10 municipalities in Mexico with higher values of Adult population speaking only indigenous language and not Spanish [%]

1 - Cochoapa el Grande (Guerrero) (72.62)
2 - San Juan Cancuc (Chiapas) (72.2)
3 - Chalchihuitán (Chiapas) (69.4)
4 - Mitontic (Chiapas) (68.3)
5 - Chenalhó (Chiapas) (62.68)
6 - Coicoyán de las Flores (Oaxaca) (62.57)
7 - Sitalá (Chiapas) (58.31)
8 - Xochistlahuaca (Guerrero) (58.24)
9 - Chamula (Chiapas) (57.53)
10 - Metlatónoc (Guerrero) (56.86)

10 municipalities in Mexico with lower values of Adult population speaking only indigenous language and not Spanish [%]

1 - Amacuzac (Morelos) (0.0)
2 - Axochiapan (Morelos) (0.0)
3 - Coatlán del Río (Morelos) (0.0)
4 - Emiliano Zapata (Morelos) (0.0)
5 - Huitzilac (Morelos) (0.0)
6 - Jojutla (Morelos) (0.0)
7 - Jonacatepec (Morelos) (0.0)
8 - Mazatepec (Morelos) (0.0)
9 - Miacatlán (Morelos) (0.0)
10 - Ocuituco (Morelos) (0.0)

Towns in Mexico

Other interesting maps of Mexico

- Dentists in Mexico per 10,000 inhabitants (2019 data)
- Fecundity in Mexico (number of children per woman) (2010 data)
- Degree of schooling in Mexico, in population over 15 years (2010 data)
- Degree of schooling in Mexico, in male population over 15 years (2010 data)
- Degree of schooling in Mexico, in female population over 15 years (2010 data)
- Economically active population over 12 years in Mexico (2010 data) [%]
- Population with catholic religion in Mexico (2010 data) [%]
- Non-Catholic Christian population (Protestant, Evangelical and Biblical religions different from Evangelical) in Mexico (2010 data) [%]
- Population coming from a State other than that in which they live (2010 data) [%]
- Indigenous population in Mexico (2010 data) [%]
- Adult population speaking indigenous languages in Mexico (2010 data) [%]
- Population with non-Christian religion (Oriental, Jewish, Islamic...) in Mexico (2010 data) [%]
- Population without declared religion or atheist in Mexico (2010 data) [%]
- Single population (older than 12) in Mexico (2010 data) [%]
- Human sex ratio (Women/Men) in Mexico (2010 data)
- Houses with car, van, or pickup in Mexico (2010 data) [%]
- Houses with cell phone in Mexico (2010 data) [%]
- Homes in Mexico with computer (2010 data) [%]
- Houses with electricity in Mexico (2010 data) [%]
- Houses with Internet connection in Mexico (2010 data) [%]
- Homes in Mexico with female head of household (main economic provider, female single-person, or only women at home) (2010 data) [%]
- Houses with washing machine in Mexico (2010 data) [%]
- Homes in Mexico with landline telephone (2010 data) [%]
- Homes in Mexico with TV (2010 data) [%]