Schools in Tepeyac (Chenalhó, Chiapas)

We have many schools in Tepeyac (Chiapas). Browse through the list below to analyze educational platform or computers and make a good choice for your children's school.

Municipality of Chenalhó and its best centers to study.

In the following towns in the municipality of Chenalhó live the students who attend the listed schools.
  1. Atzamilho (472 inhabitants)
  2. Bachén de Yaxgemel (119 inhabitants)
  3. Bajolchén (76 inhabitants)
  4. Canvinic (153 inhabitants)
  5. Chimix Dos (186 inhabitants)
  6. Fracción San Pedro (264 inhabitants)
  7. Loom (142 inhabitants)
  8. Majomut (292 inhabitants)
  9. Majonpepentik (337 inhabitants)
  10. Nuevo Yaxalumil (137 inhabitants)
  11. Centro Nuevo Yibeljoj (612 inhabitants)
  12. Oximbo (147 inhabitants)
  13. Takiukum Primera Fracción (228 inhabitants)
  14. Torostic (191 inhabitants)
  15. Tzeltal (848 inhabitants)

Jaime Sabines Gutierrez, Elementary Education (indigenous Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Intermittent
Address: Tepeyac
Postal Code: 29870
