Municipality of Camargo

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Camargo through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Ciudad Camargo, Comales, or Nuevo Camargo.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Tamaulipas by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Camargo?

Camargo is a Municipality of 14933 inhabitants, placed in the State of Tamaulipas, with a fertility rate of 2.53 children per woman. 27.65% of the population migrated from outside the State of Tamaulipas. 0.72% of the population is indigenous, 0.30% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

72.93% of the inhabitants of Camargo are Catholic, 49.96% are economically active and, within this active population, 93.07% are employed. Additionally, 97.66% of the dwellings have piped water and 15.02% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Camargo do most people live?

According to our statistics of Camargo, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Camargo? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Camargo through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Camargo. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Camargo. As an example, you can find towns and places around Ciudad Camargo.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Camargo

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Camargo:

Which is my place if I live in Camargo?

Alfredo García (2 inhabitants)
Alfredo Reyna (7 inhabitants)
Amador Benítez Guerra (5 inhabitants)
Apolinar Victoria (6 inhabitants)
Arturo Longoria (- inhabitants)
Arturo Moreno (1 inhabitants)
Aurelio Galavíz (9 inhabitants)
Aurora Rodríguez García (11 inhabitants)
Ángel Ramírez (- inhabitants)
Baltazar Maldonado (San Pedro) (1)
Bartolo Falcón (10)
Bartolo Falcón Garza (2)
José Guadalupe Falcón Moreno (1)
Basurero Municipal (2)
Los Nogales (-)
Belén (2)
Bonita Vieja (-)
Buenavista (1)
Buenavista (1)
Calixto Villarreal (2)
Estación Camargo (112)
Camargo (Estradeño Dos) (79)
Camargo (Estradeño) (59)
Cañada Verde (1)
Canalero (4)
Candelaria Rodríguez Olivares (1)
Candelario (1)
Carricitos (2)
La Chacuisa (2)
Ciudad Camargo (9373)
Comales (2287)
Crescencio Moreno López (1)
De León (-)
Delfina Argüello (2)
Delfino Ramírez Olivares (-)
Diamantina de la Garza (1)
La Esperanza (Policarpo García Morín) (1)
Efraín Sifuentes (-)
El Álamo (2)
El Aniego (2)
El Azúcar (202)
El Canalero (1)
El Chapotal (2)
El Chapotal (1)
El Ciprés (Artemio Sáenz) (-)
El Confite Viejo (-)
El Gonzaleño (102)
El Huizache (-)
El Junior (Lorenzo Ramírez) (1)
El Laberinto (-)
El Mezquite (José Zaragoza) (1)
El Milagro (2)
El Mirador (-)
El Moderno (1)
El Papalote (-)
El Parián (1)
El Porvenir (-)
El Ramireño (27)
El Rocío (1)
El Sabinito (Manuel López) (1)
El Sabinito (3)
El Sauz (-)
El Sauz (-)
El Sauz (-)
El Sauz (1)
El Toro (-)
El Toro (2)
El Vaquero (1)
El Vertedor (1)
Eleazar García (1)
Elías Flores (1)
Enrique Sáenz (1)
Esperanza (Campestre Camargo) (4)
Eulalio Alanís Garza (-)
Eva García (-)
Fito (-)
Florencio García (2)
Fructuoso Díaz (3)
Gina Olivares (-)
Gonzaleño (Lorenzo Ramírez) (1)
