Municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Tihosuco, or Chunhuhub.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and pictures of the beautiful towns of the State of Quintana Roo by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Felipe Carrillo Puerto?

Felipe Carrillo Puerto is a Municipality of 75026 inhabitants, placed in the State of Quintana Roo, with a birth rate of 2.78 children per woman. 16.12% of the population migrated from outside the State of Quintana Roo. 86.28% of the population is indigenous, 68.81% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 8.38% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

72.05% of the inhabitants of Felipe Carrillo Puerto are Catholic, 46.55% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.51% are employed. Additionally, 91.51% of the housings have piped water and 5.17% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Felipe Carrillo Puerto and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Felipe Carrillo Puerto? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Felipe Carrillo Puerto through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Felipe Carrillo Puerto. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto. As an example, you can find towns and places around Felipe Carrillo Puerto.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto:

Which is my place if I live in Felipe Carrillo Puerto?

La Caoba (5 inhabitants)
Akachén (- inhabitants)
Aktún Kú (- inhabitants)
Alfonso Argüelles Suárez (4 inhabitants)
Andrés Quintana Roo (420 inhabitants)
Andrea Angélica (- inhabitants)
Anexa Santa Fe Segundo (4 inhabitants)
Argelia Nah (- inhabitants)
Balam Nah (- inhabitants)
Bella Flor (-)
Betania (672)
Buena Fe (-)
Calacuaya (1)
Canzepchén (273)
Casa Balam (2)
Casa Maya (4)
Cecilio Chí (Kilómetro Sesenta y Cuatro) (110)
Cedralito (-)
Centauro (-)
Chan Chen Chuc (43)
Chan Dzonot (-)
Chan Koh (2)
Chan Santa Cruz (581)
Chan-Yodzonot (-)
Chancah Derrepente (485)
Chancah Veracruz (485)
Chanchén (3)
Chanchén Comandante (86)
Chapas (-)
Charys (-)
Chucab (-)
Chumpón (910)
Chun Akidz (-)
Chun On (382)
Chun-Yah (1100)
Chunhuás (714)
Chunhuás (-)
Chunhuhub (4375)
Chunhuhub (-)
Chunhuhub (-)
Chunyaxché (328)
San Juan Dieguito (-)
Cruz-Chen (28)
Daniel Pech Poot (7)
Don Urich (-)
Dos Cedritos (-)
Dzap Tun (-)
Dzaptún (22)
Dzitbalché (-)
Dzoyola (542)
Dzulá (1150)
El Albur (6)
El Coleguita (-)
El Corozo (2)
El Edén (-)
El Faisán y el Venado (-)
El Girasol (-)
El Girasol (8)
Balneario La Bendición de Dios (2)
El Olvido (Kulché) (-)
Macehual (-)
El Perico (-)
El Progreso (1)
El Ramonal (-)
El Resbalón (-)
El Trailero (-)
El Triunfo (-)
El Vergel (-)
Emiliano Zapata (516)
Estanislao Bolio Caamal (1)
Casa Blanca (-)
Felipe Carrillo Puerto (30754)
Filadelfia (2)
Filomeno Mata (750)
Fitosanitaria (-)
Flor de Jazmín (1)
Flor de Mayo (-)
Flor de Mayo (-)
Francisco I. Madero (372)
Francisco May (199)
Gasolinera (-)
Genny Pech Herrera (3)
Hazil (-)
Hobompich (180)
Kiichpam K'áax (5)
Ignacio Manuel Altamirano (520)
Ignacio Xool (2)
Jorge Espinoza (-)
José Guadalupe (2)
José María Pino Suárez (305)
José María Pino Suárez (39)
José Aban Che (4)
Kambulum (1)
Kampokolché (639)
Kancab Chén (-)
Kancabchén (27)
Kankabdzonot (157)
Industria Silvícola Maya (-)
Kilómetro Dos (3)
Kilómetro Sesenta y Ocho (-)
Kilómetro Treinta y Uno (-)
