Are you considering staying at Hotel San Pietro? Here you will find all the information so that you can contact the hotel and ask for choice to host events, package holidays or last minute offers.

On this webpage you can find reviews of this hotel in Tlaquepaque, left by other customers.

Map. How to get to Hotel San Pietro?

Hotel San Pietro is located in Independencia at 800 meters from the center of Tlaquepaque, in Independencia. Walking would take between 11 and 12 minutes to get to the hotel.

Use this map to locate the accommodation and discover its surroundings:

In case it can help, it's also close to Calle Alfareros and of Calle Francisco De Miranda.

In the rooms of Hotel San Pietro you can relax after your arrival at Tlaquepaque. All the online information about Hotel San Pietro, located in the city of Tlaquepaque (Municipality: Tlaquepaque, State: Jalisco).

Address of Hotel San Pietro

:: Postal address: Calle Río Juárez, 0 Sn (Independencia)
:: Postal ZIP Code: 45500

Is Hotel San Pietro near the coast?

If you are looking for accommodation near the coast, Hotel San Pietro may not be a good choice, as it is more than 26 kilometers from the nearest coast.

Learn more about the city of Tlaquepaque

You will be staying in the charming town of Tlaquepaque. Take the opportunity to learn about its culture through these maps, pictures and demographics.

Other accommodations near Hotel San Pietro

There are several hotels and lodgings around Hotel San Pietro, in case you want to compare their prices, their characteristics, and decide whether to stay in them.
Other accommodations near Hotel San Pietro
Hotel Casa Campos Bed And Breakfast0.150Northeast
Hotel Rosa Morada0.240South
Hotel Quinta Don JosÉ0.31Northeast

Vote for Hotel San Pietro

Do you want to leave your opinion about Hotel San Pietro? Help other users to know the best and the worst of Hotel San Pietro, through these stars. Set "0" if you liked it a little and "5" if you liked it a lot.

Average Rating: 0.0/5
(considering 0 votes)

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More accommodation places in Tlaquepaque

:: All the hotels in Tlaquepaque (Jalisco)

We thank you for your time on this website with information of Hotel San Pietro. We hope you will consider it on your next visit or vacation in Tlaquepaque.
Overall pictures of Hotels:
Hotel - Accommodation

Hotel - Accommodation
(These images do not belong to Hotel San Pietro, and they are just a proposal)