Municipality of Ometepec

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Ometepec through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Ometepec, Zacoalpan, or Cochoapa.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Guerrero by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Ometepec?

Ometepec is a Municipality of 61306 inhabitants, placed in the State of Guerrero, with a fertility rate of 2.88 children per woman. 3.30% of the population migrated from outside the State of Guerrero. 40.88% of the population is indigenous, 32.49% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 9.06% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

92.10% of the inhabitants of Ometepec are Catholic, 50.27% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.79% are employed. Additionally, 35.10% of the dwellings have piped water and 7.31% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Ometepec do most people live?

According to our statistics of Ometepec, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Ometepec? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Ometepec through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Ometepec. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Ometepec. As an example, you can find towns and places around Ometepec.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Ometepec

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Ometepec:

Which is my place if I live in Ometepec?

Acatepec (3828 inhabitants)
Arroyo Barranca Honda (1184 inhabitants)
Arroyo Chachalaco (50 inhabitants)
Arroyo el Guate (27 inhabitants)
Arroyo el Zapote (- inhabitants)
Arroyo Tecojochén (49 inhabitants)
Arroyo Tortuga (- inhabitants)
Arroyo Zapote (55 inhabitants)
Arroyo Zopilote (- inhabitants)
Balneario Camino Real (-)
Balneario Talapa (-)
Barranca Atotonilco (Atotonilco) (-)
Cañada de las Flores (6)
Centro Emisor de Televisa [Centro Emisor de Televisa (4)
Cerro Grande (373)
Cerro Pájaro (234)
Cerro Piedra Negra (-)
Cerro Tierra Blanca (6)
Cerro Zorro (24)
Cochoapa (5173)
Colonia Tejería (5)
Cruz de Corazón (605)
Cruz Verde I (122)
Cruz Verde II (643)
Cuadrilla de San Antonio (40)
Cuadrilla Nueva (Chilpancinguito) (103)
Cumbre de Barranca Honda (1437)
Rancho el Calvario (52)
El Capricho (La Poza) (127)
El Charco de la Puerta (390)
El Crucero (2)
El Cuije (17)
El Frutillo (-)
El Limón (249)
El Mango (El Mango Solo Sur) (75)
El Manguito (El Talolote) (-)
El Nuevo Capricho (286)
El Sepudo (435)
El Tamarindo (294)
Finca San Isidro (8)
Finca Santander (-)
Granja Don Guay (5)
Huajintepec (2443)
Huixtepec (3387)
José Apolonio Santiago (-)
La Catalina (171)
La Concepción (745)
La Cresta (Palma de Molina) (82)
La Guadalupe (1149)
La Ladrillera (333)
La Libertad (192)
La Mira (40)
La Parota (29)
La Pastoría (9)
La Presa (-)
La Soledad (919)
Las Iguanas (479)
Las Palmas (68)
Las Palmas (137)
Las Parotas (-)
Las Vigas (854)
Los Pantanos (4)
Mango Norte (El Mango Solo Norte) (93)
Mazapa (8)
Milpillas (572)
Neftalí Benito Miranda (6)
Ometepec (27607)
Paso Cuahulote (280)
Paso Cuahulote Dos (-)
Paso del Tabaco (93)
Piedra Ancha (581)
Piedra Boluda (329)
Piedra del Tigre (75)
Piedra Labrada (202)
Piedra Quebrada (-)
Plan de Guacamaya (-)
Plan Juste (361)
Planta Potabilizadora de Agua (-)
Potrerillos (12)
Poza Verde (-)
Rancho Adolfo Muñoz (14)
Rancho Anatolio Guerrero (7)
Rancho Ángel Manuel Estrada Trani (1)
Rancho Ángel Ruiz (-)
Rancho Benigno Montalbán Jiménez (-)
Rancho Benjamín Cortazar Hernández La Parota (1)
Rancho Caritino Jiménez (2)
Rancho de los Carbajales (1)
Rancho de Martha (2)
Rancho Delfino Aguirre Rivero (El Palomar) (-)
Rancho Edmundo Guillén de la Barrera (-)
Rancho Efrén Montalbán (1)
Rancho el Bramadero (Rancho Epifanio Bustos) (22)
Rancho el Carmen (4)
Rancho el Cuapinole Grande (8)
Rancho el Mapache (Rancho Marcos Bahena) (-)
Rancho el Mesías (9)
Rancho el Paso del Toro (6)
Rancho el Pizote (5)
Rancho Elizabeth Domínguez (-)
Rancho Eloy Ortiz (1)
Rancho Eloy Vázquez (-)
Rancho Francisco Espinoza Hilario 2 (-)
Rancho Gonzalo Molina Estrada (Las Palmas) (3)
Rancho Héctor Clemente (-)
Rancho Ismael Torres Añorve (El Maestro) (-)
Rancho Jesús Estrada García (Predio los Mangos) (1)
Rancho Joaquín Hernández (-)
Rancho la Herradura (1)
Rancho La Laguna (1)
Rancho los Barroso (La Cañada) (7)
Rancho los Laureles (Juan Sierra) (-)
Rancho los Moreno (87)
Rancho los Naranjos (-)
Rancho los Parajes (4)
Rancho los Pinos (3)
Rancho Luis Gil (1)
Rancho María Abarca (9)
Rancho Marino Pachuca Dos (-)
Rancho Mario Navarrete Gutiérrez (8)
Rancho los Salinas (4)
Rancho Napoleón Justo (Rancho el Tamarindo) (14)
Rancho Nicolás Gil (-)
Rancho Ojo de Agua (Rancho Víctor Hilario Marín) (1)
Rancho Otilo Torres (-)
Rancho Pantaleón Vázquez (2)
Rancho Porfirio Carbajal Morán (-)
Rancho Rafael Aburto (Los Carreño) (5)
Rancho San Agustín (6)
Rancho San Francisco (64)
Rancho San Francisco (5)
Rancho San Isidro (El Pantano) (4)
Rancho Santa Ana (Rancho del Médico Arbieyga) (4)
Rancho Santa Cruz (-)
Rancho Sigifredo Morales Uno (1)
Rancho Simón Hernández (-)
Rancho Socorro Marroquín (1)
Rancho Taurino Cárdenas Aparicio (1)
Rancho Tita Pachuca (-)
Colonia Rivieras Palmas (50)
Rancho el Pirul (Charco del Tule) (-)
Rancho la Esperanza (Rancho Ulises Estrada Vázquez) (-)
San Isidro (255)
San José Ejido (San José) (395)
San Rafael los Liros (Rancho Jesús López) (-)
San Vicente (San Vicente de Benítez) (82)
Santa Cruz Teconte (El Teconte) (148)
Santa María (Santa María Asunción) (2194)
Tierra Blanca (948)
Tierra Colorada (131)
Villa Hidalgo (663)
Vista Hermosa (440)
Zacoalpan (5412)
Zapotales (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Ometepec:

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