Guadalupe (4)
Guadalupe Barrientos (-)
Guadalupe Guerrero Hinojosa (-)
Guardados de Abajo (399)
Héctor Chávez (-)
Héctor Morín (-)
Héctor Martínez (1)
Herbey Moreno Silva (-)
Carlos Bravo Camacho (1)
Isidro Pérez (1)
Paola Viridiana López Barrera (-)
Jorge Alberto Lira Castillo (7)
Jorge Luis Olivares (-)
José Manuel Huitrón (-)
José Villarreal (6)
José Luis López (1)
Josefina González (3)
Juan Luis García (1)
Juan Pablo Ramírez (6)
La Anacua (1)
La Bonita (1)
La Calabaza (1)
La Cazuela (-)
La Colmena (-)
La Ensenada (2)
La Feria (2)
La Frontera (1)
La Gloria (2)
La Gloria (1)
La Laguna (Raymundo Chapa) (2)
La Loma (4)
La Luz (2)
La Mecha (Edmundo López) (1)
Las Chocolatas (-)
La Palma (15)
La Palma (6)
La Palma (2)
La Palma (Comitas) (6)
La Presa (4)
El Yucateco (La Presa) (-)
La Presita (2)
La Rinconada (3)
La Salvación (2)
La Sandía (1)
La Toma Sur (4)
Las Aguapas (3)
Las Barretitas (2)
Las Becerras (1)
Las Brisas (1)
Las Brisas (1)
Las Chocolatas (-)
Las Comitas (1)
Las Escobitas (-)
Las Flores (6)
Las Jaras (3)
Las Palapas (1)
La Villita (1)
Laura Ortega (1)
Lázaro Garza (La Reforma) (1)
López y Nuevo Cadillo (340)
Leonel Barrera (2)
Libaldo Garza Moreno (1)
Librando Falcón Garza (8)
Llano Largo (2)
Loma de la Cantera (-)
Loma Vista (1)
Los Díaz (2)
Los Ébanos (1)
Los Fresnos (122)
Los García (5)
El León (3)
Los Garza (1)
Los González (7)
Los Guzmán (1)
Los Jacalitos (9)
Los Lirios (-)
Los Martínez (9)
Los Méndez (1)
Los Monos (-)
Los Moreno (7)
Los Nogales (1)
Los Nogales (3)
Los Solís (1)
Los Tajos (3)
Los Tres Hermanos (-)
Los Cerritos (1)
Luz Gómez (1)
Magueyitos (9)
Malfredo Guerra García (1)
Manuel Huitrón (1)
María Natividad Villalobos (5)
Juan Ángel Ibarra Rodríguez (3)
Mario Treviño (1)
Modesto Leija (-)
Nora García Salinas (-)
Nuevo Cadillo (2)
Nuevo Camargo (873)
Nuevo Camargo (Villanueva) (494)
Congregación Ochoa (37)
Estación Ochoa (4)
Octavio García (-)
Omar Garza (-)
Palmarito (1)
Palos Blancos (2)
Pedro Garza Moreno (1)
Petra Luna Delgado (-)
Primavera (10)
Puertecitos (171)
Puertecitos (-)
Puertecitos (38)
Puertecitos (La Granja) (17)
Raúl Sáenz (6)
Ramírez (El Pollo) (2)
Mario Alberto Méndez (8)
Rancherías (432)
Rancherías (Catalina López) (1)
Rancherías (Lázaro Garza) (1)
Rancho Nuevo (1)
Rancho Nuevo (-)
Rancho Nuevo la Cazuela (-)
Raúl Cantú (2)
La Reforma (9)
Ricardo Ramírez (2)
Rinconada la Bonita (1)
Roberto López Ayala (1)
Román Vázquez Nuncio (5)
Romeo González (La Palma) (-)
Mezclas y Adhesivos Rubén Álvarez (7)
Rubén Peña García (1)
Sabinito de la Reforma (Onésimo López) (2)
San Antonio (1)
San Daniel (2)
San Esteban (1)
San Francisco (494)
San Javier (11)
San José (-)
El Quemado (2)
San José (1)
San Lorenzo (1)
San Manuel (2)
San Martín (-)
San Rafael (1)
Santa Cruz (2)
Santa Cruz (-)
Santa Gertrudis (20)
Santa Rosalía (306)
Santiago Ortiz (2)
Santo Domingo (1)
Santo Domingo (La Loma) (10)
Lagunitas (-)
Sergio de la Torre (5)
Socorro Garza (1)
Motel Sugar (-)
Tía María (1)
Tepehuaje (102)
Tiradores (3)
Toro Muerto (1)
Treviño (4)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Camargo:

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