Municipality of Ebano

All the data of the municipality of Ebano, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Ebano, Ponciano Arriaga, or Pujal Coy.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of San Luis Potosí.

Which is my place if I live in Ebano?

Ebano is a Municipality of 41529 inhabitants, placed in the State of San Luis Potosí, with a fertility rate of 2.71 children per woman. 22.80% of the population migrated from outside the State of San Luis Potosí. 13.49% of the population is indigenous, 8.71% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.12% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

85.20% of the inhabitants of Ebano are Catholic, 46.89% are economically active and, within this active population, 93.58% are employed. Additionally, 83.53% of the dwellings have piped water and 9.19% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Ebano do most people live?

According to our statistics of Ebano, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Ebano? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Ebano through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Ebano. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Ebano. As an example, you can find towns and places around Ebano.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Ebano

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Ebano:

Which is my place if I live in Ebano?

Ébano (Colonia Veinte de Noviembre) (3 inhabitants)
Ajinche Marland (179 inhabitants)
Alfredo Gómez (Los Potosinos) (6 inhabitants)
Antigua Reforma (200 inhabitants)
Aurelio Manrique (2182 inhabitants)
Recicladora (- inhabitants)
Bohío los Pinos (1 inhabitants)
Bruno Treviño (- inhabitants)
Rancho El Pailoso (- inhabitants)
Caminos Grupo de Ponciano (-)
Campamento Tractores Rojos (-)
Clemente Mora (3)
Colonia Buenavista (-)
Colonia Santa Elena (-)
Colonia Vista Hermosa (-)
Crucero el Limón (-)
Doce de Octubre (El Atoroncito) (-)
Dos de Febrero (2)
Ebano (24454)
Ejido Ébano (1)
Ejido Ajinche (23)
Ejido Alianza para la Producción (2)
Ejido Ampliación Tampacoy (8)
Ejido Ampliación Velazco (358)
Ejido Auza (Carlos San Martín) (-)
Ejido Doce de Octubre (4)
Ejido Francisco Villa (-)
Ejido Fulgencio M. Santos (Ejido Sostepec) (9)
Ejido Julián Carrillo (-)
Ejido los Amigos (-)
Ejido Pujal Coy (7)
Ejido Reforma Agraria (29)
El Alacrán (1)
El Badillo (Rancho el Embudo) (4)
El Cube (Ejido Auza) (6)
El Dique (1)
El Grillito (Kilómetro Tres) (2)
El Infiernito (-)
El Jaliscience (-)
El Pitayo (-)
El Porvenir (2)
El Ranchito (4)
El Trébol (-)
El Solito (4)
El Trinchete (-)
El Tronconal (108)
El Tulillo (Francisco Martínez) (-)
El Vergel (2)
El Xocoyo (-)
Isabel Zamora Castillo (4)
Estación Auza (131)
Estación Velazco (605)
Ganadería la Holandesa (-)
Graneros Ébano (6)
Graneros Asociados del Golfo (7)
Graneros ELGO (-)
Hermelindo López (-)
Jerónimo Villasaña Castillo (5)
La Buena Tierra (4)
La Fortaleza Dos (-)
La Joya (-)
La Loma (El Bordito) (4)
La Simiente (1)
Laguna Chica (81)
Las Angélicas (-)
Las Coloradas (12)
Las Cuarenta (-)
Loma Bonita (-)
Lorenzo Anfoso (-)
Los Cerones (-)
Los Jagüeyes (-)
Los Pinos (Los Cambeses) (2)
Los Potosinos (-)
Parcela del Ejido Felipe Ángeles (-)
Los Pinos (55)
Pinitos Uno (-)
Pista Aérea Saesa (-)
Plan de Iguala (1585)
Ponciano Arriaga (5898)
Pujal Coy (3721)
Rancho Auza (El Alto) (2)
Rancho Buenavista (-)
Rancho de Peralta (1)
Rancho el Alazán (6)
Rancho el Chaparral (-)
Rancho el Cheque (1)
Rancho el Dorado (-)
Rancho los Tres Huastecos (5)
Rancho el Herradero (-)
Rancho el Jaguar (-)
Rancho el Rayo (Refugio Zavala) (-)
Las Bugambilias (-)
Rancho el Tamarindo (-)
Rancho el Tulillo (-)
Rancho el Veintitrés (-)
Rancho el Venadillo (2)
Rancho Juan José (-)
Rancho la Antena (-)
Rancho la Esperanza (2)
Rancho la Esperanza (-)
Rancho la Espuela (-)
Rancho la Miniatura (-)
Rancho La Miniatura (2)
Rancho la Paloma (3)
Rancho la Paz (-)
Rancho la Providencia (El Tulillo) (-)
Rancho la Unión de Don Lupe (-)
Rancho las Ánimas (6)
Rancho las Guacamayas (-)
Rancho las Margaritas (-)
Rancho los Carlos (2)
Rancho los Cedros (-)
Rancho los Guerra (5)
Rancho los Pinos (2)
Rancho Manrique (-)
Rancho Nuevo (-)
Rancho Nuevo Retiro (-)
Rancho San Cristóbal (4)
Rancho San Felipe (-)
Rancho San Francisco (3)
Rancho San Juan (4)
Rancho San Miguel (4)
Rancho Santa Fe (3)
Rancho Santo Domingo (-)
Rancho Valle de San José (-)
Rancho [Rancho (3)
Reforma el Alto (758)
San José (-)
San Judas Tadeo (4)
San Vicente (El Xocoyo) (-)
Santa Lucía (-)
Tres Alfonsos (-)
Tres Marías (1)
Valle Verde (1)
Vichinchijol Nuevo (346)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Ebano:

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