Information and updated data of Venustiano Carranza in Guerrero: postal code, location, maps. Places to eat.
¿Quieres localizar la población de de Venustiano Carranza (Colonia)? Es un lugar emplazado dentro de la localidad más grande de Acapulco de Juárez, que está ubicada en the Municipality de Acapulco de Juárez (en the State de Guerrero). It's a beach town: the beach of Playa Hornos is 7 km away. With respect to the geographical center of the municipal territory of Acapulco de Juárez, you can locate it exactly at 25.3 km (in the E direction). And it is located at 9.83 km (towards E ) from the urban center of the town of Acapulco de Juárez.
#1 Mapa y foto satelital de Venustiano Carranza (Acapulco de Juárez)
Find out the location of Venustiano Carranza through the following map and satellite photo. Using the controls on the top left you can zoom in and out (+) or zoom out (-), so you can for example locate your house or a known location. The map is centered in Venustiano Carranza, and the town has been marked with the symbol
#2 What to do in Venustiano Carranza
Are you visiting and don't know what to do in Venustiano Carranza? The list of the best places to visit in Venustiano Carranza and nearby locations.Beaches in Venustiano Carranza for sunbathing:
- Playa Hornos: A 7 km walk (56 minutes) or 7 minutes by car, heading East.
- Playa Pie de La Cuesta: A 7 km walk (77 minutes) or 9 minutes by car, heading Northwest.
- Playa Caleta: A 9 km walk (98 minutes) or 13 minutes by car, heading Southeast.
- Playa Hornitos: A 10 km walk (98 minutes) or 12 minutes by car, heading East.
- Cerro El Veladero (srw al wladrw, سرو ال ولادرو) (918 meters): 8.2 km walk (101 minutes), heading Northeast.
- Cerro El Vigía (457 meters): 14.4 km walk (184 minutes), heading Southeast.
- Cerro Verde (279 meters): 17.3 km walk (211 minutes), heading North.
- Cerro Coyuca (322 meters): 16.4 km walk (328 minutes), heading North.
- Pueblo Nuevo (15 inhabitants): Located 4 km to the Northeast (5 minutes by car)
- Convento Monte San Alfonso (21 inhabitants): Located 7 km to the North (9 minutes by car)
- Acapulco de Juárez (658609 inhabitants): Located 8 km to the East (9 minutes by car)
- El Aguacate (142 inhabitants): Located 11 km to the North (12 minutes by car)
- Carabalí (380 inhabitants): Located 9 km to the Northeast (11 minutes by car)
#3 El Código Postal de Venustiano Carranza (Acapulco de Juárez) es 39430
Knowing the Zip Code of Venustiano Carranza is essential to be able to send any letter or package through the Postal Service, and to be sure that it will reach its addressee in this location. Remember to write "39430" at the end of the postal address. As a curiosity of the Mexican Postal System, you should know that the first two digits of the Postal Code (in this case, "39") are those of the State of Guerrero, while the final three digits correspond to the locality itself. Don't worry if you see that several locations in the same area have the same postal code, because it is common.
#4 Vote for Venustiano Carranza as the most beautiful town in Mexico
Do you like Venustiano Carranza or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for Venustiano Carranza to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.
#5 Comments and opinions about Venustiano Carranza
#6 All towns in the municipality of Acapulco de Juárez
Here you have a list, sorted alphabetically, of all the towns (even the smallest) in the municipality of Acapulco de Juárez, with maps, pictures and statistics.
Mexican street food in Venustiano Carranza
Elotes (corn on the cob) in Venustiano Carranza
Here you are more Towns in the Municipality of Acapulco de Juárez:
- 10 de Abril (879 inhabitants)
- Alto del Camarón (876 inhabitants)
- Cerro de Piedra (1337 inhabitants)
- Ciénega del Cuastololote (- inhabitants)
- Colonia Ángel Heladio Aguirre Rivero (191 inhabitants)
- Colonia el Puente de Texca (122 inhabitants)
- Colonia Praderas de Guadalupe (481 inhabitants)
- El Metlapil (1286 inhabitants)
- El Zoyamichal (18 inhabitants)
- Joel Mendoza Maciel (Rancho del Regidor) (- inhabitants)
- Kilómetro Treinta y Tres (164 inhabitants)
- Las Chanecas (567 inhabitants)
- Las Mariquitas (Atascadero) (1 inhabitants)
- Las Ollitas (Las Joyitas) (150 inhabitants)
- Vista Hermosa (532 inhabitants)