Localities of the Municipality of Huehuetlán, San Luis Potosí
Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Huehuetlán through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Huichihuayán, Tandzumadz, or Chunun tzén Uno.
Get access to all the statistics, maps, and pictures of the beautiful towns of the State of San Luis Potosí by browsing the list at the bottom.
Which is my place if I live in Huehuetlán?
Huehuetlán is a Municipality of 15311 inhabitants, placed in the State of San Luis Potosí, with a birth rate of 2.77 children per woman. 4.21% of the population migrated from outside the State of San Luis Potosí. 78.85% of the population is indigenous, 67.68% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 6.05% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.
90.80% of the inhabitants of Huehuetlán are Catholic, 48.85% are economically active and, within this active population, 98.24% are employed. Additionally, 76.63% of the housings have piped water and 3.92% have Internet access.Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Huehuetlán?
We have been analysing all the demographic data of Huehuetlán and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:- Huichihuayán (2088 inhabitants)
- Tandzumadz (1362 inhabitants)
- Chunun tzén Uno (961 inhabitants)
- Tan tocoy Uno (863 inhabitants)
Interested in learning more statistics about Huehuetlán? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Huehuetlán through the following link.
Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Huehuetlán. We have a complete list of all colonies and localities Municipality Huehuetlán. You can, for example, discover towns and localities near Huichihuayán..
>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Huehuetlán
List with all the towns in the Municipality of Huehuetlán:
Which is my place if I live in Huehuetlán?
Ampliación de Huichihuayán (42 inhabitants)
Barrio Francisco Villa (177 inhabitants)
Camino Real (13 inhabitants)
Chununtzén Dos Sección Dos (359 inhabitants)
Chununtzén Dos Sección Cinco (179 inhabitants)
Chununtzén Dos Sección Cuatro (168 inhabitants)
Chununtzén Dos Sección Diez (156 inhabitants)
Chununtzén Dos Sección Doce (185 inhabitants)
Chununtzén Dos Sección Nueve (264)
Chununtzén Dos Sección Ocho (185)
Chununtzén Dos Sección Once (182)
Chununtzén Dos Sección Seis (93)
Chununtzén Dos Sección Siete (210)
Chununtzén Dos Sección Tres (156)
Chununtzén Dos Sección Uno (351)
Chununtzén Uno (1246)
Complemento Chununtzén (99)
Cruz Blanca (487)
El Arrozal (7)
El Limoncito (91)
El Nacimiento (433)
El Puerto (Tzineja Segunda Sección) (24)
El Retoño (-)
El Vergel (-)
Fraccionamiento Raul Olivares Santos (26)
Huehuetlán (-)
Huichihuayán (2157)
Jilim Tantocoy Tres (703)
La Escalera (692)
La Esperanza (7)
La Pedrera (72)
La Pimienta (649)
La Tableta (43)
Los Pinos (291)
Tacabtaj (70)
Ramón Galván (-)
Rancho Santa Bárbara (-)
Rancho Santa Bárbara (2)
San José (728)
San Juanito (3)
Tandzumadz (1142)
Tanleab Dos (270)
Tanleab Uno (568)
Tantocoy Uno (933)
Tantocoy Uno (Arturo Hinojosa) (13)
Tatacuatla (266)
Tierras Coloradas (100)
Tzinejá Uno (539)
Tzinejá Dos (155)