Municipality of San Miguel el Alto

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of San Miguel el Alto through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as San Miguel el Alto, San José de los Reynoso, or Mirandillas.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Jalisco by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in San Miguel el Alto?

San Miguel el Alto is a Municipality of 31166 inhabitants, placed in the State of Jalisco, with a fertility rate of 2.75 children per woman. 5.11% of the population migrated from outside the State of Jalisco. 0.63% of the population is indigenous, 0.37% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

98.93% of the inhabitants of San Miguel el Alto are Catholic, 57.15% are economically active and, within this active population, 94.98% are employed. Additionally, 92.36% of the dwellings have piped water and 15.80% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of San Miguel el Alto?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of San Miguel el Alto and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about San Miguel el Alto? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of San Miguel el Alto through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of San Miguel el Alto. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of San Miguel el Alto. As an example, you can find towns and places around San Miguel el Alto.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of San Miguel el Alto

List with all the towns in the Municipality of San Miguel el Alto:

Which is my place if I live in San Miguel el Alto?

Amador (38 inhabitants)
Anacaspiloya (- inhabitants)
Ave María (4 inhabitants)
Barranca del Tigre (- inhabitants)
Barranca Verde (5 inhabitants)
Belem (382 inhabitants)
Buenavista (16 inhabitants)
Buenavista (Barranca de Buenavista) (2 inhabitants)
Cañaditas (4 inhabitants)
Cabrito (8)
Camichines (-)
Capulines de Abajo (-)
Capulines de Arriba (6)
Cerrito de San Nicolás (19)
Cerro de la Cruz (7)
Cerro del Capulín (12)
Cerro Grande (21)
Cerro Prieto (2)
Charco Grande (-)
Charcos de Cristo (9)
Cieneguita (10)
Club] [Fraccionamiento Buenavista (San Julián) (-)
Colonia González (1)
Comedero (2)
Cornejo (23)
Crucero San Miguel-San Julián Kilómetro Siete (-)
Cruz de Orozco (59)
El Arañero (La Curva) (-)
El Arrastradero (6)
El Bajío (80)
El Baluarte (-)
El Banco (-)
El Buche (19)
El Burral (17)
El Carretero (98)
El Cerrito de Cristo Rey (Cerro Bolón) (1)
El Compas (18)
El Cuadrado (39)
El Derramadero (38)
El Fresnito (1)
El Guaje (21)
El Guayabo (5)
El Hortelano (-)
El Irrel (-)
El Jagüey (7)
El Mastranzo (162)
El Mesón de los Garañones (3)
El Mirasol (-)
El Pino (18)
El Pirul (81)
El Puchote (8)
El Puerto (10)
El Ramblas (60)
El Ranchito (-)
El Ranero (Laguna de Piedra) (7)
El Refugio (3)
El Rincón de Chávez (27)
El Robadero (27)
El Rodadillo (90)
El Rodeo (-)
El Salero (14)
El Saltillo (-)
El Saltillo (-)
El Salto del Gavilán (28)
El Salto del Tecomate (Plan del Salto) (4)
El Saucillo (-)
El Saucillo de Abajo (25)
El Terrero (5)
El Terrero (22)
El Tigre (-)
El Zapote (19)
El Zapote (-)
Fraccionamiento Las Fuentes (38)
Granja La Chiripada (-)
Guadalajarita (27)
Hacienda de las Ánimas (-)
Huizache Chino (-)
Jaritas (3)
Jesús María (94)
La Angostura (111)
La Angostura (231)
La Aurora (13)
La Aurora (1)
La Barranca del Rincón de Chávez (5)
La Capilla (23)
La Carbonera (-)
La Cebolleta (5)
La Ceja (9)
La Ciénega (-)
La Cinta (27)
La Cofradía (12)
La Comba (3)
La Corona (7)
La Cuchilla (Potrero de la Cuchilla) (20)
La Culata (Potrero de la Cuchilla) (9)
La Escondida (17)
La Escondida (9)
La Esperanza (2)
La Estancia (68)
La Garita (-)
La Jarrilla (13)
La Joya (-)
La Ladera (16)
La Libertad (28)
La Lobera (7)
La Loma (5)
La Loma del Refugio (7)
La Loma Uno (-)
La Lomita (22)
La Mata (Fátima) (38)
La Mesa (-)
La Mesa (-)
La Mesa de San Juan de Dios (La Mesa del Gato) (1)
La Mole (20)
La Nopalera (14)
La Palma (31)
La Perilla (24)
La Pila (-)
La Pimienta (15)
La Presa (4)
La Soledad (17)
La Soledad (-)
La Tapona (-)
La Tarjea (-)
La Tinaja (28)
La Trinidad (63)
La Víbora (5)
Las Alazanas (15)
Las Biznagas (4)
Las Carretas (135)
Las Cuevas (32)
Las Galeras (-)
Las Minas (-)
Las Pilas (32)
Las Presitas (-)
Lechuguilla (14)
Llano de los Conejos (104)
Los Arados (-)
Los Aviones (7)
Los Álamos (-)
Los Cerritos (93)
Los Chapeteados (Cerro de la Cruz) (-)
Los Charcos (4)
Los Metates (4)
Los Nogales (18)
Los Ocotes (7)
Los Once Pueblos (-)
Los Soyates (3)
Magueyes (-)
Maravillas (9)
Mesa de Jalpa (-)
Mesa de la Cieneguita (-)
Mesa del Chile (Mesa de Amador) (35)
Mesita del Fresno (15)
Mirandillas (714)
Monte Alto (55)
Monte Oso (5)
Montecillo (-)
Montecillos (10)
Morquecho (10)
Moya (11)
Ojo de Agua (37)
Pajaritos (Los Pájaros) (3)
Palo Blanco (37)
Pandillo (-)
Paso de Jesús (3)
Pedregoso (24)
Piedras Grandes (4)
Pilares Blancos (11)
Potrerillo (12)
Potrero Nuevo (4)
Pozos Morados (-)
Puerta del Sauz (4)
Rincón del Niño (7)
Rinconcito (-)
Ringlera (2)
Rosa de Castilla (1)
Sacamecate (7)
Salto de la Puerca (-)
Salto Prieto (9)
San Agustín (7)
San Isidro (14)
San Isidro (-)
San Jorge (89)
San José de los Padilla (6)
San José de los Reynoso (1080)
San José del Cuarto (96)
San Juan de Dios (12)
San Juanico (11)
San Miguel el Alto (25925)
San Rafael Dos (65)
San Rafael Uno (62)
San Vicente (3)
San Vicente Uno (13)
Santa Ana de Arriba (88)
Santa Bárbara (76)
Santa Clara (-)
Santa Rosa (49)
Santa Teresa (5)
Santo Domingo (La Comba) (14)
Sauz de los Ramírez (8)
Sinagua (75)
Tecomates (2)
Texas (3)
Tierra Blanca (55)
Valverde (21)
Ventanillas (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of San Miguel el Alto:

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