Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare

Hungry and feel like eating pizza in Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare? Here you will find all the information to ask for deals, menu or delivery, as well as a contact number.

You can locate the pizza only 3500 meters from the center of Minatitlán.

#1 Map. How to get to Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare?

If the pizza restaurant does not deliver or you would like to eat directly with your friends at the Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare facility, you can walk from 48 to 49 minutes (from the Minatitlán center). It's just 3500 meters.

Location map of this place of pizza, fast food business so that you can get to it easily:

To find out how to get to Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare, we inform you that it is close to Calle Mariano Matamoros. At the same time, the pizza is in the Calle Aquiles SerdÁn zone.

Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare
In the mood for pizza about Centro?. Pizzeria Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare is known for its delicious dough. In addition, you will find the chances of deals, menu or delivery to eat in Minatitlán.
Below you have all the online information of Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare, an business of pizza located in Minatitlán (Municipality: Minatitlán, State: Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave)

#2 Address of Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare

:: Postal address: Calle Miguel Hidalgo, 188 (Centro)
:: Postal ZIP Code: 96700

#3 Telephone to call Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare

Many times it is better to talk on the phone to ask questions (can they do home deliveries? what are the best pizza doughs?). The phone number of Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare is 92222239332. Do not hesitate to contact them. The original Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare pizza is very well known.

#4 Vote for Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare as the most beautiful town in Mexico

Do you like Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.

Average Rating: 0.0/5
(considering 0 votes)

#5 What do customers think of Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare?

We want to know if the pizza dough of Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare is as tasty as they say. And also if the delivery works properly. Your opinion about Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare can serve the next customer. Describe your experience below:

Comments and opinions about Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare

#7 Are there other pizzerias near Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare?

Do you want to try pizzas other than Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare? Here's a list of the four closest pizzerias, so you can call or go to them to try new types of pizza.
:: Pizzeria Castello: At 0.31 km, heading East.
:: Pizzeria Bambi: At 0.74 km, heading East.
:: Pizzas Bambinos: At 0.76 km, heading South.
:: ElaboraciÓn De Pizzas Angelotti: At 0.83 km, heading South.

#8 More local food places, eat and dine out, and restaurants in Minatitlán

:: Restaurants in Minatitlán (Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave)
:: Pizza places in Minatitlán (Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave)
:: Burgers in Minatitlán (Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave)
:: Chicken restaurants in Minatitlán (Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave)
:: Tamales in Minatitlán (Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave)
:: Mexican street food in Minatitlán (Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave)
:: Tacos and tortas in Minatitlán (Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave)
:: Fast Food in Minatitlán (Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave)

Did you like the pizzas of Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare? You can share it with your friends on social networks. If you haven't heard of Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare's mushroom pizza, you can try it.

Overall photos of pizza shops:
Pizza placePizza place
(These images do not belong to Pizzeria Ilboun Manguiare, and they are just a proposal)