Magical Towns of Nuevo León
This is a list with all the Magical Towns of Nuevo León, the towns and villages of the State of Nuevo León which shelter the essence of the Mexican culture. Please browse the map and click over each one of the localities to know more about the activities to do and the attractions to visit.
:: List with all the Magical Towns of México
:: Santiago. From the year 2006 on the list of Magical Tows of Mexico
What to see in the locality of Santiago:
- Presa de la Boca
- Cascada Cola de Caballo
- Plaza principal
- Parroquia de Santiago Apóstol
- Museo de Historia de Santiago
- Plaza Hidalgo
:: Linares. From the year 2015 on the list of Magical Tows of Mexico
What to see in the locality of Linares:
- Ex Hacienda de Guadalupe
- Botica Morelos
- Plaza de Armas
- Acueducto Colonial
- Catedral de San Felipe Apóstol
- Casino de Linares
- Templo del Señor de la Misericordia
- Riveras del Río Pablillo
- Cañón de Jaures
:: Bustamante. From the year 2018 on the list of Magical Tows of Mexico
What to see in the locality of Bustamante:
- Balneario Boca de Leones
- Bioparque Boca de Leones
- Callejón del beso
- Cañón de Bustamante
- Fábrica de Mezcal
- Grutas de Bustamante
- Ojo de Agua San Lorenzo
- Museo Las Cosas Simples
- Museo Memoria Viva
- Parque La Alameda Bustamante
- Parque El Molino
- Parque Recreativo El Cañón
- Parroquia San Miguel Arcángel
- Pinturas Rupestres de Chiquihuitillos