Kilómetro Ochenta y Uno Amadamaya S.A. de C.V. (6)
Komchén (-)
Kopchén (-)
Kopchen (578)
Kopchen (-)
La Ceiba (5)
La Curva (2)
La Esperanza (2)
La Fortaleza (1)
La Guadalupana (2)
La Ilusión (2)
La Lagunita (2)
La Librada (-)
La Maravilla (1)
La Noria (50)
La Victoria (4)
Lagos (-)
Laguna Cenote (-)
Laguna Kaná (782)
Laguna Ocom Primero (-)
Las Bugambilias (-)
Las Isabeles (-)
Las Palomas (-)
Las Sardinas (-)
Layli Meyaa (2)
Lázaro Cárdenas (-)
Los Chiquiles (-)
Los Cocos (-)
Los Cocos (1)
Los Gavilanes (3)
Los Lagartos (5)
Los Laureles (-)
Los Ponchos (6)
Los Tres Reyes (-)
Los Tres Reyes (-)
Lucas Koyoc (-)
Manuel (-)
María Elena (28)
Marín (-)
María de los Ángeles Xiu García (1)
María del Socorro Herrera Herrera (2)
Melchor Ocampo (145)
Mil Caminos (-)
Mixtequilla (98)
Moisés López López (3)
Punta Mosquitero (-)
Mulichén (-)
Mulichén (24)
Muyil (2)
Naranjal (-)
Naranjal Dos (-)
Naranjal Poniente (806)
Noh-Bec (2052)
Noh-Cah (77)
Nohkancab (11)
Norma Koyoc (-)
Novelo (-)
Nueva Loría (241)
Nuevo Israel (381)
Olga Koyoc (-)
Omega (-)
Pablo Jiménez Villanueva (2)
Panabá (-)
Paraíso (-)
Paradero El Descanso (1)
Petcacab (891)
Pixoy (-)
Polinkín (192)
Polyuc (1148)
Pomká (3)
Pozo Blanco (1)
Pozo Trece Betania Tiixmul (1)
Presidente Juárez (1034)
Laguna Pucté (14)
Punta Herrero (20)
Ramonal (383)
Rancho Camilo Varilla Jiménez (1)
Rancho Chico (-)
Rancho El Charro (3)
Rancho Grande (-)
Rancho Los Cocos (3)
Rancho Nuevo (3)
Rancho Nuevo Amanecer (1)
Rancho Tranquilo (1)
Rancho Víctor (-)
Rastro Municipal (-)
Reforma Agraria (449)
Restaurante Martínez (3)
Restaurante Pollos a la Leña (4)
Shekkinha (la Gloria de Dios) (1)
Sahcabchén (24)
Sahcabchén (-)
Sahcabchén (-)
Salmos a Jehová (4)
San Andrés (349)
San Andrés (-)
San Antonio de Pucté (2)
San Antonio Nuevo (70)
San Antonio Nuevo (86)
San Antonio Segundo (21)
San Bartolo (39)
San Daniel (1)
San Diego (-)
La Guadalupana (-)
San Marcos (1)
San Felipe Berriozábal (475)
Rocío (-)
San Francisco Aké (507)
San Hermenegildo (-)
San Hipólito (40)
San Jorge (7)
San José (3)
San José (-)
San José (1)
San José Café (-)
San José Primero (8)
San José Segundo (226)
San Juan (-)
San Juan (-)
San Lorenzo (-)
San Luis (182)
San Martín (3)
San Miguel (9)
El Santísimo (5)
San Pedro (8)
San Pedro (5)
San Pedro (-)
San Pedro Nuevo (-)
San Ramón (545)
San Salvador (72)
San Silverio (638)
San Valentín (-)
San Vicente (1)
Santa Amalia (85)
Santa Cecilia (3)
Santa Cruz (2)
Santa Fe Segundo (3)
Santa Isabel (55)
Santa Lucía (192)
Santa Lucía (-)
Santa Lucía (-)
Santa María Poniente (804)
Santa Matilde (2)
Santa Rosa Segundo (946)
Santa Teresa (-)
Señor (3785)
Seis de Enero (1)
Sisbic (1)
Tabi (350)
Tac-Chivo (241)
Tampalán (-)
Tasistal (5)
Tepich (3585)
Tihosuco (5228)
Tihosuco (-)
Tihosuco (-)
Tixcacal Guardia (757)
Trapich (220)
Santa Clara (1)
Tres Reyes (65)
Tricasa (-)
Tuzik (754)
Tuzik II (26)
Tzukum (25)
Uh May (481)
Villahermosa (241)
Vivero Municipal (-)
Vivero SEDARI (2)
X-Café (-)
X-Hazil Norte (213)
X-Hazil Primero (67)
X-Hazil Sur (1488)
X-huazil (-)
X-Konha (92)
X-Pichil (1227)
X-Yatil (926)
Xaan (25)
Xijun Kah (-)
Yalchén (588)
Yaxché Chal (37)
Yaxley (629)
Yoactún (533)
Yoactún (-)
Yodzonot (10)
Yodzonot Chico (148)
Yodzonot Nuevo (92)
Yolanda Díaz (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto:

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