Municipality of Oxchuc

All the data of the municipality of Oxchuc, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Oxchuc, Yoshib, or Mesbilja.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Chiapas.

Which is my place if I live in Oxchuc?

Oxchuc is a Municipality of 43350 inhabitants, placed in the State of Chiapas, with a fertility rate of 3.01 children per woman. 0.01% of the population migrated from outside the State of Chiapas. 99.03% of the population is indigenous, 98.03% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 41.69% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

44.29% of the inhabitants of Oxchuc are Catholic, 41.68% are economically active and, within this active population, 99.22% are employed. Additionally, 28.07% of the dwellings have piped water and 0.29% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Oxchuc?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Oxchuc and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Oxchuc? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Oxchuc through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Oxchuc. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Oxchuc. As an example, you can find towns and places around Oxchuc.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Oxchuc

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Oxchuc:

Which is my place if I live in Oxchuc?

16 de Septiembre (133 inhabitants)
Agua Azul (134 inhabitants)
Amayiljá (55 inhabitants)
Amayiljá II (46 inhabitants)
Anexo Media Luna (31 inhabitants)
Ararat (10 inhabitants)
Bajchén (220 inhabitants)
Balaxil (233 inhabitants)
Bawits (77 inhabitants)
Bella Vista (65)
Benito Juárez (970)
Biquit Lejlem (317)
Buenavista (190)
Buenavista (175)
Bumilja (384)
Campo Alegre (221)
Centro Tiakil-Santo Tomás (253)
Cha Alak Tik (56)
Chacamuc (322)
Chalam Jatateal (88)
Chalomchentik (29)
Chanwinkil (3)
Chaonil (486)
Chapultepec (21)
Ch'Ay K'Ajk (117)
Che'Entokal (-)
Chen'Pakinte (Corralito) (21)
Che'Naljá (-)
Ch'Enaljá (125)
Chenchauc (117)
Muk'ul Witz II (39)
Chenco (40)
Chijtal (186)
Chikpomiljá (333)
Chixoltic (-)
Cholol (265)
Chulna (718)
Conoilja (322)
Cruz Ajiljá (81)
Cruzilja (Media Luna) (82)
Cruztón (295)
El Arenal (80)
El Bosque (2)
El Calvario (242)
El Ciprés (52)
El Corralito (1169)
El Edén (219)
El Mash (420)
El Mirador (151)
El Niz (964)
El Paraíso (166)
El Paraíso (23)
El Porvenir Nejwits (63)
El Pozo (67)
El Pozo (173)
El Retiro (843)
El Tzay (2000)
Elumiljá (194)
Frontera las Casitas (36)
Gloria Tiaquil (419)
Guadalupe (210)
Guadalupe Bacja (583)
Guadalupe Xoixmal (320)
Ajtealjá (114)
Ijk'Alajaw (224)
Ik'Chawoj (-)
Jamcósh (413)
Jitón (296)
Cruz Joltón (12)
Jobiltón (242)
Joytón (231)
Jutuba (-)
Jutubá (246)
Ka'Talton (42)
Kolol (102)
Kistoljá (119)
Krusilja (-)
Kulak'Te (157)
La Cumbre (110)
La Frontera (644)
La Providencia (98)
La Victoria (-)
Laguna Espinal (42)
Lamalté Eltik (101)
Las Cañadas (97)
Las Flores (310)
Las Nubes (52)
Las Palmas (126)
Lelenchij (1061)
Lomenlum (165)
Lomjovel (77)
Loxoxtic (-)
Manzanailjá (344)
Mesbilja (2013)
Montebello (24)
Muk'Ul Witz (108)
Najá (132)
Nat'Ilton (59)
Navil (460)
Navil Tapja (196)
Nueva Betania (244)
Nueva Esperanza (173)
Nueva Independencia (475)
Nueva Maravilla (548)
Nuevo San Ramón (107)
Ojo de Agua (36)
Ojo de Agua (103)
Ok'Och Najt'Il Wits (108)
Oxchuc (10356)
Pacvilná (361)
Pamal Navil (319)
Paxtonticjá (1103)
Patria Nueva (134)
Petmaxtic (38)
Piedra Escrita (323)
Pilalchén (59)
Pino Suárez (87)
Plaza Yochib (375)
Po-Ojil (203)
Porvenir (130)
Pozo de Piedra (102)
Puliljá (606)
Rancho del Cura (565)
Sak'IIch'En (18)
Saklumiljá (147)
Sak Muk'Uljá (69)
San Juan (43)
San Juan del Valle (189)
San Marcos (105)
Tajaltik (43)
San Rafael Jolja (80)
Santa Cruz (247)
Santa Teresa la Reforma (121)
Santo Domingo (286)
Santo Tomás (-)
Silailja (168)
Sna'Jalow (138)
Ste Max (222)
Stenlej Akil (432)
Stenlejtul (203)
Suytikil (219)
Tejk'Abalch'En (459)
Temax (211)
Tiakil (277)
Tierra Blanca (161)
Tierra Blanca (-)
Tolbiljá (613)
Ts'Akuitic (79)
Tzutiljá (135)
Tuxaquiljá (629)
Tzacubilja (414)
Tzajalchén (228)
Tzajalococh (58)
Tzibultik (77)
Tzontealja (1095)
Tzopilja (1530)
Tzunún (224)
Tzununiljá (222)
Tzununilja (Media Luna) (-)
Vistahermosa (136)
Vistahermosa (63)
Xaktik (83)
Xenen (297)
Xlocatón (229)
Xontealjá (31)
Ya'Al Okil (206)
Yaalcotz (84)
Yaalwakax (228)
Yancheniljá (56)
Yoshib (3625)
Yut Lumiljá (44)
Tzotealjá (80)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Oxchuc:

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