HOTEL PUNTA PARAISO (Brisas de Zicatela)

We have gathered a lot of data of the accommodation Hotel Punta Paraiso. Call by phone and ask about package holidays, best location or option of swimming pool.

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Accommodation close to the sea in Oaxaca.

Map. How to get to Hotel Punta Paraiso?

If you feel like walking from the center of Brisas de Zicatela to Hotel Punta Paraiso (in Brisas Zicatela) you can walk between 5 and 6 minutes. It is only 400 meters.

Use this map to locate the accommodation and discover its surroundings:

In case it can help, it's also close to Avenida Tamaulipas and of Calle Tlaxcala.

We have been informed that this hotel Hotel Punta Paraiso may be closed. As a precaution before booking, please contact them to check and please leave a comment to help other users, at this link: [REVIEWS]

Hotel Punta Paraiso Calle Alejandro Cárdenas Peralta, Brisas De Zicatela
In the rooms of Hotel Punta Paraiso you can relax after your arrival at Brisas de Zicatela. All the online information about Hotel Punta Paraiso, located in the city of Brisas de Zicatela (Municipality: Santa María Colotepec, State: Oaxaca).

Address of Hotel Punta Paraiso

:: Postal address: Calle Alejandro Cárdenas Peralta (Brisas Zicatela)
:: Postal ZIP Code: 71980

Telephone to call Hotel Punta Paraiso

:: Phone for reservations, request prices: 9515161777

Is Hotel Punta Paraiso near the coast?

You are lucky, because Hotel Punta Paraiso is located 0.7 km from the nearest coast, so you can enjoy the sun.

Beaches near Hotel Punta Paraiso

Beaches near Hotel Punta Paraiso
Playa Zicatela35West
Playa Bachoco1015West

Learn more about the city of Brisas de Zicatela

The accommodation where you are going to sleep is located in Brisas de Zicatela, a town worth knowing through pictures or emblematic places to visit.

Other accommodations near Hotel Punta Paraiso

No rooms available at Hotel Punta Paraiso but you want to stay in a nearby hotel? Don't worry, here's a list of accommodation close by, so you can check them out.
Other accommodations near Hotel Punta Paraiso
Hotel Las Tres Palmas0.020South
Hotel Casa Del Rio0.080Southesast
Renta De Cuartos Fiesta Zicatela0.10South

Vote for Hotel Punta Paraiso

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Average Rating: 0.0/5
(considering 0 votes)

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More accommodation places in Brisas de Zicatela

:: All the hotels in Brisas de Zicatela (Oaxaca)

We thank you for your time on this website with information of Hotel Punta Paraiso. We hope you will consider it on your next visit or vacation in Brisas de Zicatela.
Overall pictures of Hotels:
Hotel - Accommodation

Hotel - Accommodation
(These images do not belong to Hotel Punta Paraiso, and they are just a proposal)