If you are planning your holidays or business trip, and you plan to stay in Hotel El Palmar, ask for great deals and discounts, last minute offers or choice to host events.

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Map. How to get to Hotel El Palmar?

If you are staying in Hotel El Palmar, do not want to be in La Vigueta (the area where the accommodation is located) and prefer to take a nice walk to see the center of El Palmar, you have to know that the distance is 300 meters (approximately 4-5 minutes).

Use this map to locate the accommodation and discover its surroundings:

Hotel El Palmar Carretera Poza Rica - Veracruz, El Palmar
Affordable accommodation in El Palmar? Welcome to Hotel El Palmar, where you can sleep and enjoy your stay. All the online information about Hotel El Palmar, located in the city of El Palmar (Municipality: Tecolutla, State: Veracruz).

Address of Hotel El Palmar

:: Postal address: Carretera Poza Rica - Veracruz, 0 Sn (La Vigueta)
:: Postal ZIP Code: 93585
:: Website for reservations:

Telephone to call Hotel El Palmar

:: Phone for reservations, request prices: 2323210060

Is Hotel El Palmar near the coast?

If the beach is for you, we warn you that Hotel El Palmar is quite far from the coast, more than 26 kilometers away.

Beaches near Hotel El Palmar

Beaches near Hotel El Palmar
Playa Oriente916West

Learn more about the city of El Palmar

You will be staying in the charming town of El Palmar. Take the opportunity to learn about its culture through these maps, pictures and demographics.

Other accommodations near Hotel El Palmar

You may not have been able to find a free room at Hotel El Palmar. We show you below the closest accommodations, so you can consider them.
Other accommodations near Hotel El Palmar
Hotel Canadian Resorts Veracruz1.934Northeast
Hotel Melinda3.236Southwest
Hotel De Alba4.859Northeast

Vote for Hotel El Palmar

Do you like Hotel El Palmar or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for Hotel El Palmar to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.

Average Rating: 0.0/5
(considering 0 votes)

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More accommodation places in El Palmar

:: All the hotels in El Palmar (Veracruz)

Hotel El Palmar thanks you for visiting this page and invites you to visit its facilities in order to lodge and rest in El Palmar.
Overall pictures of Hotels:
Hotel - Accommodation

Hotel - Accommodation
(These images do not belong to Hotel El Palmar, and they are just a proposal)