Municipality of Santiago Ixcuintla

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Santiago Ixcuintla through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Santiago Ixcuintla, Villa Hidalgo (El Nuevo), or La Presa.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Nayarit by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Santiago Ixcuintla?

Santiago Ixcuintla is a Municipality of 93074 inhabitants, placed in the State of Nayarit, with a fertility rate of 2.90 children per woman. 9.86% of the population migrated from outside the State of Nayarit. 1.18% of the population is indigenous, 0.62% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

90.89% of the inhabitants of Santiago Ixcuintla are Catholic, 49.66% are economically active and, within this active population, 95.88% are employed. Additionally, 65.83% of the dwellings have piped water and 7.00% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Santiago Ixcuintla?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Santiago Ixcuintla and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Santiago Ixcuintla? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Santiago Ixcuintla through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Santiago Ixcuintla. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Santiago Ixcuintla. As an example, you can find towns and places around Santiago Ixcuintla.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Santiago Ixcuintla

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Santiago Ixcuintla:

Which is my place if I live in Santiago Ixcuintla?

Acaponetilla (414 inhabitants)
Acatán de las Piñas (217 inhabitants)
La Atarjea (Alfonso Langarica) (2 inhabitants)
Productos Agropecuarios San Carlos (9 inhabitants)
Amapa (2351 inhabitants)
Aurelio Carrillo (1 inhabitants)
Aztlán de las Garzas (415 inhabitants)
Boca de Camichín (1314 inhabitants)
Buenos Aires (2 inhabitants)
Cañada del Tabaco (1675)
Cañada Grande (200)
Campo de los Limones (601)
Caramota (134)
Cerritos (610)
Colonia Dieciocho de Septiembre (-)
Colonia Emiliano Zapata (1976)
Colonia Vado del Cora (73)
Corral de Piedra (191)
Crucero Bonfil (16)
Crucero de Santiago (El Guapinol) (1)
Crucero de Villa Hidalgo (138)
Crucero las Higueras (31)
El Bordo (-)
El Bordo (1)
El Botadero (1256)
El Cantón de Lozada (99)
El Capomal (1541)
El Carrizo (52)
El Colomo (43)
El Colomo (-)
El Columpio (4)
El Cora Viejo (4)
El Corte (El Tuchi) (2056)
El Crucero los Corchos (1)
El Embarcadero de Tuxpan (2)
El Famoso (22)
El Güero Flores (5)
El Jabalí (7)
El Limón (758)
El Limoncito (4)
El Manguito (155)
El Matadero (15)
El Mecánico (3)
El Mezcal (156)
El Novillero (260)
El Nuevo Mexcaltitán (32)
El Papalote (593)
El Paraíso (3)
El Paraíso (2)
El Pasito (8)
El Pelavacas (1)
El Pitayo (3)
El Porvenir (4)
El Puente (840)
El Ranchito de Pedro Hermosillo (4)
El Rebombeo (Santos Navarro) (11)
El Sacrificio (1)
El Saucillo (-)
El Tamarindo (7)
El Tambor (653)
El Tesorero (-)
El Tizate (1404)
El Turco (123)
El Veinte (7)
Emerita (156)
Empacadora San Carlos (4)
Triple Ocho (-)
Estación Nanchi (Peñasquillo) (752)
Francisco Javier López Cázares (12)
