Statistics of the Municipality of Zontecomatlán de López y Fuentes

These are the Sociological Data and Population Statistics of the Municipality of Zontecomatlán de López y Fuentes (in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave), so that you can know and analyze it better:

:: Total population: 13866 inhabitants
:: Male population: 6868 men
:: Female population: 6998 women
:: Female/Male ratio: 1.019
:: Fertility rate (children per woman): 3.18
:: Percentage of single population (more than 12 years): 30.87%
:: Percentage of population migrating from outside the the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave: 1.18%

:: Percentage of inhabitants from indigenous peoples of Mexico: 89.28%
:: Percentage of the population (more than 5 years) speaking any indigenous language: 81.45%
:: Percentage of the population (more than 5 years) speaking any indigenous language and not speaking Spanish: 14.77%

:: Percentage of the population (more than 15 years) who are illiterate: 31.92% (24.20% of the men and 39.14% of the women of the Municipality)
:: Average school enrolment ratio (within the population of more than 15 years): 4.53 (4.92 within the men and 4.16 within the women)

:: Percentage of the population (more than 12 years) economically active: 38.73% (69.46% of the men, and 8.57% of the women are working or searching a job)
:: Percentage of the active population who is employed: 98.76% (98.78% of the men, and 98.55% of the women who are economically active have an employment)

:: Percentage of the inhabitants who practice the Catholic Religion: 89.63%
:: Percentage of the population with Protestant, Evangelical, and Biblical Religions: 8.24%
:: Percentage of the population with other Religions: 0.00%
:: Percentage of the population who are Atheistic or with no Religion: 1.39%

:: Percentage of dwellings with a male leader: 81.94%
:: Percentage of dwellings with a female leader: 18.06%

:: Numer of dwellings in Zontecomatlán de López y Fuentes: 3582
:: Percentage of dwellings with electricity: 81.75%
:: Percentage of dwellings with access to piped water: 56.21%
:: Percentage of dwellings with toilet or restroom: 89.16%
:: Percentage of dwellings with a radio receiver: 48.19%
:: Percentage of dwellings with TV: 44.68%
:: Percentage of dwellings with fridge: 22.37%
:: Percentage of dwellings with washing machine: 3.11%
:: Percentage of dwellings with car, van, or pickup: 3.17%
:: Percentage of dwellings with personal computer: 1.11%
:: Percentage of dwellings with landline telephone: 2.72%
:: Percentage of dwellings with mobile phone: 1.08%
:: Percentage of dwellings with Internet: 0.22%

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