La Esperanza (Chiapas)
We have collected many facts about the medium-sized town of La Esperanza, as well as pictures, maps or statistics.
So you will learn about this incredible town of 234 inhabitants of Chiapas.
The town of La Esperanza (Chiapas) belongs to the municipality of Comitán de Domínguez. There are 234 inhabitants and it is 1,564 meters altitude. The Magical Town of Comitán de Domínguez is 27 minutes away by car (18 km). In the list of the most populated towns of the whole municipality, it is the number #47 of the ranking.
Data: In La Esperanza, 33% of individuals have completed secondary education and 31% of households have a personal computer, laptop or tablet. More interesting data at the bottom of this page.
Do you want to locate the town of La Esperanza? You can find it at 12.8 kilometers, in direction Northeast, from the town of Comitán de Domínguez, which has the largest population within the municipality. To enjoy the town of La Esperanza through the satelital imagery, in the bottom of the webpage you have an interactive map to know where it is.
#1 Where is La Esperanza? How to go? Map
What is the route to get to La Esperanza (Chiapas)? Find out on this map the access to this town. With the zoom controls you can zoom in and out to the icon
Meet all the magical towns of the Chiapas State and discover their cultural essence
#2 The population of La Esperanza (Chiapas) is 234 inhabitants
Year | Female Inhabitants | Male inhabitants | Total population |
2020 | 119 | 115 | 234 |
2010 | 104 | 116 | 220 |
2005 | 56 | 56 | 112 |
2020 | 2010 | |
Fertility rate (children per woman): | 1.99 | 4.31 |
Population coming from outside the State of Chiapas: | 20.51% | 27.27% |
Illiterate population: | 5.98% | 6.36% |
Illiterate population (men): | 1.28% | 4.31% |
Illiterate population (women): | 4.70% | 8.65% |
Schooling level: | 9.01 | 7.59 |
Schooling level (men): | 9.54 | 8.23 |
Schooling level (women): | 8.46 | 6.88 |
2020 | 2010 | |
Percentage of indigenous population: | 0.00% | 9.09% |
Percentage speaking an indigenous language: | 0.00% | 5.45% |
Percentage who speak an indigenous language and do not speak Spanish: | 0.00% | 0.00% |
Find out more interesting facts about all the towns in the Municipality of Comitán de Domínguez (statistics, pictures, maps, restaurants...) at this link.
2020 | 2010 | |
Employed population over 12 years: | 45.30% | 32.27% |
Employed population over 12 years (men): | 56.52% | 50.00% |
Employed population over 12 years (women): | 34.45% | 12.50% |
Number of inhabited private housings: | 59 | 83 |
Homes with electricity: | 100.00% | 100.00% |
Homes with piped water: | 100.00% | 74.58% |
Homes with a toilet or sanitary facilities: | 89.83% | 96.61% |
Homes with a radio: | 72.88% | 69.49% |
Homes with a television: | 88.14% | 94.92% |
Homes with a refrigerator: | 81.36% | 74.58% |
Homes with a washing machine: | 72.88% | 57.63% |
Homes with a car: | 47.46% | 22.03% |
Households with personal computer, laptop or tablet: | 30.51% | 11.86% |
Homes with landline telephone: | 6.78% | 18.64% |
Homes with cell phones: | 91.53% | 79.66% |
Homes with Internet: | 23.73% | 0.00% |
#3 Satellite photo of La Esperanza
Amazing satellite GPS maps of La Esperanza, to see from space this beautiful village, as well as the surroundings of the municipality of Comitán de Domínguez. You can search free satellite map (2024) of La Esperanza.
#4 Hotels and Accommodation near La Esperanza
It seems that there are no accommodations in the town of La Esperanza, but we have a record of the closest hotels and motels to La Esperanza so you can contact them:- POSADA SAN PEDRO Y CAFETERÍA DEL CENTRO: 9 km away, direction South (7 minutes by car)
- HOTEL TRINITARIA: 8 km away, direction South (5 minutes by car)
- HOTEL CHIAPAS: 9 km away, direction South (6 minutes by car)
- MOTEL GEMINIS: 11 km away, direction Northwest (9 minutes by car)
#5 What to do in La Esperanza
Are you visiting and don't know what to do in La Esperanza? The list of the best places to visit in La Esperanza and nearby locations.Las mejores montes de La Esperanza para excursiones y actividades al aire libre:
- Salsahuitz (1781 meters): 8.3 km walk (147 minutes), heading Southwest.
- Monterón (1762 meters): 8.7 km walk (108 minutes), heading Southwest.
- Cerro La Cruz (1628 meters): 9.0 km walk (117 minutes), heading Northeast.
- Cujtic (1740 meters): 9.4 km walk (144 minutes), heading North.
- Comitán de Domínguez (Chiapas): Don't miss "Teatro Junchavín", 27 km, heading Northwest (18 minutes by car)
- San Juan Copalar (278 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the Northwest (1 minutes by car)
- Corrala (479 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the Southwest (1 minutes by car)
- La Esperanza (28 inhabitants): Located 2 km to the Northeast (3 minutes by car)
- San Antonio Copalar (245 inhabitants): Located 2 km to the Northwest (2 minutes by car)
#6 Population pyramid of La Esperanza (Chiapas)
We have compiled data on number of inhabitants of La Esperanza by age and gender, to show you the following population pyramid of the town, from the year 2005. You can check how the percentages of children and adults are distributed, in addition to women and men. With this data you can analyze the demographic structure, and know if in La Esperanza there is a generational replacement.
Age range | Number of women | Number of men | Total population |
Infants (0-5 years) | 13 | 13 | 26 |
Youth (6-14 years) | 28 | 21 | 49 |
Adults (15-59 years) | 72 | 73 | 145 |
Elderly (60+ years) | 6 | 8 | 14 |
#7 Pictures of La Esperanza
In order for you to enjoy nature around La Esperanza, we have compiled a collection of sightseeing and monument pictures of the town and its surroundings. Access a completely free online image gallery of La Esperanza, so you can even use it as a wallpaper to always remember this beautiful town.
Disfrute con las fotos de La Esperanza en este enlace
#8 Vote for La Esperanza as the most beautiful town in Mexico
Do you like La Esperanza or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for La Esperanza to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.
In the following links you can check the list of the best (and most beautiful) towns in Mexico and the State of Chiapas, by popular vote:
- The best towns in Mexico
- The most beautiful towns in Chiapas
>>> Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Comitán de Domínguez
#9 Other towns in the Municipality of Comitán de Domínguez
- Ampliación Chichimá (17 inhabitants)
- Buenavista Gracias a Dios (108 inhabitants)
- Corrala (479 inhabitants)
- El Ocote (141 inhabitants)
- El Recuerdo (13 inhabitants)
- La Orquídea (86 inhabitants)
- Las Arenas (- inhabitants)
- Las Palmas (140 inhabitants)
- Loma Linda (5 inhabitants)
- Ojo de Agua (43 inhabitants)
- San Caralampio el Durazno (4 inhabitants)
- San Isidro Candelaria (32 inhabitants)
- San Vicente el Cipresón (35 inhabitants)
- San Vicente Enaltic (5 inhabitants)
- Tres Arbolitos (11 inhabitants)