Gavilán Chico (363)
Gavilán Grande (1079)
Granja Míriam (-)
Hacienda Vieja (60)
Flavio Amaya (-)
Hornos de Tabaco (-)
J. Guadalupe Hernández González (-)
Javier Domínguez (2)
Jesús González (-)
Jesús Langarica (4)
La Algodonera Nayarita (6)
La Casa Amarilla (1)
La Cornada (El Pelón) (-)
La Cuata (1)
La Cucaracha (La Mina) (-)
La Floresta (-)
La Guadalupana (-)
Ganadería Mayorga (2)
La Guinea (360)
La Higuera (1)
La Higuerita (La Escondida) (965)
La Ladrillera (2)
La Huizcoyula (4)
La Pedrera (5)
La Playa del Colorado (1)
La Presa (4863)
La Puerta (La Guitarra) (6)
La Quinta (El Rancho de la Higuera) (12)
La Tacuacha (René Becerra) (6)
Las Higueras (195)
Las Higueras (27)
Las Iglesias (El Salto) (5)
Las Labores (514)
Las Palmas (2)
Las Parejas (262)
Hornos de Tabaco Lo de Márquez (3)
Loma Bonita (117)
Restaurante Loma China (Kika) (3)
Rancho Dios Proveerá (2)
Los Corchos (766)
Los Huanacaxtles (5)
Los Otates (953)
Los Páez (5)
Los Ramírez (-)
Los Tabachines (2)
Los Tres Hermanos (2)
Los Tres Pollos (-)
Manuel López García (2)
Maravillas (El Rancho de Menchaca) (2)
Mayorquín (672)
Mexcaltitán de Uribe (706)
Mojarritas (660)
Nacho Paredes (-)
Ojos de Agua (422)
Palmar de Cuautla (1043)
Pantano Grande (533)
Paredones (La Punta de la Laguna) (641)
Paso Real de Cahuipa (206)
Patroneño I (816)
Planta de Hornos Alfredo V. Bonfil (1)
Planta de Hornos Tizate (3)
Playa el Sesteo (126)
Potrero Grande (2)
Pozo de Ibarra (3386)
Pozo de Villa (687)
Pueblo Nuevo (497)
Puerta Azul (1002)
Puerta Colorada (1)
Puerta de Mangos (1733)
Puerta de Palapares (925)
Ramiro Gutiérrez Rosales (1)
Rancho Adolfo Santos (1)
Rancho Agustín Corona (9)
Rancho Agustín Langarica (4)
Rancho Ambrosio Ruiz (-)
Rancho Ángela (-)
Rancho Baltazar Sánchez (4)
Rancho Bautista (-)
Rancho Boer (4)
Rancho Ceferino Alcantar (1)
Rancho de Benito Rodríguez (3)
Rancho de Hilario Ramírez (2)
Rancho de Jorge Hinojosa (1)
Rancho de los Ceceña (2)
Rancho de los Doctores (2)
Rancho de los Lozano (5)
Rancho de Ruiz (-)
El Canal de las Estrellas (-)
El Soyate (2)
Rancho Francisco Cristerna (-)
Rancho Isabel Carbajal (3)
La Ceiba (1)
La Esperanza (-)
La Noria (-)
Rancho la Noria (La Ladrillera) (-)
Rancho Las Palmas (1)
Rancho Los Charcos (6)
Los Chivos (-)
Los Pérez (8)
Rancho Los Ricos (1)
Los Sauces (2)
Rancho María Elena (4)
Rancho Martínez Valencia (3)
Rancho Nuevo (788)
Rancho PH (1)
San Manuel (Monte Redondo) (3)
San Valentín (-)
Rancho Saulo Javier Pardo Sánchez (3)
Redención (225)
Refugio Meza Ortega (5)
Restaurante Cheros (5)
Reynosa (132)
Rosymar (1)
San Andrés (849)
San Blas (-)
San Isidro (524)
San Miguel Número Dos (El Quemado) (710)
San Vicente (42)
Santa Cruz (1226)
Santa María de Jesús (-)
Santa Rosa (320)
Santiago Arambul Hernández (-)
Santiago Ixcuintla (18023)
Saúl Larios (1)
Sauta (2426)
Sentispac (2424)
Sinaloa (69)
Toro Mocho (364)
Vado del Cora (Estación Pani) (617)
Valle Lerma (935)
Valle Morelos (1057)
Valle Zaragoza (488)
Villa Hidalgo (9478)
Villa Juárez (2722)
Yago (4365)
Zona de Tolerancia (1)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Santiago Ixcuintla:

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