Schools in Tzabalhó (Chiapas)

We have many schools in Tzabalhó (Chiapas). Browse through the list below to analyze classroom hours or distance education and make a good choice for your children's school.

Municipality of Chenalhó and its best centers to study.

From these localities of the municipality of Chenalhó children attend the following schools.
  1. Agua Viva (329 inhabitants)
  2. Buenavista (48 inhabitants)
  3. Carmelita Atzam (89 inhabitants)
  4. Chimix Primera (254 inhabitants)
  5. Chimix Quinta (- inhabitants)
  6. Javaltón (357 inhabitants)
  7. Nijoj (99 inhabitants)
  8. Payamchit (123 inhabitants)
  9. Primera Fracción Naranjatic Bajo (171 inhabitants)
  10. Stenlejtic (144 inhabitants)
  11. Takiukum Primera Fracción (228 inhabitants)
  12. Tepeyac (242 inhabitants)
  13. Tichén (77 inhabitants)
  14. Yabteclum Fracción Tres (239 inhabitants)
  15. Yut-Uk'Um (111 inhabitants)

Anahuac, Elementary Education (indigenous preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Tzabalho
Postal Code: 29870

Valentin Gomez Farias, Elementary Education (indigenous Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Intermittent
Address: Tzabalho
Postal Code: 29870
