Municipality of Castaños

All the data of the municipality of Castaños, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Castaños, Soledad, or Dolores.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza.

Which is my place if I live in Castaños?

Castaños is a Municipality of 25892 inhabitants, placed in the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza, with a fertility rate of 2.52 children per woman. 3.91% of the population migrated from outside the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza. 0.31% of the population is indigenous, 0.13% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

77.73% of the inhabitants of Castaños are Catholic, 45.45% are economically active and, within this active population, 93.17% are employed. Additionally, 87.05% of the dwellings have piped water and 13.81% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Castaños?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Castaños and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Castaños? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Castaños through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Castaños. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Castaños. As an example, you can find towns and places around Castaños.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Castaños

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Castaños:

Which is my place if I live in Castaños?

Acatita de Baján (8 inhabitants)
Acámbaro (Acámbaro Viejo) (3 inhabitants)
Acámbaro de Arriba (Nuevo Acámbaro) (87 inhabitants)
Alicia (1 inhabitants)
Antonia Martínez Guedea (2 inhabitants)
Artemio Ruiz Molina (1 inhabitants)
Baján (Estación Baján) (50 inhabitants)
Buenavista (4 inhabitants)
Cañón Chilpitín (Rancho de Cuca) (3 inhabitants)
Cañón Chilpitín Uno (2)
Cañón del Velduque (-)
Cañón el Panal (-)
Campamento Bautista (2)
Canalitates (-)
Cañón del Toboso (4)
Carlos Salinas de Gortari (San Pablo de los Valdez) (13)
Castaños (27314)
Centenario (San Diego) (-)
Chiquito (4)
Congregación Baján (12)
Cuadra Santa Cecilia (Santiago Méndez C.) (-)
Daria Delgado Galván (3)
Estación Dolomita (2)
Dolores (224)
El Abuelo (-)
El Aguacero (-)
El Alamito (-)
El Cañón (-)
Fraccionamiento el Cañón (-)
El Canelo (-)
El Chapote (-)
El Chilpitín (-)
La Garruña (Los Castillo) (-)
El Granjeno (47)
El Huizache (1)
El Nogalito (4)
El Ojo de Agua (1)
El Paso de la Bolita (-)
El Pérsico (-)
El Pitayo (Edmundo González) (-)
El Prendimiento (-)
El Refugio (-)
El Zago (Loma Bola) (1)
El Saucito (-)
El Tanquito (Enrique Castillo Montemayor) (-)
El Tepeyac (2)
Elva Gloria (3)
Emiliano Aguirre Flores (-)
Espinazo (100)
Favorita (2)
Felicitos Villarreal (3)
Felipe Carrillo Valero (-)
Gerardo Martínez (5)
Estación Gloria (3)
Guadalupe (-)
Guadalupe Macías Pecina (-)
Juan Andrade Moreno (-)
Horacio Andrade Cuellar (4)
Jesús Roberto Quintanilla (-)
Jesús Flores (6)
José Benjamín Castilleja Camacho (2)
Juan Manuel Álvarez Varela (3)
Juan Puente (1)
Carlos Asís (4)
Junco (El Ojo de Agua) (-)
La Bolita (41)
La Escondida (6)
La Escondida (Juan Alvarado) (2)
La Esperanza (8)
La Estrella (1)
Balneario La Fuente (-)
La Gavia (-)
La Gloria (-)
La Gloria (El Marqués) (40)
La Joya (105)
La Majada (1)
La Majada (Ignacio Santillana Castillo) (-)
La Majada de los Mendoza (José Ángel Mendoza Villarreal) (3)
La Muralla (-)
La Nogalera (3)
La Rinconada (1)
La Trinidad (Marcos González González) (-)
La Viga (2)
La Zorra (-)
Las Bugambilias (-)
Las Cuevas (Cañón de las Cuevas) (-)
Emiliano Zapata (1)
Las Potrancas (4)
Las Uvas (-)
Lino Rodríguez Montenegro (-)
Los Antonios (2)
Los Barriles (19)
Los Chapotes (-)
Los Lirios (23)
Luis Hernández (2)
Luz Quiroz Rocha (1)
Manuel Villarreal Galván (2)
Marco Antonio de León Yáñez (4)
Mauro Villarreal (3)
Mi Ranchito (1)
Miguel Ger (-)
Mónico Carreón (-)
Natalia Barbosa Sánchez (2)
Nogalera la Paloma (11)
Pablo García (-)
Palmira (-)
Palo Blanco (185)
Paraíso (-)
La Escondida (Pasta del Anillo) (-)
Pedro de León (De Sago) (3)
Pedro Mata Martínez (Acámbaro Fracción) (4)
Pequeño Rancho (3)
Presa de Chaires (44)
Presa Rodríguez (130)
Providencia (3)
Providencia (San Ramón) (7)
Quinta Guadalupe (1)
Raúl Sánchez Campuzano (Rey de Reyes) (-)
Ramiro Jiménez (2)
Rancho Alegre (-)
Rancho Seco (Rigoberto Loera Ceballos) (2)
San Antonio (-)
San Antonio (2)
San Antonio (-)
San Francisco (7)
San Isidro (10)
San Jesús (2)
San Juan (-)
San Julián (1)
San Lorenzo (-)
San Lorenzo (El Tanquito) (12)
San Martín (-)
San Rafael (2)
San Vicente (El Coyote) (-)
Santa Anita (-)
Santa Cruz (-)
Santa Elena (-)
Santa Engracia (-)
Santa Fe (-)
Santa Genoveva (9)
Santa Rosa (5)
Santa Teresa (128)
Santa Teresa (6)
Santo Domingo (-)
Sergio de León (3)
Soledad (321)
Lizeth Jacqueline Ibarra Alemán (-)
Tres Marías (El Socorro) (15)
Tres Palomas (-)
Valle Bocatoche (1)
Víctor Santiesteban Mora (1)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Castaños:

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