Ricardo Flores Magón (Chiapas)

Maps, pictures and statistics of Ricardo Flores Magón, a beautiful medium-sized town of 213 inhabitants of the State of Chiapas

The town of Ricardo Flores Magón (Chiapas) belongs to the municipality of Berriozábal. There are 213 inhabitants and it is 387 meters altitude. The Magical Town of Ocozocoautla de Espinosa is 33 minutes away by car (31 km). In the list of the most populated towns of the whole municipality, it is the number #18 of the ranking.

Last Update: 29.05.2024

Do you want to locate the town of Ricardo Flores Magón? You can find it at 14.4 kilometers, in direction South, from the town of Berriozábal, which has the largest population within the municipality. To enjoy the town of Ricardo Flores Magón through the satelital imagery, in the bottom of the webpage you have an interactive map to know where it is.

#1 Where is Ricardo Flores Magón? How to go? Map

How to get to the town of Ricardo Flores Magón in Chiapas? Using this map, use the controls to zoom in and out on the village and others in the vicinity to see the direct route, and to be able to plan, for example, hiking activities in Ricardo Flores Magón.


Meet all the magical towns of the Chiapas State and discover their cultural essence

#2 The population of Ricardo Flores Magón (Chiapas) is 213 inhabitants

Population data in Ricardo Flores Magón (Chiapas)
YearFemale InhabitantsMale inhabitantsTotal population
Evolution of the population in Ricardo Flores Magón: Total   Men   Women

According to the 2010 official census, in the town there were 114 males and 99 females. The female/male ratio is 0.868, and the birth rate is 4.16 children per woman. Of the total population, 0.00% comes from outside the State of Chiapas. 26.76% of the population is illiterate (18.42% of men and 36.36% of women). The education level is 2.65 (3.24 in men and 2 in women).

Indigenous culture in Ricardo Flores Magón
28.17% of the population is indigenous, and 16.90% of the inhabitants speak one of the indigenous languages. 0.00% of the population speaks one of the indigineous languages, but not Spanish.

Unemployment and the economy in Ricardo Flores Magón
29.58% of the inhabitants (more than 12 years) are economically active (53.51% of the men, and 2.02% of the women).

Housing and infrastructure in Ricardo Flores Magón
In Ricardo Flores Magón there are 50 housings. 2.00% of the housings have electricity, 18.00% have piped water, 38.00% have toilet or restroom, 12.00% have a radio receiver, 0.00% a television, 0.00% a fridge, 0.00% a washing-machine, 0.00% a car or a van, 0.00% a personal computer, 0.00% a landline telephone, 0.00% mobile phone, and 0.00% Internet access.

PueblosAmerica.com has been offering reliable and updated information about Mexican towns and cities since 2007. All the data we present is sourced from official Mexican government sources and has been validated by multiple academic articles.. Learn more.

#3 Satellite photo of Ricardo Flores Magón

Amazing satellite GPS maps of Ricardo Flores Magón, to see from space this beautiful village, as well as the surroundings of the municipality of Berriozábal. Get free live access to satellite views of 2024 of Ricardo Flores Magón.

#4 Hotels and Accommodation near Ricardo Flores Magón

Many people want to stay in the town of Ricardo Flores Magón itself, but unfortunately there are no hotels in the village yet. Don't worry, we have created this list of the closest accommodations, so you can ask if they have rooms available:

#5 What to do in Ricardo Flores Magón

A weekend in Ricardo Flores Magón and looking for tourist attractions? Tourism in Ricardo Flores Magón and surroundings to find the best destinations.
Las mejores montes de Ricardo Flores Magón para excursiones y actividades al aire libre:
  • Cerro La Campana (954 meters): 4.1 km walk (55 minutes), heading Southeast.
  • Cerro La Marimba (885 meters): 5.3 km walk (65 minutes), heading Northeast.
  • Cerro El Mirador (1078 meters): 6.7 km walk (125 minutes), heading South.
  • Cerro Coyolada (766 meters): 7.3 km walk (97 minutes), heading Northeast.
Magical Towns to visit when in Ricardo Flores Magón:Other towns near Ricardo Flores Magón:
  • El Zapote (7 inhabitants): Located 2 km to the North (2 minutes by car)
  • Río Blanco (100 inhabitants): Located 2 km to the North (2 minutes by car)
  • Candelaria (108 inhabitants): Located 2 km to the Southeast (3 minutes by car)
  • Nuevo Montecristo (356 inhabitants): Located 2 km to the North (3 minutes by car)
  • La Sombra (7 inhabitants): Located 3 km to the Northwest (3 minutes by car)
This information is based on geographical data. Distances may vary depending on terrain, driving style or walking conditions.

#6 Vote for Ricardo Flores Magón as the most beautiful town in Mexico

Do you like Ricardo Flores Magón or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for Ricardo Flores Magón to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.

Average Rating: 0.0/5
(considering 0 votes)

In the following links you can check the list of the best (and most beautiful) towns in Mexico and the State of Chiapas, by popular vote:
- The best towns in Mexico
- The most beautiful towns in Chiapas

>>> Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Berriozábal

>>> Click here to see more towns in the State of Chiapas (statistics, pictures, maps, restaurants, hotels,...) <<<

#7 Other towns in the Municipality of Berriozábal

  1. Antonio Aguirre C. (4 inhabitants)
  2. El Mojón (4 inhabitants)
  3. El Mirador (24 inhabitants)
  4. Primavera (5 inhabitants)
  5. La Cabaña (- inhabitants)
  6. La Peña de Oreb (4 inhabitants)
  7. La Planada (- inhabitants)
  8. Las Palomas (8 inhabitants)
  9. Los Olivos (31 inhabitants)
  10. Mi Nueva Luz (3 inhabitants)
  11. Ponyalón (12 inhabitants)
  12. Quinta Sayúo (4 inhabitants)
  13. San Antonio los Potrillos (6 inhabitants)
  14. San José (41 inhabitants)
  15. Villa Paloma (4 inhabitants)