Municipality of Sitalá

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Sitalá through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Sitalá, Santa Cruz la Reforma, or Golonchán Viejo.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Chiapas by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Sitalá?

Sitalá is a Municipality of 12269 inhabitants, placed in the State of Chiapas, with a fertility rate of 2.65 children per woman. 0.06% of the population migrated from outside the State of Chiapas. 96.54% of the population is indigenous, 96.12% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 58.31% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

71.76% of the inhabitants of Sitalá are Catholic, 38.81% are economically active and, within this active population, 98.22% are employed. Additionally, 57.98% of the dwellings have piped water and 0.22% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Sitalá do most people live?

According to our statistics of Sitalá, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Sitalá? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Sitalá through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Sitalá. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Sitalá. As an example, you can find towns and places around Sitalá.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Sitalá

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Sitalá:

Which is my place if I live in Sitalá?

11 de Abril (37 inhabitants)
Ach'Lum el Suspiro (170 inhabitants)
Arizona (50 inhabitants)
Batilá (55 inhabitants)
Berlín (3 inhabitants)
Buenos Aires (5 inhabitants)
Chabeclumil (545 inhabitants)
Don Pedro (437 inhabitants)
El Barranco (34 inhabitants)
El Carmen Santa Bárbara (40)
El Carmen San Antonio (11)
El Diamante (126)
El Encanto (22)
El Recreo (-)
El Rodeo (21)
El Rosario Anholo (144)
El Vergel (59)
Emiliano Zapata (192)
Fracción Jagualá (5)
Frontera Mevajá (10)
Génova (-)
Golonchán Nuevo Primera Fracción (268)
Golonchán Nuevo Segunda Fracción (303)
Golonchán Viejo (1305)
Guadalupe Captetaj (182)
Guadalupe Copatil (19)
Guadalupe el Rodeo (18)
Guadalupe Jagualá (180)
Guadalupe la Palma (22)
Guadalupe los Pinos (28)
Guadalupe Mazanil (323)
Guadalupe Peña Blanca 3ra. Sección (33)
Guadalupe Peña Blanca Primera (41)
Guadalupe Peña Blanca Segunda (207)
Guadalupe Picoté (68)
Guadalupe Porvenir (-)
Guadalupe Shucail (39)
Guadalupe Tulaquil (60)
Insurgente Picoté (926)
Jagualá Porvenir (41)
Jagualá Santa Cruz (11)
Jaguala Río Grande (35)
La Gloria (26)
La Merced (76)
La Palma (43)
La Palmita San Pedro (7)
La Providencia (89)
La Providencia (20)
La Trinidad (143)
La Trinitaria (43)
La Unión (567)
La Unión Jagualá (29)
La Ventana Pichitán (32)
Las Gardenias el Porvenir (10)
Los Alpes el Palmar (45)
Los Naranjos (30)
Mebaja (Rancho Nuevo) (27)
Mevaja Uno (11)
Nuevo Plan de Guadalupe Tzatel (104)
Nuevo Porvenir (136)
Ocotal Chabeclumil (51)
Ojo de Agua (-)
Ojo de Agua (Mebaja) (12)
Palestina (7)
Pamala (La Laguna) (6)
Paraíso Chicotánil (76)
Paraíso Santa Bárbara (22)
Perla el Vergel (30)
Picoté 2da. Fracción (63)
Picoté Pamalá (353)
Picote 3ra. Fracción (93)
Pomiltic (307)
Porfirio Encino (142)
Porvenir (19)
Rancho Nuevo (34)
Fracción Recreo (47)
San Agustín (108)
San Antonio el Rosario (113)
San Antonio Jaguala 2da. Fracción (5)
San Antonio Jagualá (12)
San Antonio Jagualá (44)
San Antonio los Alpes (25)
San AntonioTanial (26)
San Carlos (13)
San Francisco la Unión (313)
San Jerónimo (39)
San Joaquín (69)
San José (-)
San José Arenal (173)
San José Buenavista (-)
San José el Porvenir (30)
San José el Recreo (67)
San José Ilusión (65)
San José Jágualá (39)
San José la Unión (30)
San José Mebaja (43)
San José Mebaja 2da. Fracción (43)
San José Terranova (80)
San Juan Canakil (18)
San Juan de la Montaña (650)
San Juan Mazanil (99)
San Juan Ocotal (101)
San Juan Santa Bárbara (118)
San Juan Shucail (43)
San Juan Veracruz (80)
San Luis los Vertientes (19)
San Luis Xixintonil (102)
San Martín (117)
San Martín (Ciro Estrada) (-)
San Pablo (10)
San Pedro Buenavista (7)
San Pedro Chutel (4)
Santa Anita (68)
Santa Anita la Ceiba (38)
Santa Anita las Cruces (33)
Santa Bárbara Primera Fracción (133)
Santa Bárbara Segunda Fracción (38)
Santa Clara (53)
Santa Cruz Bahuitz (66)
Santa Cruz el Recreo (94)
Santa Cruz la Reforma (1175)
Santa Isabel (177)
Santo Domingo Fracción II (12)
Santo Domingo Shucail (23)
Sitalá (2091)
Tulaquil (-)
Vergel (11)
Villaflores (26)
Vistahermosa (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Sitalá:

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