Municipality of Charcas

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Charcas through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Charcas, Cañada Verde, or Álvaro Obregón (Estación los Charcos).

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of San Luis Potosí by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Charcas?

Charcas is a Municipality of 21138 inhabitants, placed in the State of San Luis Potosí, with a fertility rate of 2.98 children per woman. 5.04% of the population migrated from outside the State of San Luis Potosí. 0.52% of the population is indigenous, 0.19% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

96.06% of the inhabitants of Charcas are Catholic, 46.54% are economically active and, within this active population, 95.73% are employed. Additionally, 79.10% of the dwellings have piped water and 6.96% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Charcas do most people live?

According to our statistics of Charcas, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Charcas? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Charcas through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Charcas. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Charcas. As an example, you can find towns and places around Charcas.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Charcas

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Charcas:

Which is my place if I live in Charcas?

Agapito Mendoza (- inhabitants)
Aquiles Serdán (233 inhabitants)
Arroyo el Borrego (10 inhabitants)
Álvaro Obregón (Estación los Charcos) (589 inhabitants)
Buenavista (2 inhabitants)
Buenavista (- inhabitants)
Cañada Verde (645 inhabitants)
Cañón de Lajas (1 inhabitants)
Calabacillas (74 inhabitants)
Ceferino Sánchez Ontiveros (4)
Cerrito de Piedras (20)
Cerro Blanco (-)
Cerro Gordo (4)
Cerro Prieto (1)
Cerro Prieto (187)
Cerro San Agustín (-)
Charcas (14117)
Charco Prieto (7)
Charco Verde (93)
Chupaderos (59)
Clavellina (-)
Congregación de Dolores (Las Quince Letras) (4)
Coyotillillos (14)
Coyotillos (249)
Coyotillos (-)
Efraín González Galván (7)
Ejido Juárez (16)
Ejido Juárez Dos (48)
El Arenal (15)
El Astillero (68)
El Águila (11)
El Bajío (2)
El Capulín (-)
El Cedazo (138)
El Clérigo (2)
El Entronque (-)
La Presa (2)
El Frailesco (5)
El Hospital (175)
El Lucero (-)
El Macareno (49)
El Malpaso (-)
El Membrillo (7)
El Mosco (-)
El Pame (19)
El Pedernal (-)
El Rastrero (La Noria) (-)
El Refugio (25)
El Refugio (14)
El Reventón (58)
El Rincón (Timoteo Pérez) (-)
El Saucito (10)
El Saucito (14)
El Sauz (7)
El Soyate (2)
El Tanque (Ramón Vázquez) (3)
El Tepozán (2)
El Terrero (Ejido Charcas) (28)
El Tucanazo (2)
El Venadero (4)
El Venadito (27)
El Zacatonal (49)
Elidio Lázaro Esquivel (6)
Elorza (216)
Emiliano Zapata (Las Canteras) (168)
Estación Berrendo (67)
Estación Laguna Seca (61)
Fabián Bernal (6)
Fátima (277)
Fracción el Capulín (65)
Fracción Palmas (Palmas) (102)
Francisco Bernal (1)
Francisco González (-)
Francisco I. Madero (116)
Garabatillo (2)
Genaro Bustos Ramírez (3)
Gregorio González López (2)
Guadalupe Victoria (243)
Gualupe (5)
Guapilillas (7)
Hermelinda Moreno Sánchez (5)
Rancho Dallemese Huerta la Providencia (1)
Ignacio Aldama (103)
Mina Tiro General IMMSA (128)
Isidro Cázares Rodríguez (-)
Joaquín Cansino (-)
Jorge Castañeda (2)
José Juárez (-)
Juan Bernal (6)
Juan Hernández (-)
Juan Ramírez (-)
La Barranca (3)
La Barranca (2)
La Clarinera (Antonio Aldape) (27)
La Cueva de la Nicha (-)
La Embargada (-)
La Estancia (8)
La Joyita (Los Corrales) (-)
La Laguna de los Caballos (-)
La Lajilla (6)
La Leona (22)
La Majada Pachona (-)
La Medalla (17)
La Negrita (15)
La Sancheña (16)
La Trinidad (142)
La Zapatilla (44)
Labor de la Cruz (48)
Laborcilla (180)
Lajas (86)
Las Atravesadas (39)
Las Ánimas (-)
Las Isabeles (4)
Candelario Flores (5)
Las Palomas (18)
Las Tinajitas (2)
Leocadio Berino (-)
Liborio Rodríguez Gasca (-)
Lo de Acosta (45)
Lo de Acosta (La Pulga) (8)
Loma del Mosco (10)
Lomas de la Cruz del Siglo (-)
Los Aguilares (-)
Los Callejones (109)
Los Corrales (-)
Los Desmontes (-)
Los Fresnos (4)
Los Gavilanes (7)
Los Jaboncillos (7)
Los López (12)
Los San Pedros (4)
Majada de Chon (7)
Majada las Tordillas (-)
Majadas Viejas (-)
Majadita Blanca (53)
Maravillas (-)
Mesa del Julianito (-)
Mesa Redonda (-)
Mesa Verganza (-)
Mesa Verganza (Chiquihuitillo) (3)
Miguel Hidalgo (165)
Mirador Lo de Acosta (30)
Morelos (6)
Nabor Moreno (32)
Nopales Altos (5)
Noria de Guadalupito (1)
Noria de Gutiérrez (José María Morelos) (134)
Noria del Cerro Gordo (150)
Noria Pinta (41)
Ojito Santa Cruz (-)
Ojo de Agua (-)
Pame (El Llano) (2)
Paso del Mezquite (Cerro Blanco) (173)
Pedro Aguilar (3)
Pocitos (360)
María Félix Nerio Aguilar (2)
Potrero Lo de Acosta (Mala Noche) (27)
Presa de Santa Gertrudis (115)
Prisciliano Rodríguez (7)
Pro Año (26)
Puerta la Verdolaga (2)
Puerto Colorado (-)
Puerto de Ramos (3)
Puerto del Lechuguillero (3)
Purísima Concepción (3)
Rancho Alegre (34)
Rancho el Rodeo (5)
Rancho Guadalupe (-)
Rancho los Álamos (3)
Ricardo Bernal (1)
Rigoberto Arellano Romo (5)
Rincón Blanco (10)
Rincón Verde (9)
Sacramento Arellano (5)
Salinillas (51)
Salitrillos (4)
San Antonio (-)
San Antonio (17)
San Antonio de la Puente (7)
San Antonio de las Huertas (6)
San Diego (2)
San Elías (6)
San Felipe (28)
San Francisco (2)
San Francisco de Asís del Campo Real (23)
San Francisco de los Álamos (12)
San Francisco de los Ejidos (26)
San Joaquín (25)
San José (-)
San José (4)
San José de la Cruz (4)
San Juan del Tuzal (144)
San Julián Santa María (-)
San Martín (7)
San Onofre (19)
San Rafael (42)
El Diamante (-)
Santa Ana de Zaragoza (104)
Santa Cruz (6)
Tanque de Don Santiago (3)
Tanque de Santa Ana (1)
Tanque San Bartolo (9)
Tinajuelas (75)
Tunalillo (6)
Vicente Guerrero (Las Escobas) (145)
Vidal Moreno (7)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Charcas:

Here you hare more Municipalities in the State of San Luis Potosí