Schools in Tepechica (Veracruz)

Where to study in Tepechica? In the State of Veracruz and in this town there is a diversity of schools. Students or physical education are important data to analyze.

In the Municipality of Chalma there is a high quality of educational centers.

The students of these schools come from other towns in the municipality of Chalma.
  1. Apachahuala (2 inhabitants)
  2. Chamizal (322 inhabitants)
  3. Cuatepixtla (97 inhabitants)
  4. Las Flores (2 inhabitants)
  5. Lázaro Cárdenas (35 inhabitants)
  6. Los Monos (1 inhabitants)
  7. Luisarte (3 inhabitants)
  8. Patricio Chirinos (32 inhabitants)
  9. San Pedro Coyutla (1333 inhabitants)
  10. Santa Filomena (1 inhabitants)
  11. Santa Quitería (300 inhabitants)
  12. Tepechica (66 inhabitants)
  13. Tepetzintla (78 inhabitants)
  14. Tetilco (10 inhabitants)
  15. Zapotitla (171 inhabitants)

Tepechica, Elementary Education (Preschool Conafe)

Type: Public (Mexican Federal, Organismo Descentralizado De La Secretaria De Educacion Publica)
School hours: Morning

Tonatiuh, Elementary Education (indigenous Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
