Municipality of Ayala

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Ayala through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as San Pedro Apatlaco, Anenecuilco, or Tenextepango.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Morelos by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Ayala?

Ayala is a Municipality of 78866 inhabitants, placed in the State of Morelos, with a fertility rate of 2.55 children per woman. 21.71% of the population migrated from outside the State of Morelos. 6.25% of the population is indigenous, 3.66% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.18% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

74.84% of the inhabitants of Ayala are Catholic, 50.13% are economically active and, within this active population, 94.56% are employed. Additionally, 86.10% of the dwellings have piped water and 12.67% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Ayala do most people live?

According to our statistics of Ayala, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Ayala? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Ayala through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Ayala. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Ayala. As an example, you can find towns and places around San Pedro Apatlaco.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Ayala

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Ayala:

Which is my place if I live in Ayala?

Abelardo L. Rodríguez (2072 inhabitants)
Agua Salada (98 inhabitants)
Ampliación la Cucaracha (40 inhabitants)
Ampliación las Flores (75 inhabitants)
Ampliación Rafael Merino (39 inhabitants)
Ampliación Tenextepango (La Parcela) (234 inhabitants)
Anenecuilco (11227 inhabitants)
Anenecuilco (10 inhabitants)
Anenecuilco (155 inhabitants)
Benito Juárez (295)
Buena Vista (443)
Campo Agua de los Patos (1)
Campo Amate Amarillo (15)
Campo Bustamante (2)
Colonia las Arboledas (1850)
Campo el Brasil (19)
Campo el Chivatero (4)
Campo el Guajar (-)
Campo el Higuerillo (-)
Campo el Salto (3)
Campo Hidalgo (1)
Campo Huizachera 2 (37)
Campo Iturbide (1)
Campo la Canoa (3)
Campo la Colmena (-)
Campo la Escopeta (497)
Campo la Soledad (217)
Campo las Cruces (10)
Campo las Tinajas (-)
Campo los Bandidos (2)
Campo los Pedros (13)
Campo los Pilares (27)
Campo Nuevo (6)
Campo Palo Blanco (3)
Campo Palomar Chico (219)
Campo Puente de Fierro (25)
Campo Santa Rosa (46)
Campo Tlalzayanca (-)
Rancho Casa Colorada (-)
Chinameca (3149)
Ciudad Ayala (6335)
Colonia General Emiliano Zapata (El Chivatero) (562)
Colonia Ampliación Cruz Verde (65)
Colonia Ampliación Norte (5)
Colonia Avilés (5)
Colonia Ejidal Rafael Merino (632)
Colonia la Libertad (138)
Colonia las Joyas (7)
Colonia las Lumbreras (239)
Colonia Leopoldo Heredia (171)
Colonia Pablo Torres Burgos (15)
Colonia Segunda Ampliación Moyotepec (87)
Constancio Farfán (La Pascuala) (2148)
Ejido Anenecuilco (4)
Ejido Nueva Olintepec (354)
El Almacén (151)
El Axocoche (5)
El Barreal (9)
El Cerro Olinche (119)
El Crucero de Chinameca (61)
El Jagüey (9)
El Jagüey (2)
El Mirador (679)
El Potrero (-)
El Pozo (9)
El Salitre (1355)
El Sifón de la Cuera (40)
El Vergel (987)
Ampliación Campo el Higuerillo (36)
Finca el Claustro (-)
Fraccionamiento Citlalin (62)
Fraccionamiento el Venadito (103)
Fraccionamiento Huertas de Cuautla (1292)
Fraccionamiento Isla de Cuautla (135)
Fraccionamiento la Paz (170)
Fraccionamiento las Llaves (1402)
Fraccionamiento Paraíso Tlahuica (188)
Fraccionamiento Prados del Sol (75)
Fraccionamiento Rinconada del Valle (49)
Fraccionamiento Valle del Pedregal (962)
Fraccionamiento Villa Dorada (10)
Granja la Esperanza (5)
Granja las Cebollas (3)
Granja las Codornices (La Fábrica) (6)
Ampliación Chinameca (17)
Huacatlaco (Los Anonos) (304)
Huerto el Paraíso (-)
Huertos el Paraíso (1)
Huitzililla (2878)
La Corredora (-)
La Doncella (82)
La Joya (444)
La Joya Escondida (7)
Valle de Morelos (858)
La Sábana (78)
Las Lajas (1)
Linda Vista (50)
Loma Bonita (770)
Moyotepec (3949)
Moyotepec (36)
Niños Héroes (582)
Olintepec (1656)
Palo Blanco (493)
Parada a Huexca (26)
Parque Industrial Cuautla (5)
Colonia las Flores (63)
Puente Blanco (25)
Rafael Merino (San Antonio) (960)
Rancho Agua Limpia (12)
Rancho Antonio Orozco (-)
Rancho Chalpa (5)
Rancho Chicapa (Teteltitla) (2)
Rancho el Amate (2)
Rancho el Naranjo (La Escondida) (5)
Rancho el Pañuelo (123)
Rancho Epifanio Sotelo (7)
Rancho Guamuchilar (-)
Rancho la Barranquilla (2)
Rancho la Herradura (3)
Rancho los Aviña (6)
Rancho Palomar Grande (25)
Rancho Parras (-)
Rancho Rosa y Manuel (Casa Blanca) (6)
Rancho San José (5)
Rancho Santana 1 (11)
Residencial la Cantera (190)
Residencial los Sauces (432)
Residencial Villa de los Arcos (119)
Restaurante-Bar Casa de Campo (-)
Rincón de los Sauces (87)
San Juan Ahuehueyo (2547)
San Pablo Hidalgo (-)
San Pedro Apatlaco (13032)
San Rafael (6)
San Vicente de Juárez (Las Piedras) (1485)
2da. Sección Benito Juárez (19)
Tecomalco (432)
Tenerías (-)
Tenextepango (8835)
Tlayecac (2879)
Unidad Habitacional 10 de Abril (1460)
Unidad Habitacional Mariano Matamoros (1069)
Unidad Piscícola de Chinameca (25)
Unidad Piscícola San Pedro Apatlaco (-)
Unidad Piscícola Tenextepango (-)
Unidad Piscícola el Vergel (10)
Vida y Sol (37)
Jaloxtoc (4026)
Jaloxtoc (116)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Ayala:

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