Are you considering staying at Hotel Acuario De Veracruz? Here you will find all the information so that you can contact the hotel and ask for option of swimming pool, best location or package holidays.

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Map. How to get to Hotel Acuario De Veracruz?

Hotel Acuario De Veracruz is located in Ignacio Zaragoza at 4800 meters from the center of Veracruz, in Ignacio Zaragoza. Walking would take between 65 and 66 minutes to get to the hotel.

Satellite map with the exact position of the hotel, to help you make the decision to stay:

In case it can help, it's also close to Calle Juan De Dios Pesa and of Calle Victimas Del 5 Y 6 Julio.

Hotel Acuario De Veracruz
In the rooms of Hotel Acuario De Veracruz you can relax after your arrival at Veracruz. All the online information about Hotel Acuario De Veracruz, located in the city of Veracruz (Municipality: Veracruz, State: Veracruz).

Address of Hotel Acuario De Veracruz

:: Postal address: Calle Valencia, 225 (Ignacio Zaragoza)
:: Postal ZIP Code: 91910

Telephone to call Hotel Acuario De Veracruz

:: Phone for reservations, request prices: 2299374422

Is Hotel Acuario De Veracruz near the coast?

If the beach is for you, we warn you that Hotel Acuario De Veracruz is quite far from the coast, more than 26 kilometers away.

Beaches near Hotel Acuario De Veracruz

Beaches near Hotel Acuario De Veracruz
Playa Villa del Mar11West
Playa Hornos12West
Playa Costa-Verde23West
Playa Mocambo610West

Learn more about the city of Veracruz

You will be staying in the charming town of Veracruz. Take the opportunity to learn about its culture through these maps, pictures and demographics.

Other accommodations near Hotel Acuario De Veracruz

You may not have been able to find a free room at Hotel Acuario De Veracruz. We show you below the closest accommodations, so you can consider them.
Other accommodations near Hotel Acuario De Veracruz
Motel JardÍn0.120South
Hotel Acuario0.220Southesast
Hotel Playa0.260Southesast

Vote for Hotel Acuario De Veracruz

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Average Rating: 0.0/5
(considering 0 votes)

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We thank you for your time on this website with information of Hotel Acuario De Veracruz. We hope you will consider it on your next visit or vacation in Veracruz.
Overall pictures of Hotels:
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(These images do not belong to Hotel Acuario De Veracruz, and they are just a proposal)