Municipality of Mapimí

All the data of the municipality of Mapimí, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Bermejillo, Mapimí, or Ceballos.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Durango.

Which is my place if I live in Mapimí?

Mapimí is a Municipality of 25137 inhabitants, placed in the State of Durango, with a fertility rate of 2.93 children per woman. 14.36% of the population migrated from outside the State of Durango. 0.41% of the population is indigenous, 0.22% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

88.46% of the inhabitants of Mapimí are Catholic, 44.69% are economically active and, within this active population, 93.35% are employed. Additionally, 90.55% of the dwellings have piped water and 7.41% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Mapimí?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Mapimí and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Mapimí? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Mapimí through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Mapimí. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Mapimí. As an example, you can find towns and places around Bermejillo.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Mapimí

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Mapimí:

Which is my place if I live in Mapimí?

18 de Julio (Establo Chapingo) (- inhabitants)
5 Puntos (2 inhabitants)
Abraham Villalba (4 inhabitants)
Altamira (San Mateo) (- inhabitants)
Aron García (16 inhabitants)
Banco Nacional Agrario (1 inhabitants)
Benito Juárez Sector 1 (4 inhabitants)
Bermejillo (10139 inhabitants)
Boruquillas (2 inhabitants)
Brenda Azucena García Ocón (1)
Buen Día (74)
Carretas (-)
Ceballos (3923)
Cerro Colorado (4)
Cuauhtémoc (2)
Cuba (-)
El Cajón (-)
El Chaparral (-)
El Chorizo (-)
El Consuelo (-)
El Consuelo (-)
El Diamante (215)
El Dieciocho (-)
El Dieciocho (17)
El Durazno (-)
El Grillo (4)
El Milagro (27)
El Mixteco (SPR Lázaro Cárdenas) (58)
El Peñolito (-)
El Pellizco (-)
El Porvenir (21)
El Presón (-)
El Puerto de Jaboncillo (2)
El Refugio (1)
El Refugio (El Burro) (6)
El Relieve (-)
El Rosario (-)
El Rosario (2)
El Sabino (12)
El Socorro (-)
El Veinticuatro (269)
Emiliano Zapata (El Derrame) (287)
Emiliano Zapata (El Setenta) (20)
Engañoso (-)
Entronque Puente de Ojuela (5)
Espíritu Santo (1)
Estación Yermo (229)
Felipe Ángeles (-)
Francisco Montes de Oca (El Zorrillo) (82)
Gerardo Iglesias (4)
Narciso García (4)
Guadalupe Victoria (-)
Héroe de Nacozari (2)
Hornillas (Rancho Grande) (11)
Hotel El Mirador (2)
Jaralito (246)
Joaquín Amaro (La Jarita) (-)
La Cadena (28)
La Cadena (Los Ramos) (1)
La Esperanza (Palomas) (306)
Rancho Nuevo México (7)
La Gloria (-)
La Libertad (-)
La Loma (17)
La Merced (Las Águilas) (2)
La Purísima (3)
La Rosita (-)
La Trinidad (5)
La Uno (-)
La Victoria (7)
La Zorrilla (7)
Las Celias (1)
Las Flores (4)
Las Glorias (-)
Las Glorias (-)
Las Marías (4)
Las Marías (230)
Las Palomas (El Gato) (4)
Propiedad Privada Lindavista (Baltazar) (74)
Los Álamos (-)
Los Ángeles (-)
Los Galvanes (-)
Zavalza (-)
Los Milagros de San Julián (El Pollo) (-)
Los Olivos (-)
Luz María (2)
Mapimí (6617)
María Victoria Vargas F (-)
Marmolera Bermejillo (9)
Martha (1062)
Moroni Castañeda (3)
Nueva Estrella (60)
Palito Prieto (-)
Pedro Rivas (-)
Piedra Blanca (El Alemán) (-)
Puente la Cadena (Los Victorinos) (-)
Puerta el Refugio (4)
Puerto de Jaboncillos (Jaboncillos) (-)
Puerto del Jaboncillo (El Puerto) (9)
Rafael Núñez López (2)
Rancho de Peña (6)
Río Lhama (-)
El Tres (9)
Roma Texas (30)
Romita (-)
San Agustín (105)
San Agustín (El Sauz) (3)
San Alejandro (El Huizachal) (3)
San Antonio (56)
San Antonio (-)
San Antonio (-)
San Carlos (2)
San Felipe (23)
San Felipe (La Amapola) (-)
San Isidro (31)
San Isidro de Yermo (84)
San Isidro del Derrame (150)
San José de Bellavista (2)
San José de Bellavista (585)
San Juan de Cañitas (378)
San Luis (-)
San Marcos (-)
San Martín (87)
San Martín Caballero (-)
San Pedro (-)
Santa Elena (82)
Santa Inés (52)
Santa Isabel (-)
Santa Librada (12)
Santa Lucía (9)
Santa Lucia de Yermo (-)
Santa María de la Paz (Nuevo) (98)
Santa María de la Paz (Viejo) (6)
Santa Marta (-)
Santa Rita (-)
Santa Rita (-)
Santa Rosenda (31)
Santa Teresa (-)
Santiago Romero (8)
Treinta de Noviembre (120)
Tres Hermanas (El Doce) (-)
Trincheras (-)
Veintidós de Febrero (700)
Venustiano Carranza (El Seis) (93)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Mapimí:

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