Are you considering staying at Hotel Casitas? Here you will find all the information so that you can contact the hotel and ask for option of swimming pool, all-inclusive options or package holidays.

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Map. How to get to Hotel Casitas?

If you are staying in Hotel Casitas, do not want to be in Articulo 27 (the area where the accommodation is located) and prefer to take a nice walk to see the center of Casitas, you have to know that the distance is 400 meters (approximately 5-6 minutes).

Use this map to locate the accommodation and discover its surroundings:

In case it can help, it's also close to Calle Luis Donaldo Colosio and of Calle 16 De Septiembre.

Hotel Casitas
The Hotel Casitas team will make sure you have a pleasant experience and enjoy the beauty of Casitas. All the online information about Hotel Casitas, located in the city of Casitas (Municipality: Tecolutla, State: Veracruz).

Address of Hotel Casitas

:: Postal address: Calle Carretera Costera Del Golfo, Sn (Articulo 27)
:: Postal ZIP Code: 93590

Telephone to call Hotel Casitas

:: Phone for reservations, request prices: 2321447451

Is Hotel Casitas near the coast?

If you are looking for accommodation near the coast, Hotel Casitas may not be a good choice, as it is more than 26 kilometers from the nearest coast.

Beaches near Hotel Casitas

Beaches near Hotel Casitas
Playa Maracaibo1114West
Playa Oriente1120West

Learn more about the city of Casitas

Places to visit in the town of Casitas and surroundings: magical towns, satellite maps, pictures.

Other accommodations near Hotel Casitas

You may not have been able to find a free room at Hotel Casitas. We show you below the closest accommodations, so you can consider them.
Other accommodations near Hotel Casitas
Hotel Amazonas0.020South
Hotel Costa Esmeralda0.040East
Hotel Salas0.090Northeast

Vote for Hotel Casitas

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Average Rating: 0.0/5
(considering 0 votes)

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More accommodation places in Casitas

:: All the hotels in Casitas (Veracruz)

We thank you for your time on this website with information of Hotel Casitas. We hope you will consider it on your next visit or vacation in Casitas.
Overall pictures of Hotels:
Hotel - Accommodation

Hotel - Accommodation
(These images do not belong to Hotel Casitas, and they are just a proposal)