Municipality of Tila

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Tila through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Tila, Petalcingo, or Nueva Esperanza.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Chiapas by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Tila?

Tila is a Municipality of 71432 inhabitants, placed in the State of Chiapas, with a fertility rate of 2.84 children per woman. 0.33% of the population migrated from outside the State of Chiapas. 96.97% of the population is indigenous, 95.30% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 26.88% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

56.96% of the inhabitants of Tila are Catholic, 41.49% are economically active and, within this active population, 99.09% are employed. Additionally, 77.61% of the dwellings have piped water and 0.86% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Tila do most people live?

According to our statistics of Tila, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Tila? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Tila through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Tila. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Tila. As an example, you can find towns and places around Tila.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Tila

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Tila:

Which is my place if I live in Tila?

1ro. de Mayo (57 inhabitants)
3 de Mayo (65 inhabitants)
Agua Fría (371 inhabitants)
Aguascalientes (18 inhabitants)
Anexo Lázaro Cárdenas (52 inhabitants)
Álvaro Obregón (1020 inhabitants)
Belisario Domínguez (483 inhabitants)
Campanario (565 inhabitants)
Cantioc (1478 inhabitants)
Carmen 1ra. Sección (45)
Carmen 2da. Sección (175)
Carmen 3ra. Sección (Carmen Chinal) (135)
Cerro Alto (11)
Cerro de Matamba (7)
Cerro Misopa (694)
Cerro San Antonio (83)
Cerro Santa Cruz (52)
Chachalaca (519)
Chayiljá (-)
Chebopa (324)
Chichonal (129)
Chijtieja (82)
Chinintié (985)
Chucpatiol (100)
Chuctiéja (520)
Chulum Cárdenas (1078)
Chulum Chico (245)
Chulum Chico Uno (388)
Chulum Hidalgo (435)
Chulum Iturbide (203)
Chulum Juárez (2716)
Chulum las Palmas (407)
Coquija (559)
Coquijá (Barrio San Miguel) (134)
Corozal Nuevo (168)
Corozil Viejo (117)
Corta Flor (103)
Cruz Palenque (261)
Cruz Verde (105)
Cucujá (69)
Dieciocho de Marzo (275)
El Calvario (359)
El Carrizal (1227)
El Castaño (45)
El Cielito (11)
El Crucero (679)
El Limar (3245)
El Mirador Anexo Jomajil (10)
El Ocotal (805)
El Paraíso (422)
El Porvenir (150)
El Refugio (87)
El Violín (129)
El Zapotal (75)
El Zapotal (72)
Emiliano Zapata (400)
Emiliano Zapata (63)
Emiliano Zapata Chulum Hidalgo (234)
Esperanza Ocotal (203)
Fracción Santa Anita (1)
Francisco I. Madero (83)
Gracias a Dios (239)
Gran Poder (13)
Guapacal (69)
Guayabil (75)
Huanal (324)
Ichich (52)
Jochinteol (488)
Jol-Ako (359)
Jolhuitz (226)
Jolja Tiontiepa (677)
Joljá (1700)
Jolmasoja (345)
Jolnishtie 1ra. Sección (556)
Jolnopa Guadalupe (605)
Nuevo Petalcingo (9)
Jolpokitioc (820)
Jolsibaquil (1400)
Jomajil (226)
Katieja (96)
La Ceiba Masoja Jonisthie (33)
La Cruz (184)
La Cumbre y Cuesta (322)
La Fuga (37)
La Independencia (517)
La Libertad (-)
La Montaña (137)
La Preciosa (126)
La Revolución (1009)
Las Palmas (107)
Las Palmitas (76)
Libertad Jolnishtie 2da. Sección (853)
Lomas Alegres (35)
Los Ángeles (276)
Los Dos Arbolitos (1)
Los Héroes (102)
Los Mangos (643)
Lumijá (197)
Masoja Chico (276)
Masoja Grande (463)
Masoja Shucjá (364)
Masoja Yochija (236)
Miguel Alemán Valdez (784)
Miguel Alemán Valdez Retorno Anexo (65)
Misija (1372)
Misopa Chinal (641)
Monterrey 1ra. Sección (164)
Monterrey 2da. Sección (387)
Nicolás Bravo (522)
Nueva Esperanza (4681)
Nueva Generación Chulum Chico (103)
Nuevo Limar (2197)
Nuevo México (197)
Ojipa (41)
Ostelucum (501)
Palo Negro (-)
Palo Negro (90)
Panchuc Corozil (396)
Panhuitz (166)
Panhuitz Tianijá (450)
Pansutzteol (328)
Pantianija (172)
Pants'Ajk (42)
Paso Chinal (657)
Patastal (174)
Petalcingo (7417)
Petiemol (142)
Pojol (24)
Río Grande (994)
Sañoja 1ra. Sección (142)
Sañoja 2da. Sección (65)
San Francisco Jimbal (82)
San José Changuinic (4)
San José Cristiani (103)
San Juan Carrizal 1ra. Sección (354)
San Nicolás (106)
San Valentín (-)
Santa Anita (9)
Santa Cruz (15)
Shoctic (1984)
Suctiojá (145)
Susuclumil (94)
Taquintenán (188)
Tila (9609)
Tiontiepa Benito Juárez (809)
Tiutzol (470)
Tocob Leglemal (2388)
Tres Picos (33)
Tza'Quil (517)
Unión Juárez (997)
Usipa (1341)
Veinte de Noviembre (124)
Venustiano Carranza (346)
Vicente Guerrero (371)
Victoria (442)
Villaflores (522)
Wilis 1ra. Sección (160)
Wilis 2da. Sección (399)
Wowoslumil (113)
Yok Pokitiok (785)
Zaquitel Ojo de Agua (275)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Tila:

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