Municipality of Escuintla

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Escuintla through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Escuintla, El Triunfo, or San Felipe Tizapa.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Chiapas by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Escuintla?

Escuintla is a Municipality of 30068 inhabitants, placed in the State of Chiapas, with a fertility rate of 2.94 children per woman. 1.81% of the population migrated from outside the State of Chiapas. 3.52% of the population is indigenous, 1.47% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

51.75% of the inhabitants of Escuintla are Catholic, 44.19% are economically active and, within this active population, 96.55% are employed. Additionally, 65.54% of the dwellings have piped water and 2.82% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Escuintla do most people live?

According to our statistics of Escuintla, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Escuintla? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Escuintla through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Escuintla. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Escuintla. As an example, you can find towns and places around Escuintla.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Escuintla

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Escuintla:

Which is my place if I live in Escuintla?

15 de Junio Dos (124 inhabitants)
4 de Octubre (368 inhabitants)
5 de Octubre (190 inhabitants)
Lindavista (- inhabitants)
Agua Escondida (6 inhabitants)
Agua Escondida (El Crucero) (159 inhabitants)
Altamira (1 inhabitants)
Ampliación el Triunfo (37 inhabitants)
Ángel Canallama Roblero [Ángel Canallama Roblero (4 inhabitants)
Eutimio Díaz Díaz (4)
Armenia (30)
Artemio Roblero [Artemio Roblero (5)
Avicinia (Rancho Bonito) (19)
Belén (83)
Belisario Domínguez (154)
La Esperanza (-)
Berlín (1)
Bolivia (82)
Bolivia (-)
Brisas del Soconusco (150)
Buenavista (118)
Buenavista (87)
Santa Cruz (2)
Buenavista III (78)
Buenos Aires (3)
Canutillo (64)
Catorce de Noviembre (89)
Chapingo Uno (-)
Ciconcimafrán (5)
Cintalapa (868)
Colombia Dos (149)
Copainalá (12)
Cuatro Caminos (1)
Cuauhtémoc Chachalaca (130)
Cuyamiapa (4)
Deyner Díaz [Deyner Díaz (1)
Doctor Belisario Domínguez (127)
Efraín Vera Mena [Efraín Vera Mena (2)
El Arenal (92)
El Barrial (79)
El Cacao (9)
El Canario (-)
El Castaño (3)
El Cimiento (-)
El Diamante (6)
El Encuentro (90)
Monte Oreb el Esfuerzo (5)
El Horizonte (99)
El Horizonte I (175)
El Jardín (2)
El Jilguero (44)
El Jobal (-)
El Jordán (120)
El Manantial (-)
El Mango (104)
El Mirador (27)
El Nance (1)
El Naranjo (11)
El Naranjito (136)
El Naranjo 2 (21)
El Palomar (8)
El Paraíso (3)
El Paraíso (2)
El Quiché (68)
El Recuerdo (228)
El Rosario (-)
El Sauce (-)
El Tesoro (1)
El Texanito (26)
El Tránsito (2)
El Triunfo (2418)
El Tumbador (6)
El Vergel (3)
Zacualpa Dos (113)
El Vergel (29)
3 de Mayo (112)
El Zapote (45)
Rancho Escondido (-)
Escuintla (10624)
Fracción Bandera (26)
Fracción el Joval (25)
24 de Abril (5)
Francisco Villa (275)
Grijalva (242)
Guadalupe (302)
Héctor Alvarado Herrera (49)
Hoja Blanca (241)
Idamia (-)
Independencia I (524)
Independencia II (155)
Jalapa (249)
Jerusalén (6)
Santa Cecilia (1)
Jorge Chanlati (-)
Jorge Robledo López (5)
San Luis (2)
Juárez (8)
La Alianza (120)
La Cruz (33)
La Cruz (4)
La Esperanza (36)
La Esperanza (7)
La Gloria (-)
La Herencia (1)
La Independencia (1019)
La Karla (7)
La Lucha (89)
Fraccionamiento Nuevo Milenio (Nueva Francia) (284)
La Pampita (125)
La Paz (2)
La Paz (6)
La Permuta (-)
La Providencia (6)
La Providencia (8)
La Unión (2)
La Unidad (4)
La Veguita (143)
Las Brisas (-)
Las Bugambilias (-)
Las Flores (50)
Las Luces (5)
Las Malvinas (99)
Las Nubes (137)
Las Nubes (26)
Las Palmas (-)
Las Vegas (246)
Lázaro Cárdenas (47)
Lindavista (4)
Llano Grande (57)
Llano Grande Palestina (148)
Los Cimientos (82)
Los Coazoles (8)
Los Cocos (7)
Los Cocos (3)
Los Cocos (-)
San Juan (9)
Los Coquitos (2)
Los Costeños (50)
Los Delfines (1)
Los Juanes (1)
Los Laureles (10)
Los Laureles (20)
Los Limones (84)
Los Mangos (Reforma) (17)
Los Paisanos (3)
Los Tres Hermanos (5)
Madre Selva (4)
Manacal Llano Grande (414)
Nueva Jerusalén (2)
Miramar Tres Estrellas (19)
Montagua (79)
Las Mercedes (65)
Montecristo (3)
Nueva California (122)
Nueva Francia (397)
Nueva Morelia (175)
Nueva Reforma (119)
Nueva Sonora (4)
Nuevo Llano Grande (571)
Ocho de Agosto (494)
Ojo de Agua II (51)
Ojo de Agua (77)
Ovando la Piñuela (195)
Ovando Turquía (355)
Paisaje del Danubio (7)
Palo Blanco (187)
Paraíso (3)
Parada de Transporte El Mango (-)
Paso del Norte (58)
Paso del Norte (12)
Pénjamo (12)
Pensamiento (5)
Rancho Alegre Santa Esther (1)
Rancho Bonito (-)
Rancho Nuevo (4)
Río Frío (1)
Ricardo Flores Magón (211)
Nuevo Pensamiento (5)
Rosarito la Piñuela (76)
San Antonio (1)
San Antonio (3)
San Antonio Miramar (189)
San Benito (97)
San Felipe Tizapa (1264)
San Francisco (21)
San José (2)
San José Buenavista (-)
San José Filapa (1)
El Carmen (191)
Sacramento (5)
San Juan (2)
San Juan Panamá (153)
San Lucas (101)
San Luis (-)
San Luis (-)
San Pedro (27)
San Román (6)
Santa Cecilia (-)
Santa Cruz (39)
Santa Elena (-)
Santa Emilia (140)
San Luis (4)
Santa Hermila (3)
Santa Isabel (96)
Santa Martha (-)
Santa Rita (11)
Santa Rita de Casia (-)
Santa Rosa (70)
Santa Roselia (3)
Santa Teresa (-)
Santa Teresa (-)
Santa Teresa (35)
Santa Teresita (12)
Santa Teresita (2)
Santo Domingo (-)
Sol y Sombra (8)
Veloes (Solo Dios) (4)
Tres Hermanos (3)
Tres Ríos (33)
Unión Buenavista (2)
Unión Jamaica (786)
Vado Ancho (40)
Vega de Juárez (40)
Rincón Veracruz (753)
Villa Coapa (13)
Villa Coapa (-)
Villahermosa (2)
Los Limones (5)
Vistahermosa (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Escuintla:

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