Municipality of Pihuamo

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Pihuamo through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Pihuamo, El Pozo Santo (Crucero del Tule), or La Estrella.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Jalisco by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Pihuamo?

Pihuamo is a Municipality of 12119 inhabitants, placed in the State of Jalisco, with a fertility rate of 3.12 children per woman. 25.84% of the population migrated from outside the State of Jalisco. 0.22% of the population is indigenous, 0.13% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

97.91% of the inhabitants of Pihuamo are Catholic, 45.47% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.20% are employed. Additionally, 91.08% of the dwellings have piped water and 6.81% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Pihuamo?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Pihuamo and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Pihuamo? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Pihuamo through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Pihuamo. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Pihuamo. As an example, you can find towns and places around Pihuamo.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Pihuamo

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Pihuamo:

Which is my place if I live in Pihuamo?

Agua Caliente (2 inhabitants)
Agua Fría (- inhabitants)
Agua Fría (Paso Ancho) (4 inhabitants)
Agua Fría (1 inhabitants)
Agua Zarca (2 inhabitants)
Barranca del Manguito (3 inhabitants)
Barreras (252 inhabitants)
Buena Vista (3 inhabitants)
Chantomas (- inhabitants)
Colomos (133)
Corrales (-)
Crucero de la Sidra (6)
Crucero de Taxinastla (2)
Crucero del Naranjo (71)
Cuastecomates (Jesús Mendoza) (-)
El Órgano (-)
El Añil (2)
El Agostaderillo (1)
El Agostadero (110)
El Aguacate (11)
El Aguacate (La Cantina) (-)
El Balastre (Crucero de Balastre) (18)
El Bejuco (-)
El Cachamo (4)
El Café (-)
El Calabozo (-)
El Cangrejillo (7)
El Capire (2)
El Chico (-)
El Chilar (10)
El Chilillo (2)
El Colomito (-)
El Corral Falso (El Chilillo) (-)
El Divisadero (-)
El Divisadero (4)
El Espino (34)
El Espino (Florencio Pérez) (7)
El Fortín (10)
El Fresnal (40)
El Fresnillo (-)
El Fresnito (-)
El Frijol (6)
El Galán (90)
El Guamuchilón (5)
El Guayabillo (1)
El Guayabo (158)
El Guayabo (7)
El Librillo (7)
El Limón (-)
El Limoncito (Piedra Imán) (-)
El Naranjito (40)
El Naranjo (221)
El Ojo de Agua del Colomito (-)
El Picacho (-)
El Platanar (48)
El Platanito (Los Platanitos) (-)
El Pochote (2)
El Pozo Santo (Crucero del Tule) (887)
El Quemado (102)
El Ranchito (El Vallecito) (11)
El Rasguño (12)
El Relicario (2)
El Rincón Colorado (3)
El Salitre (23)
El Salto (6)
El Saucito (-)
El Tepalcate (13)
El Trapiche (2)
El Vallecito (78)
El Volantín (Monte Redondo) (1)
El Zapote (30)
Genaro Ceja (3)
Granja la Herradura La Guadalupe (3)
Guinarera (9)
Hostos (-)
Huizaches (181)
La Cañada (5)
La Campana (-)
La Canoita (-)
La Cantera (1)
La Estancia (38)
La Estrella (620)
La Ferreria (-)
La Garrita (-)
La Gavilana (-)
La Güera (-)
La Guadalupe (7)
La Guayabilla (31)
La Hacienda Vieja (16)
La Herradura (3)
La Lima (-)
La Magdalena (-)
La Majada (-)
La Mesa (5)
La Mina (5)
La Parotita (1)
La Paz (-)
La Peña Loza (1)
La Peñita (4)
La Planilla (7)
La Primavera (-)
La Providencia (-)
La Quebradora Vieja (1)
La Relumbrosa (1)
La Sierrita (-)
La Tepocera (5)
La Travesía (14)
La Tuna (-)
La Tuxpita (-)
Las Anonas (5)
Las Bugambilias (La Bugambilia) (5)
Las Cuevas (-)
Las Enramadas (-)
Las Higueras (-)
Las Iguanas (12)
Las Milpas (5)
Las Moras (3)
Las Naranjas (157)
Las Naranjas (-)
Las Parotas (6)
Las Tablas (1)
Las Uvas (12)
Lázaro Cárdenas (Agua Escondida) (51)
Lodo Grande (-)
Los Camichines (El Camichín) (-)
Los Chapiles (5)
Los Copales (4)
Los Hornos (-)
Los Mojos de Abajo (33)
Los Mojos de Arriba (17)
Ojo de Agua (-)
Palo Blanco (Las Uvas) (1)
Palo Dulce (-)
Parotita (-)
Piedra Blanca (12)
Piedra Parada (-)
Pihuamo (6668)
Plan Grande (-)
Potrero de Enmedio (3)
Potrero del Burro (2)
Pueblo Viejo (2)
Puente de Fátima (79)
Puente la Virgencita (11)
Puerto de Mendoza (11)
Puerto de Ortiz (-)
Puerto el Cueramo (-)
RMO Cofradía de Santa Cruz (3)
Rafael Álvarez (-)
Rancho la Estrella (11)
Rancho Yucatán (-)
Rincón Verde (Las Conchas) (2)
San Gabriel del Limón (1)
San José del Tule (347)
Santa Cruz (268)
Santa Rosa de Lima (64)
Santas Marías (2)
Santo Niño (-)
Sidra de los Colomos (La Sidra) (126)
Taxinastla (-)
Tierras Blancas (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Pihuamo:

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