Municipality of Huejutla de Reyes

All the data of the municipality of Huejutla de Reyes, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Huejutla de Reyes, Coacuilco, or Chililico.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Hidalgo.

Which is my place if I live in Huejutla de Reyes?

Huejutla de Reyes is a Municipality of 122905 inhabitants, placed in the State of Hidalgo, with a fertility rate of 2.56 children per woman. 6.51% of the population migrated from outside the State of Hidalgo. 75.05% of the population is indigenous, 61.05% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 9.53% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

93.41% of the inhabitants of Huejutla de Reyes are Catholic, 47.29% are economically active and, within this active population, 95.82% are employed. Additionally, 80.16% of the dwellings have piped water and 7.41% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Huejutla de Reyes do most people live?

According to our statistics of Huejutla de Reyes, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Huejutla de Reyes? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Huejutla de Reyes through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Huejutla de Reyes. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Huejutla de Reyes. As an example, you can find towns and places around Huejutla de Reyes.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Huejutla de Reyes

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Huejutla de Reyes:

Which is my place if I live in Huejutla de Reyes?

Acatitla (5 inhabitants)
Acayahual (235 inhabitants)
Achichípil (196 inhabitants)
Acoyotipa (131 inhabitants)
Acoyotipan (57 inhabitants)
Acuapa (1371 inhabitants)
Acuatempa (966 inhabitants)
Acuitatipa (57 inhabitants)
Aguacatitla (633 inhabitants)
Aguacatitla Ixcatlán (226)
Ahuatitla I (171)
Ahuatitla II (33)
Amoyahual (53)
Ampliación Buena Vista (366)
Apílol (41)
Apetlaco Aguacatitla (283)
Apetlaco Huerota (74)
Aquexquillo (32)
Aquixcuatitla I (370)
Aquixcuatitla II (240)
Atalco (418)
Atappa (303)
Ateixco (348)
Atexaltipa (108)
Axcaco (916)
Axihuiyo (203)
Amaxac (596)
Barrio los Cubes (116)
Buena Vista (300)
Cacateco (486)
Cacatetitla (91)
Calmecate (558)
Candelacta (138)
Capáne (65)
Cececapa (371)
Cececámel (60)
Chacatitla (101)
Chachaixpa (70)
Chalahuitzintla (215)
Chalahuiyapa (1428)
Charco Azul (191)
Chilcoaloya (17)
Chililico (3863)
Chintanta (99)
Chiquemecatitla (433)
Chomaquico (141)
Coacuilco (3369)
Coamila (610)
Cochiscuatitla las Chacas (381)
Cochiscuatitla Anexo Ixcatlán (79)
Coco Chico (512)
Coco Grande (250)
Cocumul (25)
Colonia Asociación Civil (30)
Colonia Bella Airosa (101)
Colonia Industrial (28)
Colonia La Güera (9)
Colonia Tepoxtequito Santa Mónica (99)
Congreso Permanente Agrario (550)
Contépec (645)
Todos por Hidalgo (538)
Coxcatzintla (2)
Coxhuaco I (175)
Coxhuaco II (441)
Coyoltitla (125)
Coyoltzintla (273)
Coyotepec (101)
Coyuco Nuevo (115)
Cruztitla (527)
Cuachiquiapa (150)
Cuapaxtitla (977)
Cuatecómetl (437)
Coaxocotitla (693)
Ecuatitla (214)
Ecuatzintla (76)
Ejido de Rancho Viejo (7)
El Chote (477)
El Crucero (87)
El Naranjal (358)
El Ojite (194)
El Paraíso (5)
El Pemuche (183)
El Puente (El Vado) (11)
El Seminario (-)
El Xúchitl (237)
Escuatitla (79)
Granja El Chocoyo (5)
Ahuacahíxpa Ixcatlán (91)
Huacaxtitla (264)
Ahuatempa (975)
Ahuatipa (31)
Ahuatzintla (73)
Ahuehuetitla (21)
Ahuehuetitla (Fraccionamiento) (153)
Huehuetla (511)
Huejutla de Reyes (44311)
Hueynali (480)
Huitzacháhuatl (739)
Huitzquilititla (386)
Humotitla Candelaria (797)
Humotitla Coyuco (177)
Ilamactla (88)
Ixcatépec (507)
Ixcatlán (1868)
Ixcuicuila (243)
Ixtlahuac (328)
Candelaria (1019)
La Corrala (542)
La Cruz de Zocuiteco (301)
La Curva Tlaltzintla (455)
La Curva Tlaltzintla II (40)
La Esperanza (196)
La Garita (41)
La Mesa de Axcaco (169)
La Mesa de Limantitla (593)
La Pastora (374)
La Peña Cruztitla (185)
Las Chacas (611)
Las Conchitas (19)
Las Nueces (76)
Las Palomitas (-)
Lemontitla (224)
Los Frailes (96)
Los Horcones (380)
Los Otates (921)
Los Parajes (413)
Los Parajes Benito Juárez (297)
Machetla (998)
Machetla II (241)
Macuxtepetla (657)
Malila (7)
Nepalapa (88)
Niños Héroes (126)
Octatitla (59)
Ojtlamekayo (204)
Oxale (148)
Oxtomal I (1470)
Oxtomal II (1248)
Ozuluama (519)
Pahuatlán (2246)
Pahuatzintla (155)
Palzoquiapa (450)
Palzoquico (236)
Panacaxtlán (867)
Parque de Poblamiento Solidaridad (2415)
Las Chacas (3)
Pitzontzintla (187)
Pochotitla (465)
Poxtla Coacuilco (352)
Poxtla Ixcatlán (430)
Rancho Nuevo Ixcatlán (99)
Rancho Nuevo Ahuatzintla (33)
Rancho Nuevo Macuxtepetla (124)
Rancho Viejo (771)
Renacimiento Tlalpani (249)
San Antonio (267)
San Diego (21)
San José (151)
San José Anexo Ixcatlán (42)
Santa Ana (65)
Santa Catarina (1227)
Santa Cruz (1573)
Santa Cruz Coyuco (82)
Santa María (146)
Santa Martha (115)
Sitlán (501)
Tachiquilzintla (47)
Tacuatitla (308)
Talnepantipa (140)
Tamalcuatitla (331)
Tamaya Ahuehuetitla (82)
Tancha (204)
Teacal (1712)
Tehuetlanito (55)
Tehuetlán (3072)
Temaxcaltitla (181)
Tepehica (289)
Tepeixpa (281)
Tepemalintla (161)
Tepemaxac (358)
Tepeolol (519)
Tepetate (280)
Tepexititla (1203)
Tepeyacapa (195)
Tepoxteco (4)
Terrero (338)
Terrero Abajo (207)
Tetzacual (325)
Tetzahapa I (51)
Tetzahapa II (65)
Tezóhual (210)
Tilcalco (55)
Tiocuatitla (153)
Tlalnepanco (526)
Tlaltzintla (616)
Tlamaya Tepehica (175)
Tulaxtitla (295)
Xilipatitla (105)
Xiloco (235)
Xinamixca (-)
Xionaxtla (174)
Xiquila (2051)
Xochiatipa (116)
Xochititla (233)
Xochitzintla (112)
Xocotitla (680)
Xoloxtla (89)
Zacapetlayo (374)
Zacayahual (328)
Zapotitla (580)
Zapotitla Anexo Ixcatlán (107)
Zocuiteco Benito Juárez (396)
Zohuala (381)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Huejutla de Reyes:

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