Restaurants in Coroneo
Thinking about eating in Coroneo (Guanajuato)? Fancy an Italian restaurant or a seafood restaurant?
Restaurants near you in Coroneo. You may find the following map useful, it includes a selection of the best restaurants, to ask even if they offer take-away food.
In Fonda En Coroneo (at Calzada Ignacio Lozada), Guisos Beni (at Calle Ingeniero Mariano GarcÍa Sela), Pescados Y Mariscos De Coroneo (at Calle Saturnino Esquivel) or Pescados Y Mariscos El Pulpo (at Calle Saturnino Esquivel) you will eat the best menus of Coroneo.
Here is a location map of the best restaurants in Coroneo. Click on each point for more information..
Other food places and restaurants in Coroneo