Municipality of Mazatán

All the data of the municipality of Mazatán, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Mazatán, Buenos Aires, or Marte R. Gómez.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Chiapas.

Which is my place if I live in Mazatán?

Mazatán is a Municipality of 26573 inhabitants, placed in the State of Chiapas, with a fertility rate of 2.66 children per woman. 1.80% of the population migrated from outside the State of Chiapas. 0.85% of the population is indigenous, 0.41% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

65.36% of the inhabitants of Mazatán are Catholic, 46.51% are economically active and, within this active population, 98.39% are employed. Additionally, 21.93% of the dwellings have piped water and 2.16% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Mazatán do most people live?

According to our statistics of Mazatán, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Mazatán? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Mazatán through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Mazatán. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Mazatán. As an example, you can find towns and places around Mazatán.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Mazatán

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Mazatán:

Which is my place if I live in Mazatán?

Adolfo López Mateos (492 inhabitants)
Adolfo Ruiz Cortines (859 inhabitants)
Alberto R. Cerdio V. (57 inhabitants)
Aquiles Serdán (1008 inhabitants)
Aquiles Serdán (1ra. Ampliación) (- inhabitants)
Aquiles Serdán (Sector de Producción) (90 inhabitants)
Argelia (1 inhabitants)
Los Mangos (- inhabitants)
Badenia (418 inhabitants)
Barbis (3)
Barra de San Simón (142)
Bethel (5)
Buenos Aires (4445)
Canta las Palmas (2)
Carlos Gerardo (5)
Chuniapa (385)
Corral Falso (7)
Cuatro Caminos (397)
Cuatro Caminos Dos (96)
19 de Abril (180)
Efraín A. Gutiérrez (637)
El Aguacate (498)
El Bonito (-)
El Buenavista (3)
El Carmen Número Doce (-)
El Carmen Número Nueve (6)
El Carnero (25)
El Cairo (-)
El Castaño (5)
Las Águilas (-)
El Corralito (907)
Los Limones (-)
El Dorado (-)
El Embarcadero (9)
El Encanto (El Casquito) (-)
San Juan (2)
El Manguito (14)
El Naranjo (-)
El Naranjo (-)
El Palmar (-)
El Palmar (4)
El Paraiso (-)
El Águila (6)
El Progreso (9)
El Progreso (4)
El Roble (6)
El Roble (59)
El Sacrificio (-)
El Silencio (3)
El Solitario (-)
El Tesoro (-)
El Triunfo I (Santa Cruz) (268)
El Triunfo 2da. Sección (131)
El Tucayo (5)
El Vergel (3)
El Vivero (-)
El Yaital (5)
El Zapotal (4)
Emiliano Zapata (Las Varillas) (241)
Emiliano Zapata I (168)
Emilio Hernández (13)
Escondido (-)
Florencia (-)
Genaro Vázquez Rojas (110)
Las Amparos (4)
Guadalupe (293)
Guadalupe Nuevo Milenio (61)
Guanacastal 1ra. Sección (416)
Guanacastal 2da. Sección (387)
Jardín las Flores (218)
La Brecha (-)
La Candelaria (-)
La Concepción (-)
La Esperanza (-)
La Esperanza (5)
La Estrella (10)
La Gloria (264)
Normandía (-)
La Herradura (-)
La Nueva (-)
Don Gilberto (La Perla del Cohatán) (-)
La Primavera (-)
La Providencia (-)
La Soledad (17)
La Victoria (630)
El Ameal (5)
Las Carolinas (53)
Las Flores (-)
Las Morelias (-)
Las Perlas (San Isidro) (-)
Cantón las Varillitas (117)
Lázaro Cárdenas (Los Cuates) (182)
Los Amigos (9)
Los Ángeles (8)
Mayela (Los Cabales) (4)
Los Claveles (-)
Los Gavilanes (2)
Los Mangos (1)
Los Tres Hermanos (10)
Magdalena (-)
María de Lourdes (13)
María del Carmen (21)
El Palmar (-)
Marte R. Gómez (1399)
Pista Aérea Marte R. Gómez (140)
Mazatán (7774)
Mi Esperanza (4)
Ojo de Agua (-)
Ojo de Agua (253)
Ojo de Agua (-)
Orlando Cigarroa (122)
Oro Verde (101)
Otilio Cruz (7)
Paxtal (423)
Pilar Sitalá (13)
Pinotepa (-)
Casa de la Playa (-)
Punta el Llano (31)
Ramiro Nava Zúñiga (-)
Rancho Alegre (4)
San Agustín (2)
Rogelio Peñalosa Arroyo (100)
San Agustín (-)
San Agustín Uno (-)
San Andrés Suyacal (401)
San Andrés (2)
San Antonio (-)
San Francisco (Tortuguero) (6)
San José (-)
San José de los Llanos (795)
San José (9)
San José el Hueyate (963)
San Juan Bautista (1)
San Judas Tadeo (163)
San Lázaro (4)
San Luis (-)
San Martín (4)
San Martín (-)
Los Ponchos (-)
Barra de San Simón (266)
Santa Ana (-)
Santa Anita (14)
Santa Bárbara (-)
Santa Cecilia (1)
Santa Clara (610)
Santa Clara I (-)
Santa Elena (-)
Santa Ene (2)
Cantón Santa Lucía (44)
Santa Ofelia (La Coquera) (4)
Santa Rosa (-)
Santa Rosa (-)
Tres Hermanos (35)
Tuxtlita (-)
Vicente Guerrero (86)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Mazatán:

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