Municipality of Naucalpan de Juárez

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Naucalpan de Juárez through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Naucalpan de Juárez, San Francisco Chimalpa, or Ejido de San Francisco Chimalpa.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of México by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Naucalpan de Juárez?

Naucalpan de Juárez is a Municipality of 833779 inhabitants, placed in the State of México, with a fertility rate of 2.03 children per woman. 45.17% of the population migrated from outside the State of México. 6.06% of the population is indigenous, 2.93% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.01% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

82.78% of the inhabitants of Naucalpan de Juárez are Catholic, 55.69% are economically active and, within this active population, 95.48% are employed. Additionally, 97.15% of the dwellings have piped water and 31.99% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Naucalpan de Juárez?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Naucalpan de Juárez and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Naucalpan de Juárez? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Naucalpan de Juárez through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Naucalpan de Juárez. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Naucalpan de Juárez. As an example, you can find towns and places around Naucalpan de Juárez.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Naucalpan de Juárez

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Naucalpan de Juárez:

Which is my place if I live in Naucalpan de Juárez?

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Naucalpan de Juárez:

10 De Abril
Adolfo Lopez Mateos
Aguirre Cruz
Alfredo Del Mazo
Alfredo V Bonfil
Ampl Ciudad De Los Niños
Ampl La Mora
Ampl La Tolva
Ampl Las Cañadas
Ampl Loma Linda
Ampl Los Remedios
Ampl Martires De Rio Blanco
Ampl Olimpica
Ampl Plan De Ayala
Ampl San Esteban
Ampl San Luis
Ampl Vista Hermosa
Balcones De Chamapa
Balcones De San Mateo
Benito Juarez
Bosque De Los Remedios
Bosques De Echegaray
Bosques De Moctezuma
Campo Militar Num 1
Cañada San Lorenzo Totolinga
Casa Blanca
Casas Viejas
Ciudad De Los Niños
Ciudad Las Brisas
Ciudad Satelite
Colinas De San Mateo
Colon Echegaray
Colonial Satelite
Country Club
Cuartos Iii
Cumbres De San Mateo
Cumbres Himalaya
El Capulin
El Caracol
El Chamizal
El Conde
El Coyote
El Molinito
El Ocote
El Olivar
El Parque
El Radio
El Torito
Emiliano Zapata
Estado De Mexico
Ex Hacienda De Cristo
Fracc El Mirador
Fracc El Sauzalito
Fracc Industrial Alce Blanco
Fracc Las Americas
Fracc Lomas Cantera
Fracc San Luis Tlatilco
Fracc San Mateo
Fracc Vista Del Valle Electricista
Granjas 18
Hacienda De Echegaray
Heroes De La Revolucion
Industrial Naucalpan
Industrial Tlatilco 1
Industrial Tlatilco 2
Isidro Fabela
Izcalli Chamapa
Izcalli Del Bosque
Izcalli San Mateo
Jardines De La Florida
Jardines De San Mateo
Jardines De San Mateo 1
Jardines De San Mateo Secc Colinas
Jardines De Satelite
Jardines Del Boulevard
Jardines Del Molinito
La Alteza
La Cañada
La Cuspide
La Era De Casas Viejas
La Florida
La Guadalupana
La Huerta Echegaray
La Luna
La Mancha 1
La Mancha 1 Cadete
La Mancha 2
La Mancha 2 Cadete
La Mancha 3
La Mora
La Palma
La Palma
La Perla
La Presa
La Punta
La Rivera
La Soledad El Capulin
La Tolva
Laderas De La Colmena
Laderas De San Mateo
Lago De Occipaco
Las Huertas 1Ra Secc
Las Huertas 2Da Secc
Las Huertas 3Ra Seccion
Las Papas
Lazaro Cardenas
Loma Colorada
Loma Colorada 1Ra Seccion
Loma Colorada 2Da Secc
Loma De Las Fuentes
Loma Linda
Loma Taurina
Lomas De Chamapa
Lomas De Cristy
Lomas De La Cañada
Lomas De Occipaco
Lomas De San Agustin
Lomas De San Isidro
Lomas De San Mateo
Lomas De Sotelo
Lomas De Tecamachalco
Lomas Del Cadete
Lomas Hipodromo
Lomas Verdes
Lomas Verdes 1Ra Secc
Lomas Verdes 3Ra Secc
Lomas Verdes 4Ta Secc
Lomas Verdes 5Ta Secc (La Concordia)
Lomas Verdes Alteña I
Lomas Verdes Alteña Ii
Lomas Verdes Alteña Iii
Los Alamos
Los Arcos
Los Cuartos
Los Cuartos I
Los Cuartos Ii
Los Emperadores
Los Fresnos
Los Pastores
Los Remedios
Los Tejocotes
Luisa Isabel Campos
Manuel Avila Camacho
Martires De Rio Blanco
Mexico 68
Mexico 86
Minas Coyote
Minas Palacio
Minas San Martin
Naucalpan Centro
Nueva San Rafael
Nuevo Madin
Nuevo Molinito
Olimpiada 68
Olimpica Minas Palacio
Olimpica Radio 1Ra Secc
Olimpica Radio 2Da Secc
Padre Figueroa
Parque Ecologico Bosque De Los Remedios
Parque Industrial Naucalpan
Paseos Del Bosque
Pedregal De Echegaray
Pedro De Las Colinas
Piedras Negras
Plan De Ayala
Poetas Mexiquenses
Praderas De San Mateo
Predio El Zapote
Predio Las Colonias
Prol Colina Azul
Prol Olimpiada 68
Prol Olimpica
Rafael Chamapa
Rancheria 3 De Mayo
Rancho Colorado
Res Bugambilias
Ricardo Flores Magon
Rincon De Echegaray
Rinconada San Mateo
Rio Escondido
Rivera De Echegaray
Rosa De Castilla
San Agustin
San Agustin Santa Lilia
San Andres Atoto
San Antonio Zomeyucan
San Esteban
San Francisco Cuautlalpan
San Jose De Los Leones 1Ra Secc
San Jose De Los Leones 2Da Secc
San Jose De Los Leones 3Ra Secc
San Jose Los Leones
San Jose Rio Hondo
San Juan Totoltepec
San Lorenzo
San Lorenzo La Cañada
San Lorenzo Totolinga 1Ra Secc
San Lorenzo Totolinga 2Da Secc
San Luis Tlatilco
San Mateo Nopala
San Mateo Nopala Norte
San Mateo Nopala Sur
San Mateo Occipaco
San Mateo Secc Mirador
San Miguel
San Miguel Tecamachalco
San Rafael Chamapa 1Ra Secc
San Rafael Chamapa 2Da Secc
San Rafael Chamapa 3Ra Secc
San Rafael Chamapa 4Ta Secc
Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz Acatlan
Santa Cruz Del Monte
Santa Maria Nativitas
Santiago Occipaco
Sierra Nevada
Tercer Mundo
Tierra Y Libertad
Unidad San Esteban
Union Popular
Valle Bravo
Valle De San Mateo
Valle Dorado
Valle Dorado Chamapa
Vicente Guerrero
Vista Del Valle

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