Ruperto Quiroga Landa
Learn about tiny town of Ruperto Quiroga Landa through its pictures, maps and population statistics.
All the information about this town of 5 inhabitants of the State of Nuevo León
The town of Ruperto Quiroga Landa belongs to the municipality of Agualeguas (State of Nuevo León). Of all the towns in the municipality, it occupies the number #17 in terms of number of inhabitants.
The town of Ruperto Quiroga Landa is located at 17.4 kilometers from Agualeguas, which is the most populated locality in the municipality, in the West direction. If you browse our webpage, you will also find a map with the location of Ruperto Quiroga Landa.
#1 Where is Ruperto Quiroga Landa? How to go? Map
Location map of Ruperto Quiroga Landa in Nuevo León: Use the controls in the upper left area to zoom in (+) or out (-). This is a satellite photo centered in Ruperto Quiroga Landa, which is marked with the following symbol
Do you want to know if your last name is among the most common in the Nuevo León State? Here is a complete list of the most popular ones
#2 The population of Ruperto Quiroga Landa (Nuevo León) is 5 inhabitants
Year | Female Inhabitants | Male inhabitants | Total population |
2020 | 5 | ||
2010 | 7 |
#3 Satellite photo of Ruperto Quiroga Landa
With the satellite map of Ruperto Quiroga Landa will I be able to look for my location? Yes, access the map, zoom in and see the surroundings of this town and the municipality of Agualeguas. Get free live access to satellite views of 2024 of Ruperto Quiroga Landa.
#4 Hotels and Accommodation near Ruperto Quiroga Landa
Many people want to stay in the town of Ruperto Quiroga Landa itself, but unfortunately there are no hotels in the village yet. Don't worry, we have created this list of the closest accommodations, so you can ask if they have rooms available:- HOTEL Y RESTAURANT PLAZA: 28 km away, direction Southeast (19 minutes by car)
- HOTEL Y RESTAURANT EL PASO: 27 km away, direction Southeast (19 minutes by car)
- RESTAURANT Y MOTEL REYMAR: 30 km away, direction Southeast (21 minutes by car)
- HOTEL JUAN: 76 km away, direction Northwest (53 minutes by car)
#5 What to do in Ruperto Quiroga Landa
A weekend in Ruperto Quiroga Landa and looking for tourist attractions? Tourism in Ruperto Quiroga Landa and surroundings to find the best destinations.Are you looking for charming villages in the surroundings of Ruperto Quiroga Landa?:
- Los Nogales (240 inhabitants): Located 2 km to the South (2 minutes by car)
- Maximiano Gutiérrez (6 inhabitants): Located 2 km to the Southeast (2 minutes by car)
- Lagunillas (San José Lagunillas) (61 inhabitants): Located 5 km to the Northwest (7 minutes by car)
- La Escondida (149 inhabitants): Located 9 km to the West (14 minutes by car)
- Monte Verde (6 inhabitants): Located 16 km to the South (16 minutes by car)
#6 Vote for Ruperto Quiroga Landa as the most beautiful town in Mexico
Do you like Ruperto Quiroga Landa or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for Ruperto Quiroga Landa to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.
In the following links you can check the list of the best (and most beautiful) towns in Mexico and the State of Nuevo León, by popular vote:
- The best towns in Mexico
- The most beautiful towns in Nuevo León
>>> Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Agualeguas
#7 Other towns in the Municipality of Agualeguas
- Agua Blanca (2 inhabitants)
- Agualeguas (2080 inhabitants)
- El Nogal (53 inhabitants)
- El Quemado (1 inhabitants)
- José Luis Mayo (2 inhabitants)
- La Atravesada (- inhabitants)
- La Brisa (- inhabitants)
- La Esmeralda (2 inhabitants)
- Lázaro Maldonado (- inhabitants)
- Los Náufragos (3 inhabitants)
- San Cristóbal (2 inhabitants)
- San Roberto (- inhabitants)
- Santa Fe (5 inhabitants)
- La Herradura (1 inhabitants)
- TÃo Chonito (- inhabitants)