Are you considering staying at Hotel San Francisco? Here you will find all the information so that you can contact the hotel and ask for package holidays, choice to host events or best location.
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Map. How to get to Hotel San Francisco?
Hotel San Francisco is located in 15 De Enero at 1200 meters from the center of Mapastepec, in 15 De Enero. Walking would take between 16 and 17 minutes to get to the hotel.
Location map of this accommodation, so that you can get to it easily:
Address of Hotel San Francisco
:: Postal address: Privada Decima Octava Poniente, 506 (15 De Enero):: Postal ZIP Code: 30560
Telephone to call Hotel San Francisco
:: Phone for reservations, request prices: 9181028336Is Hotel San Francisco near the coast?
Do you want to sunbathe or watch the sea? From Hotel San Francisco it is about 25.2 km to the nearest coast.Learn more about the city of Mapastepec
The accommodation where you are going to sleep is located in Mapastepec, a town worth knowing through pictures or emblematic places to visit.Other accommodations near Hotel San Francisco
Hotel Las Hamacas | 0.25 | 0 | North |
Hotel Floralex | 0.24 | 0 | North |
Hotel San Francisco | 0.31 | 1 | North |
Vote for Hotel San Francisco
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More accommodation places in Mapastepec
:: All the hotels in Mapastepec (Chiapas)We thank you for your time on this website with information of Hotel San Francisco. We hope you will consider it on your next visit or vacation in Mapastepec.