Municipality of Amatán

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Amatán through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Amatán, Reforma y Planada, or San Antonio Tres Picos (Tres Picos Montaña).

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Chiapas by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Amatán?

Amatán is a Municipality of 21275 inhabitants, placed in the State of Chiapas, with a fertility rate of 3.01 children per woman. 0.83% of the population migrated from outside the State of Chiapas. 48.87% of the population is indigenous, 36.00% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.86% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

36.17% of the inhabitants of Amatán are Catholic, 41.24% are economically active and, within this active population, 98.25% are employed. Additionally, 67.68% of the dwellings have piped water and 0.05% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Amatán do most people live?

According to our statistics of Amatán, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Amatán? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Amatán through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Amatán. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Amatán. As an example, you can find towns and places around Amatán.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Amatán

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Amatán:

Which is my place if I live in Amatán?

Acapulco (92 inhabitants)
Adolfo López Mateos (334 inhabitants)
Adolfo López Mateos (25 inhabitants)
Amatán (4327 inhabitants)
Anexo Amatán (24 inhabitants)
Anexo la Loma (109 inhabitants)
Anexo las Margaritas (San Martín) (186 inhabitants)
Arroyo Seco (107 inhabitants)
Benito Juárez (247 inhabitants)
Berlín (117)
Buenavista (271)
Buenos Aires (Limoncito) (122)
Carmen Jucuma (318)
Cerro Blanco (326)
Cerro Colorado (58)
Cerro del Zapotal (20)
Chaspa (113)
Congregación la Loma 2da. Sección (188)
Constitución (231)
Cuatro Milpas (17)
El Belén (85)
El Cajón (-)
El Calvario (970)
El Carmen (48)
El Carmen (120)
El Cerrito Puyacatengo (67)
El Chinal (43)
El Escalón (9)
El Limón (604)
El Limón 2da. Sección (18)
El Mirador (Berlín) (366)
El Naranjo 2da. Sección (296)
El Naranjo 1ra. (100)
El Paraíso (-)
El Paraíso (64)
El Platanar (49)
El Porvenir Tres Picos (281)
El Porvenir Tres Picos 2da. Sección (678)
El Recibimiento (7)
El Remolino (143)
El Retiro (336)
El Santuario (5)
Emiliano Zapata (177)
Escalón (14)
Escalón 1ra. Fracción (El Baril) (272)
Esmeralda (-)
Esquipulas (308)
Esquipulas (-)
Estrella (16)
Flor del Río (109)
Francisco I. Madero (714)
Francisco I. Madero Ampliación (62)
Francisco Villa (259)
Guadalupe Victoria (854)
La Candelaria (54)
La Concordia (3)
La Esmeralda (3)
La Esperancita (-)
La Esperanza (686)
La Estrella (Miguel Alamilla) (8)
La Granja (74)
La Guadalupe (12)
La Loma 1ra. Sección (167)
La Loma el Llano (93)
La Lomita (75)
La Maravilla (-)
La Maravilla (15)
La Planada (El Palmar) (-)
La Selva (5)
Las Delicias (16)
Las Gardenias (14)
Linda Vista Arroyo Grande (115)
Lindavista (91)
Lindavista (Palestina) (28)
Lindavista 1ra. Sección (84)
Lindavista 2da. Sección (39)
Lonchén (49)
Los Caracoles (410)
Los Hernández (42)
Los Méndez (-)
Los Olivares (116)
Los Tulipanes (89)
Mazantic (-)
Mazatlán (11)
Miguel Hidalgo (178)
Monterrey (5)
Morelia (414)
Morelia 2da. Sección (259)
Morelos (47)
Morelos los Chávez (40)
Nanchital (136)
Campo Verde (99)
Nueva Constitución (51)
Nueva Estrella (181)
Nueva York (8)
Nuevo Acapulco (26)
Nuevo Amanecer (15)
Nuevo Arenal 1ra. Sección (159)
Nuevo Arenal 2da. Sección (La Esperanza) (3)
Nuevo Buenavista (13)
Nuevo Guerrero (131)
Nuevo San Lorenzo (La Choza) (166)
Nuevo Terán (253)
Piedra Blanca (412)
Primavera (57)
Primavera (El Suspiro) (-)
Pueblo Nuevo de la Nueva Constitución (43)
Puyacatengo (-)
Rancho Alegre (27)
Cerro Azul (Rancho) (12)
Rayo del Alba (6)
Reforma y Planada (1268)
Río el Paraíso (16)
Rosario 1ra. Sección (124)
Rosario 2da. Sección (163)
Rosario Tercera Sección (88)
San Andrés (163)
San Andrés Tres Picos (72)
San Antonio (10)
San Antonio (3)
San Antonio Tres Picos (346)
San Carlos (5)
San Felipe (2)
San Fernando (154)
San Isidro (-)
San Isidro (4)
San José (Bartolo) (27)
San José Buenavista (223)
San José la Loma (115)
Rivera Pucayatengo (133)
San Lorenzo (719)
San Lorenzo (8)
San Marcos (-)
San Miguel Tres Picos (279)
San Pedro (-)
San Sebastián (54)
San Sebastián 2da. Sección (60)
Santa Cruz (3)
Santa Cruz el Azufre (211)
Sinaí (5)
Sonora (185)
Sumidero (49)
Tabasqueño (29)
Tierra Morada (79)
Tres Hermanos (-)
Valentín de la Sierra (126)
Nueva Buenavista (46)
Vida Mejor (253)
Villa Luz (144)
Villaflores (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Amatán:

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