Restaurants in Halachó
Thinking about eating in Halachó (Yucatán)? Fancy an Italian restaurant or a seafood restaurant?
Restaurants near you in Halachó. You may find the following map useful, it includes a selection of the best restaurants, to ask even if they offer take-away food.
In Restaurante Santa Martha (at Calle 17), Cocina EconÓmica Sheila (at Calle 18), Cocina EconÓmica Vanessa (at Calle 21) or Restauran Las Rocas (at Calle 19) you will eat the best menus of Halachó.
Here is a location map of the best restaurants in Halachó. Click on each point for more information..
Other food places and restaurants in Halachó
:: Pizza places in Halachó (Yucatán)
:: Burgers in Halachó (Yucatán)
:: Chicken restaurants in Halachó (Yucatán)
:: Street food stalls (loncherias) in Halachó (Yucatán)
:: Tamales in Halachó (Yucatán)
:: Mexican street food in Halachó (Yucatán)
:: Tacos and tortas in Halachó (Yucatán)
:: Fast Food in Halachó (Yucatán)