Antonio Meléndez
Maps, pictures and statistics of Antonio Meléndez, a beautiful tiny town of 4 inhabitants of the State of Veracruz
The town of Antonio Meléndez belongs to the municipality of Tecolutla (State of Veracruz). The Magical Town of Papantla is 64 minutes away by car (55 km). In the list of the most populated towns of the whole municipality, it is the number #222 of the ranking.
Do you want to locate the town of Antonio Meléndez? You can find it at 6.9 kilometers, in direction North, from the town of Tecolutla, which has the largest population within the municipality. To enjoy the town of Antonio Meléndez through the satelital imagery, in the bottom of the webpage you have an interactive map to know where it is.
#1 Where is Antonio Meléndez? How to go? Map
How to get to the town of Antonio Meléndez in Veracruz? Using this map, use the controls to zoom in and out on the village and others in the vicinity to see the direct route, and to be able to plan, for example, hiking activities in Antonio Meléndez.
Meet all the magical towns of the Veracruz State and discover their cultural essence
#2 The population of Antonio Meléndez (Veracruz) is 4 inhabitants
Year | Female Inhabitants | Male inhabitants | Total population |
2005 | 4 |
#3 Satellite photo of Antonio Meléndez
With the satellite map of Antonio Meléndez will I be able to look for my location? Yes, access the map, zoom in and see the surroundings of this town and the municipality of Tecolutla. You can search free satellite map (2024) of Antonio Meléndez.
#4 Hotels and Accommodation near Antonio Meléndez
It seems that there are no accommodations in the town of Antonio Meléndez, but we have a record of the closest hotels and motels to Antonio Meléndez so you can contact them:- HOTEL PLAYA RIACHUELOS: 7 km away, direction East (5 minutes by car)
- HOTEL MARIA ISABEL: 9 km away, direction North (8 minutes by car)
- HOTEL PUNTA TORTUGA: 8 km away, direction North (6 minutes by car)
- HOTEL POSADA ACUARIO: 9 km away, direction North (7 minutes by car)
#5 What to do in Antonio Meléndez
A weekend in Antonio Meléndez and looking for tourist attractions? Tourism in Antonio Meléndez and surroundings to find the best destinations.Mountains in Antonio Meléndez for hiking and trails:
- Cerro Copelado (100 meters): 10.0 km walk (125 minutes), heading South.
- Cerro El Mirador (180 meters): 15.2 km walk (268 minutes), heading Southwest.
- Cerro Tumbo (166 meters): 15.1 km walk (274 minutes), heading Southwest.
- Cerro Las Burras (218 meters): 15.0 km walk (187 minutes), heading Southwest.
- Papantla (Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave): Don't miss "Capilla de Cristo Rey", 64 km, heading West (55 minutes by car)
- El Paraíso (25 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the South (2 minutes by car)
- Plan de Villa Cuauhtémoc (El Negro) (338 inhabitants): Located 2 km to the Southwest (2 minutes by car)
- La Represa (67 inhabitants): Located 2 km to the South (3 minutes by car)
- Estación Nueve (7 inhabitants): Located 3 km to the Northeast (3 minutes by car)
- Cruz de los Esteros (727 inhabitants): Located 4 km to the Northwest (4 minutes by car)
#6 Pictures of Antonio Meléndez
In order for you to enjoy nature around Antonio Meléndez, we have compiled a collection of sightseeing and monument pictures of the town and its surroundings. Access a completely free online image gallery of Antonio Meléndez, so you can even use it as a wallpaper to always remember this beautiful town.
Disfrute con las fotos de Antonio Meléndez en este enlace
#7 Vote for Antonio Meléndez as the most beautiful town in Mexico
Do you like Antonio Meléndez or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for Antonio Meléndez to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.
In the following links you can check the list of the best (and most beautiful) towns in Mexico and the State of Veracruz, by popular vote:
- The best towns in Mexico
- The most beautiful towns in Veracruz
>>> Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Tecolutla
#8 Other towns in the Municipality of Tecolutla
- Casas Quemadas (1 inhabitants)
- Cerro de Hueytepec (184 inhabitants)
- La Guásima (12 inhabitants)
- La Isla (3 inhabitants)
- La Libertad (273 inhabitants)
- La Represa (67 inhabitants)
- Lázaro Cárdenas (Riachuelos) (303 inhabitants)
- Los Leones (Las Palmas) (4 inhabitants)
- Monte Gordo (659 inhabitants)
- El Negro (- inhabitants)
- La Gloria (3 inhabitants)
- Mata Coyotes (- inhabitants)
- Rancho Zepeda (2 inhabitants)
- San Manuel (- inhabitants)
- Tres Trancas (3 inhabitants)