Municipality of Almoloya de Juárez

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Almoloya de Juárez through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as San Francisco Tlalcilalcalpan, Santiaguito Tlalcilalcalli, or Fraccionamiento Colinas del Sol.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of México by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Almoloya de Juárez?

Almoloya de Juárez is a Municipality of 147653 inhabitants, placed in the State of México, with a fertility rate of 2.54 children per woman. 5.86% of the population migrated from outside the State of México. 1.43% of the population is indigenous, 0.64% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

94.21% of the inhabitants of Almoloya de Juárez are Catholic, 48.09% are economically active and, within this active population, 94.41% are employed. Additionally, 75.71% of the dwellings have piped water and 5.77% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Almoloya de Juárez?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Almoloya de Juárez and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Almoloya de Juárez? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Almoloya de Juárez through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Almoloya de Juárez. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Almoloya de Juárez. As an example, you can find towns and places around San Francisco Tlalcilalcalpan.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Almoloya de Juárez

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Almoloya de Juárez:

Which is my place if I live in Almoloya de Juárez?

Arroyo Zarco (275 inhabitants)
Arroyo Zarco la Mesa (244 inhabitants)
Barrio del Carmen (670 inhabitants)
Barrio del Jacal de Yebuciví (480 inhabitants)
Barrio el Plan Ocoyotepec (141 inhabitants)
El Santito (Barrio el Santito Yebuciví) (450 inhabitants)
Barrio de la Cabecera Primera Sección (- inhabitants)
Barrio de la Cabecera Tercera Sección (2463 inhabitants)
Barrio la Galera (La Galera) (598 inhabitants)
La Soledad Ocoyotepec (378)
Barrio San Pedro (La Concepción San Pedro) (3595)
Barrio Santa Juana (274)
Benito Juárez (2424)
Besana Ancha (1040)
Buenavista Yebuciví (286)
Cañada de Guadarrama (1653)
Casa Nueva (Casa Nueva Yebuciví) (662)
Cerro San Mateo (547)
Cieneguillas de Guadalupe (1628)
Cieneguillas de Mañones (313)
Colonia Bellavista (1536)
Colonia Ejido de Santa María Nativitas (283)
Colonia la Navidad (1286)
Colonia Lázaro Cárdenas (La Trampa) (397)
Colonia Rancho Viejo (231)
Conjunto Habitacional Ecológico SUTEYM (2632)
Conjunto Urbano Rancho San Juan (8079)
Dilatada Sur (Dilatada) (1262)
Ejido de San Lorenzo Cuauhtenco (321)
Ejido de Santa Juana Primera Sección (76)
Ejido el Estanco (965)
Ejido San Antonio Ocoyotepec (582)
Ejido San Diego (1154)
Ejido de San Pedro (1953)
San Pedro de la Hortaliza (Ejido Almoloyán) (2195)
Ejido Santa María Nativitas (Ejido Tres Barrancas) (766)
El Estanco (626)
El Plan (1260)
El Plan de San Pedro (1201)
El Tepetatal (1234)
El Tulillo (253)
Ex-Hacienda Boreje (5)
Hacienda la Gavia (-)
Fraccionamiento Colinas de San Francisco (1873)
Fraccionamiento Colinas del Sol (11505)
Fraccionamiento el Álamo (2887)
La Cabecera (7929)
Ejido la Gavia (San José la Gavia) (1940)
La Hortaliza (1181)
La Lagunita Yebuciví (171)
La Lima (451)
La Palma (Ejido de San Francisco Tlalcilalcalpan) (199)
La Posta (183)
La Tinaja (117)
Barrio la Unión de Ocoyotepec (399)
La Venta (-)
Laguna de Tabernillas (El Resbaloso) (1594)
Loma Blanca (246)
Loma de Guadalupe (433)
Loma de la Tinaja (137)
Loma de San Miguel (1614)
Loma del Gigante de San Agustín Poteje Centro (888)
Loma del Jacal (Loma de las Mangas) (838)
Loma del Puente (193)
Loma del Rancho (463)
Loma del Salitre (Colonia Loma del Salitre) (1024)
Barrio los Lagartos Yebuciví (691)
Mayorazgo de León (Estación Río México) (5123)
Mextepec (Ex-Hacienda Mextepec) (4040)
Mina México (3060)
Ocoyotepec (Ocoyotepec Centro) (685)
Palos Amarillos (Palos Amarillos Yebuciví) (1676)
Paredón Centro (623)
Paredón Ejido (926)
Paredón Ejido Norte (323)
San Agustín Poteje Centro (1501)
Poteje Norte (705)
Poteje Sur (1640)
Ranchería de San Diego (Ciénega de San Diego) (257)
Rancho Atotonilco (5)
Rancho la Soledad (-)
Rancho los Gavilanes (4)
Rancho San Diego Buenavista (Ejido San Diego) (-)
Rancho San José Amealco (Rancho el Capulín) (2)
Rancho San Nicolás (-)
Río Frío (Río Frío Yebuciví) (857)
Rosa Morada (568)
Salitre de Mañones (2257)
San Agustín Citlali (1821)
San Agustín las Tablas (830)
San Agustín Tabernillas (14)
San Antonio Atotonilco (540)
San Antonio Buenavista (880)
San Cristóbal (491)
San Francisco Tlalcilalcalpan (17235)
San Isidro (El Reservado) (2615)
San Lorenzo Cuauhtenco (2245)
San Mateo Tlalchichilpan (5054)
San Miguel Almoloyán (3877)
San Nicolás Amealco (1272)
Tabernillas (Santa Catarina) (1504)
Santa Juana Centro (La Palma) (2474)
Santa Juana Primera Sección (2527)
Santa Juana Segunda Sección (820)
Santa María Nativitas (3997)
Santiaguito (1086)
Santiaguito Tlalcilalcalli (11746)
Barrio San Pedro Zona Norte (514)
Unidad Habitacional Olaldea (Colonia Olaldea) (24)
Villa de Almoloya de Juárez (3021)
Yebuciví Centro (Yebuciví) (2374)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Almoloya de Juárez:

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