Municipality of San Pedro Tapanatepec

All the data of the municipality of San Pedro Tapanatepec, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: San Pedro Tapanatepec, Los Corazones, or Rincón Juárez.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Oaxaca.

Which is my place if I live in San Pedro Tapanatepec?

San Pedro Tapanatepec is a Municipality of 13992 inhabitants, placed in the State of Oaxaca, with a fertility rate of 2.82 children per woman. 20.33% of the population migrated from outside the State of Oaxaca. 7.08% of the population is indigenous, 3.29% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

72.25% of the inhabitants of San Pedro Tapanatepec are Catholic, 49.21% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.17% are employed. Additionally, 71.68% of the dwellings have piped water and 3.45% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of San Pedro Tapanatepec?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of San Pedro Tapanatepec and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about San Pedro Tapanatepec? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of San Pedro Tapanatepec through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of San Pedro Tapanatepec. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of San Pedro Tapanatepec. As an example, you can find towns and places around San Pedro Tapanatepec.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of San Pedro Tapanatepec

List with all the towns in the Municipality of San Pedro Tapanatepec:

Which is my place if I live in San Pedro Tapanatepec?

Agua Blanca (1 inhabitants)
Agua Dulce (3 inhabitants)
Alta Luz (5 inhabitants)
Alta Luz (- inhabitants)
Amatillo (1 inhabitants)
Amatillo Poniente (6 inhabitants)
Barrio Galeana (39 inhabitants)
Bejarano (1 inhabitants)
Bejarano (Santa Rita) (1 inhabitants)
Bella Vista (-)
Bernal (235)
Buena Vista (2)
Caco Prieto (3)
Canta Ranas (13)
Carmen (Los Pinos) (2)
Colonia Che Velázquez (17)
Colonia Colosio (855)
Colonia Emiliano Zapata (Ejido 10 de Abril) (55)
Colonia Licenciado Daniel López Nelio (293)
Conchalito (279)
Congregación Benito Juárez (102)
Coronil (37)
Desplayado (4)
El Amate (6)
El Águila (1)
El Boquerón (-)
El Carmen (3)
El Chilaque (-)
El Cobano (4)
El Cobano (5)
El Coralillo (-)
El Crucero (3)
El Desengaño (-)
El Encanto (7)
El Framboyán (-)
El Higo (3)
El Hondón (-)
El Horizonte (5)
El Milagro (-)
El Mirador (-)
El Mirador (16)
El Mirador Egremy (-)
El Norteño (-)
El Palmar (-)
El Pedregal (-)
El Potrerito (-)
El Razo (1)
El Rosario (-)
El Sagitario (3)
El Estribo (-)
El Silbato (3)
El Suspiro (-)
El Tesoro (6)
El Tesoro (-)
El Tinajero (-)
Rancho del Carmen (El Trapiche) (7)
El Veintiocho (80)
El Zapotal (-)
Empacadora Alfonso Cavazos (-)
Escobillal (9)
Finca la Esmeralda (2)
Frontera (2)
Guadalupe (4)
Hoja Mananal (2)
Huerta Blanquita (5)
Huerta Juanita Taco (-)
Huerta la Asunción (3)
Huerta San Ángel (3)
Humoa (-)
La Aurora (-)
La Ceiba (1)
La Cristalina (14)
La Cueva del Tigre (4)
La Gloria (2)
La Gloria (-)
La Herradura (5)
La Mina Cruz Azul (3)
La Piña (1)
La Vainilla (-)
Lagunillas (-)
Las Anonas (133)
Las Delicias (4)
Las Lindas (-)
Las Minas (12)
Las Palmas (2)
Las Palmas (7)
Las Playitas (-)
Las Tres L (-)
Las Zarzas (2)
Llano Grande (3)
Loma Bonita (San Miguel) (-)
Los Ángeles (4)
Los Cantiles (11)
Los Cerrillos (1)
Los Chacales (2)
Los Cocos (6)
Los Corazones (1154)
Los Mangos (26)
Los Morros (-)
Los Nanches (3)
Los Naranjos (24)
Solvama (7)
Los Pinos (2)
Los Pirruris (El Rosario) (-)
Los Tamarindos (-)
Los Tres Laureles (-)
Los Zavala (5)
Linda Vista (-)
Martín Antonio (1)
Rancho Canela (6)
Novillero (5)
Ojo de Agua (1)
Ojo de Agua (-)
Palenque (8)
Palo Blanco (Los Pinos) (1)
Paso Limón (85)
Pénjamo (3)
Pesquería Guadalupe (428)
Pesquería Puerto Paloma (310)
Pesquería Rancho Salinas (644)
Trejo (291)
Piedras Blancas (4)
Piedras Negras (3)
Plan de Ayala (15)
Pueblo Viejo (-)
Rancho Anastacio Puerto (-)
Rancho Arcos (5)
Rancho Bonito (1)
Rancho Chico (Los Naranjos) (-)
Rancho Cupido (-)
Rancho Dominó (1)
Rancho Esmeralda (-)
Rancho Florida (10)
Rancho Guachipilín (Rancho Castillejos) (3)
Rancho Las Palmas (1)
Rancho Lugoya (-)
Rancho Mar Gris (-)
Rancho Nadadán (-)
Rancho Nuevo (1)
Rancho Nuevo (-)
Rancho Pascual Arco (-)
Rancho Permuta (1)
Rancho San Antonio (1)
Rancho Santa Cecilia (5)
Rancho Trejo (19)
Restaurante Marios (-)
Revolución 20 de Noviembre (357)
Rincón Juárez (983)
Ro-Be-Ca (16)
Sacramento (9)
Samina (4)
San Antonio (2)
San Antonio (2)
San Antonio (-)
San Fernando (-)
San Ignacio (3)
San Isidro (-)
San José (3)
San José de los Portillos (375)
San Marcos (Casa Blanca) (1)
San Pedro (-)
San Pedro (90)
San Pedro (-)
San Pedro las Palmas Dos (-)
San Pedro Tapanatepec (8154)
San Salvador (-)
San Vicente (1)
San Vicente Ferrer (Rancho Piñón) (2)
Santa Brígida (25)
Santa Cecilia (2)
Santa Efigenia (-)
Santa Elena (-)
Santa Fe (-)
Santa Inés (16)
Santa Teresita (2)
Tembladera (2)
Unidad Agrícola (2)
Venecia (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of San Pedro Tapanatepec:

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