Schools in Tlalmaya (Benito Juárez, Veracruz)
Where to study in Tlalmaya? In the State of Veracruz and in this town there is a diversity of schools. Distance education or classroom hours are important data to analyze.
Where to study in the Municipality of Benito Juárez.
In the following towns in the municipality of Benito Juárez live the students who attend the listed schools.
- Acxitla (45 inhabitants)
- Ahuapilol (33 inhabitants)
- Bellavista (20 inhabitants)
- Coyolpani (4 inhabitants)
- El Estero Chico (204 inhabitants)
- El Nogal (Hueyáhuatl) (6 inhabitants)
- El Tamarindo (6 inhabitants)
- Escuatitla (99 inhabitants)
- Huiloapa (250 inhabitants)
- Ixtacahuayo (197 inhabitants)
- Macuiltonalixco (- inhabitants)
- Tlaltzintla (254 inhabitants)
- Tlatlapango Chico (165 inhabitants)
- Tzicatipa (46 inhabitants)
- Yupiltitla (190 inhabitants)
Adolfo Lopez Mateos, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Postal Code: 92661
Centro De Castellanizacion, Elementary Education (indigenous preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Junto Al Arroyo
Postal Code: 92661