Municipality of Olinalá�

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Olinalá� is a Municipality of 24723 inhabitants, placed in the State of Guerrero, with a fertility rate of 3.27 children per woman. 1.52% of the population migrated from outside the State of Guerrero. 55.77% of the population is indigenous, 41.73% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 2.28% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

92.72% of the inhabitants of Olinalá� are Catholic, 42.54% are economically active and, within this active population, 90.40% are employed. Additionally, 19.10% of the dwellings have piped water and 3.96% have Internet access.

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Olinalá� and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Olinalá�? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Olinalá� through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Olinalá�. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Olinalá�. As an example, you can find towns and places around Olinalá.


List with all the towns in the Municipality of Olinalá�:

Agua Zarca (Zompepeltzin) (2 inhabitants)
Ahuacatlán (920 inhabitants)
Amatitlán (7 inhabitants)
Amatlicha (643 inhabitants)
Axoxuca (1 inhabitants)
Barranca el Tanque (3 inhabitants)
Cerro de Ahuacatlán (43 inhabitants)
Chautipa (149 inhabitants)
Chichicastitlán (- inhabitants)
Rancho Limón (12)
Chilatlajco (1)
Colonia Altamirano (146)
Colonia Benito Juárez (97)
Colonia Bugambilias (14)
Colonia Lázaro Cárdenas (20)
Colonia Nazareth (10)
Colonia San Felipe (17)
Colonia San Pedro (181)
Colotiopa (-)
Coyú (4)
Cozahuatitlán (13)
Cruz Quemada (-)
Cuachichinolco (-)
Cuahulotitlán (8)
Cuamanalpan (6)
Duraznotitlán (175)
El Aguacate (5)
El Alcanfor (1)
El Carrizo (88)
El Costeño (-)
El Crucero Tecosajca (27)
El Cuajilote (29)
El Plan (-)
El Portezuelo (19)
El Progreso (Chupandillo) (64)
El Refugio (137)
El Reparo (23)
El Tejón (3)
El Tenanyo (6)
El Terrero (5)
El Zapote (7)
Huilotlán (2)
Chachiltepec (Casas Blancas) (7)
Iyocingo (Ventanas Iyocingo) (222)
La Cañada (63)
La Ciénega (192)
La Ciénega (12)
La Coronilla (2)
La Cueva del Chochosco (12)
La Cumbre (15)
La Encinera (Los Terreros) (2)
La Escalera (92)
La Escondida (El Bordo) (-)
La Guadalupita (78)
La Guamuchilera (3)
La Libertad (1045)
La Lobera (15)
La Parota (-)
La Parota (8)
La Pastoría (14)
La Pastoría (-)
La Presa (-)
Las Anonas (28)
Las Casitas (24)
Las Dos Cruces (10)
Las Juntas (383)
Las Manzanitas (47)
Las Minas (Tlalchichiltipan) (90)
Las Pilas (19)
Limontitlán (24)
Linda Vista (56)
Llano Grande (15)
Loma Bonita (31)
Loma de Mazatepec (Mazatepec) (203)
Loma del Pitayo (-)
Loma Larga (El Lambedero) (52)
Lomas de Cocoyoc (78)
Lomas de Euxila (38)
Lomas de Tecojcoyunca (119)
Los Cajones (4)
Los Laureles (El Cuauayote) (-)
Los Mangos (4)
Los Mangos (2)
Los Terrerillos (1)
Metlatijca (38)
Mextiopam (Mextiopa) (32)
Nantzinyo (8)
Ocotitlán (429)
Olinalá (6971)
Palito Redondo (Hijiotepec) (2)
Palos Blancos (-)
Paso de las Culebras (-)
Rancho Antonino García (5)
Rancho Antonio Alonso Apresa (2)
Rancho Bonito (11)
Rancho de la Pila (-)
Barranca de Tío Julián (Rancho Don Alberto) (-)
Rancho Edilberto García Moreno (3)
Rancho el Ã?rgano (-)
Rancho el Consuelo (Eliseo de los Santos) (10)
Rancho el Coyotomate (7)
Rancho el Limón (-)
Rancho el Mirador (10)
El Zopilote (Rancho Emilio Guevara) (5)
Rancho Francisco Coronel (-)
El Organito (Rancho Hermelindo Patrón) (-)
El Huauxi (Rancho Ramiro Andreu) (-)
Rancho Ismael Patrón (5)
Rancho la Esperanza (El Crucero de Teticic) (65)
Rancho los Joselitos (18)
Rancho los Nachitos (-)
Rancho Manuel González (2)
Rancho Miguel Amaro (15)
Huixotitlán (Rancho Pablo Martínez) (3)
Rancho Pablo Vázquez (-)
El Totole (Rancho Rómulo Andrew) (16)
San Nicolás (8)
El Paraje (Rancho Saúl Acevedo) (-)
Tlaxicalteyo (22)
Rancho Viejo (-)
Rancho Viejo (3)
Rincón de Zompepelco (Zilpozotitlán) (4)
San Andrés (13)
San Antonio Coyahuacán (1847)
San Diego (4)
San Felipe Amatitlán (Amatitlán) (111)
San Gabriel (39)
San José Amoltepec (Amoltepec) (320)
San José Tecomulco (24)
San Lázaro (Tecojcosco) (578)
Santa Cruz Lomalapa (Lomalapa) (585)
Santa Gertrudis (La Colonia) (73)
Shitepec (6)
Zicatlán (290)
Teapan (4)
Tecalquillo (-)
Tecojcoyunca (-)
Tecolapa (506)
Tecolhuitzo (-)
Tecorrales (453)
Tecorrales de las Minas (188)
Tehuaxtitlán (489)
Tehuixtla (88)
Temalacatzingo (4344)
Temolzingo (7)
Teohuaxtitlán (Tepehuaje) (10)
Tepetitlán (173)
Tepetlacingo (715)
Tepexi Blanco (-)
Tepozonalco (-)
Tetelcingo (33)
Teticic (411)
Tierra Colorada (4)
Tlahuancatepec (2)
Tres Luces (64)
Tlahuitzingo (15)
Tlaltenango (12)
Tlanitzingo (10)
Tlaxco (2)
Tomatepec (164)
Tzicapotzaltzi (25)
Viacrucis (41)
Vista Hermosa (113)
Vista Hermosa (257)
Xalatzingo (23)
Xixila (323)
Xochimilco (175)
Xotla (4)
Zacachautipa (25)
Zacamolica (23)
Zacango (344)
Zolapa (12)
Zompepelco (34)
Zompepelco Uno (Rancho Viejo) (39)
Zontecomatlán (674)
Zumpango (1158)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Olinalá�:

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