Are you considering staying at Hotel Villas De Plata? Here you will find all the information so that you can contact the hotel and ask for all-inclusive options, great deals and discounts or option of swimming pool.
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Map. How to get to Hotel Villas De Plata?
If you feel like walking from the center of Actopan to Hotel Villas De Plata (in Benito JuÁrez) you can walk between 19 and 20 minutes. It is only 1400 meters.
Use this map to locate the accommodation and discover its surroundings:
Address of Hotel Villas De Plata
:: Postal address: Prolongacion Prolongacion Morelos, 0 Sn (Benito Juárez):: Postal ZIP Code: 42500
Is Hotel Villas De Plata near the coast?
If the beach is for you, we warn you that Hotel Villas De Plata is quite far from the coast, more than 26 kilometers away.Learn more about the city of Actopan
Would you like to learn more about Actopan, the place where this hotel is located? We've compiled information on places to visit, dozens of pictures, statistical information and great satellite maps of the area.Other accommodations near Hotel Villas De Plata
Auto Hotel Punto Inn Express | 0.27 | 0 | Northwest |
Hotel Mardia | 0.74 | 1 | East |
Estacionamiento Hotel Convento | 0.87 | 1 | East |
Vote for Hotel Villas De Plata
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More accommodation places in Actopan
:: All the hotels in Actopan (Hidalgo)You have visited this unofficial website with useful data on Hotel Villas De Plata, in order to consider an accommodation option in Actopan.