Municipality of Villa Victoria

All the data of the municipality of Villa Victoria, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Villa Victoria, San Marcos de la Loma, or La Puerta del Pilar.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of México.

Which is my place if I live in Villa Victoria?

Villa Victoria is a Municipality of 94369 inhabitants, placed in the State of México, with a fertility rate of 3.02 children per woman. 2.73% of the population migrated from outside the State of México. 14.92% of the population is indigenous, 6.00% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.01% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

89.76% of the inhabitants of Villa Victoria are Catholic, 47.71% are economically active and, within this active population, 95.27% are employed. Additionally, 50.10% of the dwellings have piped water and 1.13% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Villa Victoria do most people live?

According to our statistics of Villa Victoria, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Villa Victoria? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Villa Victoria through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Villa Victoria. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Villa Victoria. As an example, you can find towns and places around Villa Victoria.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Villa Victoria

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Villa Victoria:

Which is my place if I live in Villa Victoria?

Agua Grande (698 inhabitants)
Agua Zarca (829 inhabitants)
Cerrillo Grande (765 inhabitants)
Barrio de Centro del Cerrillo (2631 inhabitants)
La Providencia (382 inhabitants)
Los Aviones (197 inhabitants)
Los Cedros Suchitepec (1050 inhabitants)
Puente los Velázquez (527 inhabitants)
Barrio de Puentecillas (899 inhabitants)
Ramejé (975)
Barrio de San Isidro (1155)
Barrio de San Miguel (1026)
Santa Cruz de la Rosa (574)
Barrio el Cerrillo (545)
Nuevo Bosque (728)
El Panteón (541)
Barrio el Centenario (538)
Barrio el Ocote (857)
Barrio el Vivero (1143)
Los Matorrales (447)
Campo Nuevo (204)
Casas Coloradas (1106)
Centro del Cerrillo (1830)
Cerrillo Chico (791)
Cerritos del Pilar (1661)
Colonia Doctor Gustavo Baz (1630)
Cuadrilla Vieja (1120)
Dolores Vaquerías (1209)
Ejido San Pedro del Rincón (Cerro del Tecolote) (7)
Ejido de Jesús María Segunda Sección (275)
Laguna Seca Ejido Primera Sección (772)
Laguna Seca 2da. Sección (400)
Los Padres Ejido (856)
Ejido las Peñas (70)
Ejido Puerta del Pilar (68)
Ejido de Villa Victoria (319)
El Atole (329)
El Capulín (409)
El Catorce (549)
El Espinal (2270)
El Fresno San Agustín (872)
Ejido el Hospital (1420)
El Hospital Propiedad (268)
El Jacal (206)
Ex-Hacienda de Ayala (482)
Hacienda San Antonio (-)
Hacienda Suchitepec (3)
Hospital Propiedad, Dos Estrellas (399)
Jesús María (2525)
Jesús María Monte Alto (272)
La Alameda (632)
La Campanilla (1809)
La Mesa (735)
La Presa (217)
La Puerta del Pilar (3408)
La Unión Berros (642)
Laguna Seca Propiedad (960)
Las Milpas (364)
Las Peñas (1786)
Loma de Guadalupe (692)
Loma de la Rosa (570)
Loma de Lienzo (1448)
Loma de San José (1058)
Loma del Burro (29)
Loma del Molino (400)
Loma Larga (67)
Sección de Guadalupe (1487)
Los Cedros (990)
Los Remedios Suchitepec (847)
Mesa del Espinal (286)
Mina Vieja (2056)
Ojitos de Agua (141)
Ojo de Agua (441)
Ojo de Agua Piedras Blancas Sur (-)
Palizada (1190)
Piedras Blancas (Piedras Blancas Centro) (1007)
Piedras Blancas Sur (473)
Potrero de San Diego (1144)
Rancho Buenavista (-)
Rancho de los Padres Propiedad (585)
Rancho el Gigante (-)
Rancho la Esperanza (-)
Rancho Libertad (-)
Rancho San José (-)
Rancho Santa Bárbara (-)
San Agustín Altamirano Segunda Sección (587)
San Agustín Altamirano Primera Sección (1361)
San Agustín Berros (1443)
San Agustín Canohillas Primera Sección (671)
San Agustín Canohillas Segunda Sección (289)
El Gallito (259)
San Agustín Monte Alto, La Trampa (270)
San Antonio del Rincón (2056)
San Diego del Cerrito (2645)
San Diego Suchitepec (529)
San Felipe de la Rosa (1147)
San Joaquín del Monte (1885)
San Luis el Alto (1006)
San Luis la Gavia (1353)
San Luis la Manzana (1290)
San Marcos de la Loma (3275)
San Pedro del Rincón (1534)
San Roque (1416)
Sansón (688)
Santa Isabel del Monte (2127)
Santiago del Monte (2406)
Sitio Centro (1637)
Sitio Ejido (3413)
Mesa de Suchitímber (558)
Turcio la Loma (751)
Turcio Primera Sección (909)
Turcio Segunda Sección (1302)
Turcio Tercera Sección (577)
Vaquerías Palizada (166)
Venta de Ocotillos (1697)
Villa Victoria (4656)

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