HOTEL SUEÑO DORADO (Puerto Escondido)

If you are planning your holidays or business trip, and you plan to stay in Hotel Sueño Dorado, ask for package holidays, all-inclusive options or option of swimming pool.

Get reviews of this accommodation in Puerto Escondido, or leave your opinion on a previous stay.

Accommodation close to the sea in Oaxaca.

Map. How to get to Hotel Sueño Dorado?

If you feel like walking from the center of Puerto Escondido to Hotel Sueño Dorado (in Centro) you can walk between 7 and 8 minutes. It is only 500 meters.

Satellite map with the exact position of the hotel, to help you make the decision to stay:

In case it can help, it's also close to Calle Primera Poniente and of Avenida Oaxaca.

Hotel Sueño Dorado Calle Quinta Norte, Puerto Escondido
Affordable accommodation in Puerto Escondido? Welcome to Hotel Sueño Dorado, where you can sleep and enjoy your stay. All the online information about Hotel Sueño Dorado, located in the city of Puerto Escondido (Municipality: San Pedro Mixtepec - Dto. 22 -, State: Oaxaca).

Address of Hotel Sueño Dorado

:: Postal address: Calle Quinta Norte, 151 (Centro)
:: Postal ZIP Code:

Telephone to call Hotel Sueño Dorado

:: Phone for reservations, request prices: 9545821109

Is Hotel Sueño Dorado near the coast?

If you like water sports, we inform you that Hotel Sueño Dorado is only 1.1 kilometers from the coast.

Beaches near Hotel Sueño Dorado

Beaches near Hotel Sueño Dorado
Playa Zicatela36West
Playa Bachoco46West

Learn more about the city of Puerto Escondido

The accommodation where you are going to sleep is located in Puerto Escondido, a town worth knowing through photos or emblematic places to visit.

Other accommodations near Hotel Sueño Dorado

No rooms available at Hotel Sueño Dorado but you want to stay in a nearby hotel? Don't worry, here's a list of accommodation close by, so you can check them out.
Other accommodations near Hotel Sueño Dorado
Renta De Cuartos Por Noche Y Mes0.090West
Hotel Girasol0.090Northeast
Hotel Fatima0.140North

Vote for Hotel Sueño Dorado

Do you want to leave your opinion about Hotel Sueño Dorado? Help other users to know the best and the worst of Hotel Sueño Dorado, through these stars. Set "0" if you liked it a little and "5" if you liked it a lot.

Average Rating: 0.0/5
(considering 0 votes)

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More accommodation places in Puerto Escondido

:: All the hotels in Puerto Escondido (Oaxaca)

You have visited this unofficial website with useful data on Hotel Sueño Dorado, in order to consider an accommodation option in Puerto Escondido.
Overall photos of Hotels:
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Hotel - Accommodation
(These images do not belong to Hotel Sueño Dorado, and they are just a proposal)