places around Loma Alta (Loma Alta de Gómez Farías).

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Gómez Farías

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Gómez Farías:

Which is my place if I live in Gómez Farías?

Abraham Bolaños Yáñez (5 inhabitants)
Agustín Melgar (61 inhabitants)
Alejandro Bolaños Castillo (28 inhabitants)
Alfredo V. Bonfil (El Papalote) (166 inhabitants)
Planta Despepitadora Algodonera Gómez Farías (- inhabitants)
Alta Cima (142 inhabitants)
Américo Villarreal (121 inhabitants)
Ampliación Héroes de Chapultepec (Rodolfo Sánchez) (7 inhabitants)
Andrés Guerrero García (4 inhabitants)
Benito Juárez (La Ribera) (285)
Cabañas Canindo (6)
Canal Alto (5)
Cinco de Mayo (El Barrote) (-)
Colonia El Refugio (64)
Diez Hermanos (2)
Don Carlos (1)
El Alacrán (2)
El Azteca (277)
El Barrote (-)
El Carmen (4)
El Chamizal (-)
El Profe (-)
El Conconco (4)
El Corozo (El Azteca) (28)
Rancho Alegre (El Ébano) (-)
El Esfuerzo (El Tulillo) (4)
El Esfuerzo Número Uno (36)
El Espiaje (-)
El Farolito (-)
El Fuste (-)
El Jaguar (-)
El Moro (1)
El Nacimiento (180)
El Ojo de Agua (280)
El Palmar (-)
El Paraíso (2)
Palo Dulce (2)
El Pedregal (45)
El Progreso (35)
El Pujido (-)
El Rajador (-)
El Riachuelo (Hipólito Sotelo) (2)
El Rosario (8)
El Sacrificio (5)
El Sony (7)
El Venadito (43)
El Vergel (-)
El Zamay (6)
Emiliano Zapata (206)
Emilio Portes Gil (La Gloria) (4)
Gómez Farías (854)
Gómez Farías Dos (24)
Guadalupe Victoria (322)
Héroes de Chapultepec (99)
Huerta el Cielo (-)
Huerta Estrella (1)
Huerta Reyna (-)
Joya de Manantiales (1)
Julilo (3)
La Bocatoma (-)
La Caseta (2)
La Curva (5)
La Escondida (2)
La Esperanza (187)
La Guadalupana (5)
La Guadalupana (7)
La Isla (3)
La Kika (La Milla Tres) (-)
La Mangana (1)
La Misión (106)
La Morena (-)
La Nutria (2)
La Paquita (13)
La Pavita (-)
La Pedrera (4)
La Providencia (3)
La Reyna (-)
La Taxqueña (192)
La Unión (3)
San Antonio (-)
La Y a Xicoténcatl (5)
Ladrillera Siete Leguas (3)
Las Adelas (-)
Las Adjuntas (18)
Las Alejandras (Los Vega) (-)
Las Auroras (5)
Las Dos Huastecas (5)
Las Dos Morenas (2)
Las Gracielas (5)
Las Ofemias (1)
Lázaro Cárdenas (El Malacate) (1)
Lázaro Cárdenas Dos (147)
Loma Alta (Loma Alta de Gómez Farías) (2182)
Los Ébanos (-)
Los Berrones (12)
Los Cachorros (3)
Los Mateos (-)
El Sabino (Los Popotes) (12)
María Elena (El Pasiego) (3)
La Providencia (2)
Narciso Mendoza (La Ardilla) (-)
Navojoa (1)
Nueva Rosita (-)
Nuevo Bello (4)
Nuevo León (5)
Nuevo Pensar del Campesino (171)
Ojo de Agua (2)
Ojo de Agua (La Morita) (2)
Pedro Hernández Ruiz (6)
Plan de Guadalupe (259)
Porción Treinta y Ocho (-)
Raúl Vela García (Las Adelas) (166)
El Riachuelo (175)
Sabinas y Saucillo (3)
Sabinas y Saucillo (206)
San Carlos (3)
San Ernesto (-)
San Felipe (1)
San Francisco (23)
San Gerardo (3)
San Gregorio (-)
San Hipólito (-)
San Isidro (-)
San José (66)
San José (-)
Wonderful Citrus Huerta el Cielo (San Juan) (-)
San Miguel de la Mora (-)
San Pablo (-)
San Pedrito (275)
San Pedro (12)
Santa Amalia (5)
Santa Anita (7)
Santa Rosa (3)
Santa Sofía (El Gavilán) (4)
Santa Virginia (3)
Segunda Ampliación del Ojo de Agua (142)
Poblado Seiscientos Uno (402)
Sierra Nahola (3)
Tepeyac (Cantarranas) (1)
Tres Hermanos (2)
San Antonio (Tres Palacios) (5)
Ventura Hernández (3)
Villa Victoria (2)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Gómez Farías:

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