We have gathered a lot of data of the accommodation Hotel Bayona. Call by phone and ask about choice to host events, last minute offers or great deals and discounts.

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Map. How to get to Hotel Bayona?

If you feel like walking from the center of Veracruz to Hotel Bayona (in Manuel Contreras) you can walk between 31 and 32 minutes. It is only 2300 meters.

Satellite map with the exact position of the hotel, to help you make the decision to stay:

In case it can help, it's also close to Calle 5 De Mayo Norte and of Calle Independencia.

We suspect that Hotel Bayona may be closed and you may not be able to accommodate there for an indefinite period of time. We recommend you to contact this facility in some way (phone, email) and confirm if it is open or not. We would appreciate if you could leave a comment on our website to help other people: [REVIEWS]

Hotel Bayona
Affordable accommodation in Veracruz? Welcome to Hotel Bayona, where you can sleep and enjoy your stay. All the online information about Hotel Bayona, located in the city of Veracruz (Municipality: Veracruz, State: Veracruz).

Address of Hotel Bayona

:: Postal address: Calle Suárez Peredo, 2 (Manuel Contreras)
:: Postal ZIP Code: 91899

Telephone to call Hotel Bayona

:: Phone for reservations, request prices: 2299343308

Is Hotel Bayona near the coast?

If you are looking for accommodation near the coast, Hotel Bayona may not be a good choice, as it is more than 26 kilometers from the nearest coast.

Beaches near Hotel Bayona

Beaches near Hotel Bayona
Playa Norte13West
Playa Linda46West
Playa Villa del Mar57West
Playa Hornos710West

Learn more about the city of Veracruz

Would you like to learn more about Veracruz, the place where this hotel is located? We've compiled information on places to visit, dozens of pictures, statistical information and great satellite maps of the area.

Other accommodations near Hotel Bayona

There are several hotels and lodgings around Hotel Bayona, in case you want to compare their prices, their characteristics, and decide whether to stay in them.
Other accommodations near Hotel Bayona
Motel Fiesta0.291West
Motel Sens0.511West
Hotel Principal0.961Northeast

Vote for Hotel Bayona

Do you like Hotel Bayona or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for Hotel Bayona to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.

Average Rating: 0.0/5
(considering 0 votes)

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:: All the hotels in Veracruz (Veracruz)

You have visited this unofficial website with useful data on Hotel Bayona, in order to consider an accommodation option in Veracruz.
Overall pictures of Hotels:
Hotel - Accommodation

Hotel - Accommodation
(These images do not belong to Hotel Bayona, and they are just a proposal)