Rancho las Marzanas
Maps, pictures and statistics of Rancho las Marzanas, a beautiful tiny town of 4 inhabitants of the State of Morelos
The town of Rancho las Marzanas belongs to the municipality of Totolapan (State of Morelos). The Magical Town of Tlayacapan is 15 minutes away by car (13 km). Of all the towns in the municipality, it occupies the number #14 in terms of number of inhabitants.
The town of Rancho las Marzanas is located at 2.2 kilometers from Totolapan, which is the most populated locality in the municipality, in the Northeast direction. If you browse our webpage, you will also find a map with the location of Rancho las Marzanas.
#1 Where is Rancho las Marzanas? How to go? Map
Map to know how to get to Rancho las Marzanas (Morelos) by road and with geographical references of the surrounding towns. With the controls you can zoom in and out to the position of Rancho las Marzanas, which has the following symbol
Find out the most popular and common surnames in the Morelos State
#2 The population of Rancho las Marzanas (Morelos) is 4 inhabitants
Year | Female Inhabitants | Male inhabitants | Total population |
2020 | 4 | ||
2010 | 8 | 13 | 21 |
2005 | 5 | 8 | 13 |
According to the 2010 official census, in the town there were 13 males and 8 females. The female/male ratio is 0.615, and the birth rate is 2.67 children per woman. Of the total population, 66.67% comes from outside the State of Morelos. 0.00% of the population is illiterate (0.00% of men and 0.00% of women). The education level is 10 (9.50 in men and 10.67 in women).
Indigenous culture in Rancho las Marzanas0.00% of the population is indigenous, and 0.00% of the inhabitants speak one of the indigenous languages. 0.00% of the population speaks one of the indigineous languages, but not Spanish.Unemployment and the economy in Rancho las Marzanas
28.57% of the inhabitants (more than 12 years) are economically active (30.77% of the men, and 25.00% of the women).Housing and infrastructure in Rancho las Marzanas
In Rancho las Marzanas there are 30 housings. 62.50% of the housings have electricity, 0.00% have piped water, 100.00% have toilet or restroom, 62.50% have a radio receiver, 87.50% a television, 50.00% a fridge, 37.50% a washing-machine, 62.50% a car or a van, 12.50% a personal computer, 0.00% a landline telephone, 100.00% mobile phone, and 0.00% Internet access. PueblosAmerica.com has been offering reliable and updated information about Mexican towns and cities since 2007. All the data we present is sourced from official Mexican government sources and has been validated by multiple academic articles.. Learn more.
#3 Satellite photo of Rancho las Marzanas
With the satellite map of Rancho las Marzanas will I be able to look for my location? Yes, access the map, zoom in and see the surroundings of this town and the municipality of Totolapan. Get free live access to satellite views of 2024 of Rancho las Marzanas.
#4 Hotels and Accommodation near Rancho las Marzanas
Do you want to stay in Rancho las Marzanas? We don't have any hotel registered in this town, but you can check in this list of the closest accommodations to Rancho las Marzanas:- HOTEL VILLA ESPERANZA SA DE CV: 2 km away, direction West (2 minutes by car)
- HOTEL REAL DE MORELOS: 3 km away, direction Northwest (3 minutes by car)
- HOTEL AGUA TURQUESA: 4 km away, direction West (3 minutes by car)
- HOTEL LOMAS ESTRELLA: 4 km away, direction Northwest (3 minutes by car)
#5 What to do in Rancho las Marzanas
Want to know what to see in Rancho las Marzanas if you are visiting this town?Here are some ideas of activities to enjoy Rancho las Marzanas.Mountains in Rancho las Marzanas for hiking and trails:
- Cerro Texquixtle (2034 meters): 1.1 km walk (22 minutes), heading North.
- Cerro Partido (2065 meters): 0.9 km walk (12 minutes), heading Northeast.
- Mirador (1941 meters): 1.6 km walk (28 minutes), heading East.
- Santa Bárbara (1965 meters): 2.9 km walk (38 minutes), heading West.
- Tlayacapan (Morelos): Don't miss "Corredor arqueológico", 15 km, heading West (13 minutes by car)
- Tepoztlán (Morelos): Don't miss "Baño de temazcal", 48 km, heading West (35 minutes by car)
- Rancho los Durmientes (11 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the North (1 minutes by car)
- Paraíso del Conquistador (11 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the Northwest (1 minutes by car)
- El Jagüey de las Marzanas (53 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the South (1 minutes by car)
- El Llanito (68 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the Northwest (2 minutes by car)
- Linda Vista (20 inhabitants): Located 2 km to the Southeast (3 minutes by car)
#6 Population pyramid of Rancho las Marzanas (Morelos)
We have compiled data on number of inhabitants of Rancho las Marzanas by age and gender, to show you the following population pyramid of the town, from the year 2005. You can check how the percentages of children and adults are distributed, in addition to women and men. With this data you can analyze the demographic structure, and know if in Rancho las Marzanas there is a generational replacement.
#7 Pictures of Rancho las Marzanas
In order for you to enjoy nature around Rancho las Marzanas, we have compiled a collection of sightseeing and monument pictures of the town and its surroundings. Access a completely free online image gallery of Rancho las Marzanas, so you can even use it as a wallpaper to always remember this beautiful town.
Disfrute con las fotos de Rancho las Marzanas en este enlace
#8 Vote for Rancho las Marzanas as the most beautiful town in Mexico
Do you like Rancho las Marzanas or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for Rancho las Marzanas to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.
In the following links you can check the list of the best (and most beautiful) towns in Mexico and the State of Morelos, by popular vote:
- The best towns in Mexico
- The most beautiful towns in Morelos
>>> Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Totolapan
#9 Other towns in the Municipality of Totolapan
- Ahuatlán (Asunción Ahuatlán) (773 inhabitants)
- Barrio San Marcos (El Moral) (116 inhabitants)
- El Entronque a Nepopualco (1 inhabitants)
- El Fuerte (San Miguel) (365 inhabitants)
- El Jagüey de las Marzanas (53 inhabitants)
- El Magueyal (1 inhabitants)
- Entrada a la ESCA (197 inhabitants)
- Fraccionamiento Hacienda San Diego Huixtla (44 inhabitants)
- La Cañada (San Sebastián) (636 inhabitants)
- Nepopualco (2673 inhabitants)
- Paraíso del Conquistador (11 inhabitants)
- Rancho la Aurora (2 inhabitants)
- Rancho los Durmientes (11 inhabitants)
- Tepetlixpita (297 inhabitants)
- Totolapan (6798 inhabitants)